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NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 2/Question#39 (reveal difficulty score)
A 39-year-old woman with obesity and recently ...
Gemfibrozil ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: pharm lipid_disorders fibrates

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 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—monkd(21)
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mA I azcry or did Udlwor ont eavh a nqseotiu atht tadest Stitasn are het mots veecfefit drgu aergdrless of easblien pii.dsl hisT oiglc tehwr ym .fof

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adisdiadochokinetic  Yuo ear otn z.rcay I gto stih tinesquo gonrw rof het seam naeros ubt r'eshe yhw I tknih BENM swa giogn whti aftsieb.r uYo anc sue het edrwediaFl qneaotui ot taculaecl LDL eoehcltrlso ormf eth euaslv hyet siTh quoeiatn si LDL= laTto lDolCHetoreh-Ls 5-/rsTrc)oelgiyCsdthir(e.oelle heT 5/geeTlidrsircy trem is an itmeseat orf .LDLV fI uyo tlalacceu ti ni htis aces oyu teg na DLL of 012 hiwhc is mlfriy mnolar nda hstu eth aneittp wdlou iebylstnos not btefein fmor tasint +14
hello36654  gom ehwn hte ellh am I oingg ot mmeeberr htsi auni?otqe ,ssussssseJsu hits dink fo leatsdi ekmsa em wnta ot igve pu on ETSP +4
almondbreeze  rHe gola LLD ohlsud litls be 1&,00t;l cb ehs hsa 3 CDH skir ntau q(veisle2010aa830#p1w//h2pt10ghr877pwa3otfp00.3mt.-:2f///p0.t2/l1wfaps0 )DCH rksi iuaqetvnltee=h rojam krsi sarcfto ahtt doyfmi DLL gosal ) 1 M5e&,4;tgag( 55;g)t&F, 2) gmkions atsstu, 3) g/;eo0)1ht(yet4pns,&r9i0n )4 ow HLD velle (4&t0;l,) and 5) lfayim o.rtishy (pp20p0//rw/1wafp824gtsm.1//7#wl.f:hac-3h0t/0etsao.) +
almondbreeze  wol* HDL lvr(leerfe e to btael 3 fo hte ie)ctalr +
makinallkindzofgainz  Tehse yusg aer hittign pu nne-aettelligdv lasvourcaradic rksi cftoar cciaunltslao, nwhaeeilm I pikdce santsti aseubce I inthk I mbreemre ahtt htye phel eth rteha +14
jimdooder  oS I ddene up oging ithw bsfreiat ecaeubs of her gae ()3.9 I yvaeugl rreeembm nbeig gttauh ttha tsstnia rea elryal ylno emoemcddrne fro eitnptsa gt04;& cesubea eth ibg dsyut tath caem uot taoub ehmt saw ni eth 04-57 gae pr.oug I nhtik isht tmgih nucotirteb ot the isetoqnu btu m'I ton ottlyal u .ersim:nin/iPridwierptpoi/envpe/_y.aoraSwtr/iin#t.gskhkteta +
ytho  shiT sioqtnue iindrspe ym resenc nmea +2
cbreland  t"itnSas era wsyala eht esn"w,ar a"Ft leFame 04 rel"tFi,e traiFes"b anc esuac gsalonsle.t" I efle lied to +
brise  Im' ton sure fi shti tounisqe is tcrrc.eo I esohc itsstna adoccirgn ot tawh na nniattdeg ldot em nad DLRUWO 2, I ustj ntew ckab to hceck dna no rdouwl ,2 uyo lyno cdisrneo ginvgi rietasfb fi erith TG vlslee rea vaboe 0,.100 So kid hawt teh nbem is io.gksmn Or fi scotrdo yltcaual irwte heets uq.toseisn +
kavarthapuanusha  yhW era ew ngigo doawtrs dptcalomice uaotn?qeis? We vahe rcdaeees rlcgreeitdsiy nad creinesa dhl hrreotefe sterfiab ... fI it eerw csedrnegia LLD hetn lowud go for tts.n..ias nlyO enriacse hdl ainmly og rof icanni t.i.s ni orlwdu dan af +1

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hayayah(1212)
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iebfrFzlimo si a iabfrt,e desu ofr rnileogw GT elslve.

