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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 2/Question#7 (reveal difficulty score)
A 75-year-old man with a 10-year history of ...
Hydrostatic pressure in Bowman space 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: renal

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submitted by hvancampen(7)
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Aognccdir to ,nemlu t"eh nBomas’w csualpe ecasp etsxer icsdrhtytoa euprsesr of tis won that ssuhep tgnsaai the u.glslumoer Iersnadce ow’manBs eulcspa hydosrcitta puesrsre lliw eercased ,RGF liewh eddaeecsr ’nmBsaow salecup oshdtraitcy ssureepr lilw anescier .GRF

An eemxalp fo iths is a utrere osornuitcbt to eht lowf of rnuie htta alglruday csseau a ilfdu luiupdb tnwiih teh pn.hnrseo nA rscobttuion lwli eisrenac eth maBoswn’ ecaslpu iyrdsoctaht euerprss nad lliw qncoenlsueyt deaecsre F"GR.


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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by guillo12(58)
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yhW erseh't no naiesrec ni trasctHidyo rpuresse ni alroulgrem lrilpecasi?a

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rihan  entBwee eth llousrumge adn onaBms'w cepas ether si a ditactsyroh rrupeses gsdrhet.i anTi ediartgn is ymlrnlao het rsltue of a ERALG mluegarrlo iohtatsydrc rssuerep nda a WLO peurrses in s'owmBan apsec hcwhi lmyorlna rafsov ltagmrtiDoaa. ifnir heer: /lp0oG.npriscesmy//lutlypolhdota/opggato:1onlw-8n2ueuas-tipip.n/rhml7/Ftco0t/r In teh asce of en-ptsloar ostu,rbotinc otscahridty esperurs bindeh hte ekadcolb lilw ersi dan riune liwl xlfure niot teh pacalurs spcea dan rnlae ubsleut lhei(w arolglermu rydtatiohcs sprueser si utnf)ceafde cviefyeftel esianegcdr hte rpuresse tndrigae hhiwc resecud eth inlotrtifa tear. +6
jurrutia  yWh udwlo an seeiarcn ni seprusre in odbol evsssle ucsea yhssop?nridoerh The emblrop ash to eb ni hte perhnno iefst.l +
makingstrides  a@urrtjiu I ktnhi htat is enibg redsnmadoett e.erh I ipdcke lralumegro aiicsleplar ngiknthi fo eth rewnssa w.ognr heT errictue ctstorbouin cseusa a kbucap htta aedsl a ot a hhig tsyirochadt prrsusee in het bwonma asce.p erfTeo,erh enrenptgvi ntal.rtfiio eTh asecu of the lerna areiful an'ct be fmor eth ruralelgom pilcialrsea eeusbac teh blcko 'inst igenb dsauec e;trhe it is edcsau by thsmnioeg pots eeurtr dldt(aei retru).e +

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submitted by mari17(2)
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eTh ageorlurml airoflttin erat (FRG) denpeds no het nlreiatpy of itrycdtasoh and noitocc esuspesrr in the ragoemllru caarilpiles adn mBsao'wn Teh RFG cssereina iwth ihregh gemlaurorl htratdosicy ueessrrp adn escresead ihtw rgnicaesin a'osnwBm alpseuc ythscatidor urrssepe or ihhgre uolrgerlma yalaiprlc octnico usrs.reep tcueA rreeautl nucrtooitsb esrsicnae rstdaihtyco rusrsepe iaxrmplo to the .rnsctiotoicn sihT surepers rsie is rstmnteaitd akcb to eht s'moawnB ,aepcs ersngtuil ni eeadrsedc R.FG

:coSreu DWOLUR

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submitted by famylife(110)
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oNt a fllu nswear but 'sti a trtsa (ni eth cottxne fo an iotcto)ru:snb coisrt"uObnt of neuri owfl srtuels ni na sneiacer ni tacoyrsihdt psesserur plaroxmi to hte stei of tborniucsot. tI is htis pbiudul of reserpsu that salde ot eth ynapcmocaing inpa, teh niottsiend fo the itlocengcl syesmt in the ,yednki dan edvleaet nbraiultautr ersprusse atht itiaietn arubult sfind.tnoucy nI eth fsirt dysa of ,orbconisutt hte ndtaiaiotl fo hte oyrplo omntilcpa occeigtlnl emstsy aym be mminil.a sA the nreaiesdc stydtochiar erpsuers is eersdspxe ni teh raiurny casep fo hte gil,oeurlm ruretfh tlniitaorf dssceaeer ro otpss ep"lytm.oelc ssari,'o(Hnr 20,e rephtCa 133)

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trichotillomaniac  teh key erhe si the trme tyrcnhpdiroohe .yidkne ntiemya tereh si aht,t erhet is a tosp anrel iotnrutcosb of seom s.otr heT ctfa atht he hsa reposirsgve arlen liarfue sjut ttsnciourbe to het diae ttah sih yksined ahev eens aedagm eerbof dna aer tno labe to hisdwttna hte rsespuer rmof teh kabc pu sa .llew I otg eirdptp pu on ehT irtpaomtn intgh ot eotn si ahtt ryhioopHndesrs dan naiolitd = ackb up = seicndrae in oulmve seuesprr )trs(dohyaitc +6

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by an1(114)
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ignskA baotu eth ,UCSAE not teh rspnseeo. The eusac for a ildadte trereu si senardeci G.RF

4 lesuav rae diecceosPdrn seeiar(ncs upsh tion rruete cdeor Ptiin)i sreiencsa( upsh itno πs)cw banmo eesr(sianc upll niot inmbsowπ)a aicesnse(r ullp toni rntciodei fo e)rertu

fI ererut si dltd,iae teh smbonaw saplcue is PNUHSGI out more liduf g—;t& cendreisa GRF (ihgh )cP dna ungllip sesl wl(o )cπ

oGt tshi gnowr csuebea I uothght ehyt etwnad ot nokw tahw hte eoesnrps duowl .e.b.

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an1  ot dad ot etnmcom ^: ,B ,C D t’dno fctaef .GFR E wodul ineceasr FRG btu is kyilueln ot eb hte scaeu hree. +

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