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mousie  I slao hseoc fiolGmrbzei too esuecba sit het stbe GT wgenorli drug tedils tbu I cna ees ewhre rehet himgt be meso rde lagsf fro hist drgu ni eht way yteh adkse eth tie..s.unoq 04 raye old esboe owmna itwh eosm uprep mbioaland pina ..... ELOLH ALGL TOESSN chwih si a cmomno dersvae cmeouto fo +11
uslme123  lleW I tdni'd annwa eivg a t,af tyrof, felam,e atth skmseo a tifa.bre oS a itsatn, for m,e swa eht tbes next tp.iono +9
whoissaad  deUs mesa angnsoier to oscohe sitan.ts riFsbate era het imna dgru of eocich rfo ceiieamlhrdiygrrpeyt tbu vgnie erh ymt,smpso naststi emad remo .esnes hyW od they od this ot u.s.. +
roaaaj  wath a itcykr !ntoiqesu herte aer liupmetl cfrtsao ohdusl eb knate in .caisinoeod.nrt esh sah eagliemdycritri hwhic tup her ni sikr of iiansrpaettc, and stom ttamnyriplo earocrcsilettho e,sdsaei dan lla of hatt ouwdl ueihogwt hte ikrs of ignvig hre .onaletgsl +
paulkarr  heYa I adh tasnsit eleedstc tiliynali seaceub tint"ass rea aalyws eth rswae"n tbu hewn I was emht ignttsa rstfi lnei cnyrt"eel desniaogd ihwt yreph "TG I grefudi stih w-oullofp wsa lreuyp to erdssad ttah. So btreiaF is het bets .oemv +2

100% BS. UpToDate provides the most recent evidence and guidelines that state Fibrate therapy for High TG isn't considered until >500.

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by dumbo123(2)
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I khnit its eacuseb ehs has a hx of ceitpp rulce aiesdes (ttased in h)x thta si utrelcryn gnfrail up dlmi( iaipcrsetg edtnsrnsee ot pede pi)naaptlo.

rhTee rae rugd s-tcr-noniiet-a rvttntiaosAa i(ccoeh A,) hichw si a 4CYAP3 b,etassurt nls'hotud be euds hitw toor/smmCehcriilyna heotr nitoitabsci eusd ot xt ctpeip slP3ceCr4A/Yu iht.iroibns

Udnre snignwra nad aenori,scutp peag ,1 F A-Dth/pw/saalud6c0t2ocfa/al0tvf// ptumya.wtit=8thrp/wulawlmg/u-gdr:orsen?s3ip/id3d.rrl2e/bd

I( alos got eht tiussoenq rwogn nda secoh av-t-ianrottsA shit si tsuj ym )egss!u

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peqmd  deeAgr tgo hte uenisqot wnrog H'roe.s.teo. waht I gto ofrm rD. teoadtUp .IDD DRTL sedcrIaen rksi fo hodbaR is sowre hatn erncsiae skir fo osetnl.lgsa orr tucnC"ne eus of mtrcoiyihcnarl or teyirynohmcr gtoetehr hwti vsiasnm,tita ,atlionstva ro norttasaaivt saw tosadaisce wthi an raideensc kisr fo ttonspiziioahal orf oydhrasbysoiml 2.)(R=R,2 tceua nkyeid rynjiu ,(RR=1)8. ro ala-elscu yirloatmt R,)R(6=1. as preadmco ot orntuccnre use of icrazntihmoy itwh teh itn"atss +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—avicenna(12)
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elotshny jtsu bemermre abeitFrs taret rplitiegyraeHeircdmy nad oevm n.o Too nyam teqnusois too tlelti iem.t I ma a Cloo deM dentutS but I am no ifeL 9. rsehaRce itna ibg but how the cukf tog e.mti By tmie ew lal gilnos so lli oeph n!tiyrg sinneiEt sida ecceins si a terag ightn if eno oetn'sd mkae a glniiv out of it. I nlap no mgikan a iilvng tou of ceniemdi dna buy my mmoma a u.sohe I am a rale ertste kakni I amec ot arf to og bcka home emtyp dndha.e yM mamna niopgh ehr nso nog be mnsghotei eno yad ntca etl erh d,wno hes iceraicsfd a lto fro !su

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—avicenna(12)
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ecerdapiyHmelrigyitr si awsyla tdratee hitw btFs,iare enev tohugh ehs si imnogc ofr a oflwol pu nmiiatnoxea nad otrnaieocnct fo TsG is 350 keep vignig embfrzGioil a iaf.tbre

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—avicenna(12)
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ilactieyrrymgpeHider is yalwsa readtte hiwt bFrt,siea eevn hguhto hes si imnocg rof a loowfl pu niaxoenatmi dan icernocnatot of GsT si 503 epke ivggni orGeflizbim a if.rbtea

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 -14  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—thomasalterman(181)
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cniiNa cna eusca eemlrypcgyhia, nhgfl,ius adn .toug A'NIDSs nac rttae o.gut iAisrnp at hghi tncanocrenisot sola tiihbsni alner p,aoseribtron ubt ti btsiniih sectorein ta low velesl. I nwet itwh sirapin oevr taompcnheaien /bc lhhatugo mehnapeaconti si na eaacsgnli ti kclsa fmia-tratnlaiomny

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redvelvet  shti si nto atht uiteqnos ): +6

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