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NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 2/Question#39 (reveal difficulty score)
A 39-year-old woman with obesity and recently ...
Gemfibrozil ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: pharm lipid_disorders fibrates

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 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—monkd(21)
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mA I acyrz or ddi dUrwol not heav a uoneqtis taht aestdt tastinS aer the omst eifevfetc dgru grrlssedea fo beaslnie splid.i ishT oglic rhwte ym fof.

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adisdiadochokinetic  oYu ear tno arz.yc I ogt tshi qisuetno wrgno ofr hte emsa oarnse tub erse'h why I nthki EMNB swa iggno ihtw fbte.siar You nca use eht ilredFwade aueioqnt ot lutccleaa LDL tloohlceres frmo hte usveal eyth ei.gv iThs qnatoeiu is L=LD lotTa oeDhsCt-lerLlHo (celsiilo)ty.e-l/drThseorer5Cg hTe e5clyeirdsgri/T rmet si an esiamett for .VLDL If ouy taculeacl it ni tshi ecas ouy egt an LLD of 120 hwcih is lryfim naolmr adn shut teh tantpie wduol nlysiboset ont etinfbe form anstit +14
hello36654  gom nhew the lleh am I inggo ot ermbmeer isht tq?iueano Juessssss,ssu thsi nikd fo aesidtl mkase me twna to egiv up no EPST +4
almondbreeze  rHe loag LLD hlouds lilts eb 0;l,&t10 cb esh ahs 3 HCD sikr (vsletnaeqiuopl10r.t-00#0hp10:mt8afa2ap7/p/ww/30t318w7/22h0/p0/.s1at3gp2f.fH )CD ikrs lnh=uqaevtteei omarj rkis sfacort tath ymfodi LLD lagso 1) ,&(5Mg;etga4 &t5;)F5g, )2 ngkimso sts,atu )3 y)(&e/os9pte1n,t0nr0g4i;h 4) ow HLD lvlee 0;)tl4,(& dan )5 ialfym orys.tih (8w#l//a04c/hff/g/03at0pp1ws/-orwh.2ts:t2.ae7m.10pp) +
almondbreeze  *owl HDL rvrfe(el lee ot lbtea 3 of teh aicer)tl +
makinallkindzofgainz  eesTh yusg era tgtnhii up ltdeveent-ganil arsclurdocavia srik ftaocr sculc,oaalnti ihwemnela I dckpei tntsais beceusa I nthki I rbmmeree htat tyeh eplh eht ehrat +14
jimdooder  So I ededn up gigno hwti bietarsf ubacese of rhe gae ).93( I eugvaly merebrme egbin taguth atth ittnass era aleyrl yoln noedmmreecd fro teaptnis ;gt04& ubaesec teh igb tduys ttah emca uot bouta ethm saw ni eht 7405- gea uprog. I ktinh thsi hgmti cbntuiteor to teh qiotneus tbu 'Im ton ttlloya r se.ura:sipidniianPpekemrvtttwiei/ynkritga/pw_S.h//.eitoron# +
ytho  sThi teosniuq deiirnsp ym sernec mean +2
cbreland  tsniS"at ear wyasal het w,rea"sn "Fat emeFal 04 Freite",l esraFibt" nac escua aelgtons.l"s I fele idel ot +
brise  'Im nto rsue fi sthi insutoeq is c.tcrero I shcoe snsttia ocrigacnd to wtah na iegdattnn tlod me dan UWLDRO ,2 I jsut wetn acbk ot cekhc nda on olwurd 2, yuo loyn ecrinsdo gigvni ifaestrb if ihetr TG vllees era aoevb 01.0,0 oS ikd thaw hte bmen is iksogn.m rO if dosrcto latuyalc teriw etshe osue.qtins +
kavarthapuanusha  Why rea ew gogin doswrta etmdcclpaoi ?te?nuaisoq We avhe adceeers dlcyiigeetsrr nda recanies lhd erertoehf reiatbsf ... If it wree drngecisea DLL tneh duwol go orf sn.tsita.. nlOy ecrensia dlh anlmyi go orf ainnic ..tis ni ruolwd dna fa +1

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hayayah(1212)
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mfilobzrFie si a etfi,bar sdue fro oigenrwl GT ellsve.

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mousie  I olas coesh ifizborGeml oto ucbsaee ist eth esbt TG eilwrgno dgru tiedsl ubt I nca see wheer eterh hmigt be omes dre alsgf ofr tshi drgu in the wya tyeh ksdea eth 04 eayr old obsee omwan htwi omse repup bladnaiom pnai ..... HEOLL LALG SOTSEN whchi is a mocomn vsedrea otmuoec fo F.trieasb +11
uslme123  lleW I dtdin' ananw giev a ,aft ftor,y a,melef atth mskeos a i.freatb oS a t,nisat rof ,me saw eth etbs etnx tp.ooni +9
whoissaad  Uesd emsa rsainogen ot ohcose tierbsaF are het iamn gdru fo ccoehi ofr letgiyriareimrhycepd utb einvg erh mos,pmyst tasints eadm omer ssnee. Why od yhte do isth to .su.. +
roaaaj  tawh a cytkri qetuni!os ehtre rea mietplul crosatf sdohul be ankte ni iad.scorionte.n ehs ash atrciriigmdeeyl chhiw upt erh ni kisr of ,stairictapen adn somt tilyamtoprn rthlaercooiecst sdeae,is nad all fo taht lodwu huwoiget eth irsk fo ingivg rhe telago.sln +
paulkarr  aYeh I ahd nasstit tdselcee ilitaynil ecaesub tnsti"as rae asaywl the "senawr tub nwhe I asw hmte satgtni first elin n"teylcer nsigdedao htwi epyhr TG" I fgueird iths olfop-uwl aws lreupy ot drsades h.att oS eaFibrt si teh bste e.omv +2

100% BS. UpToDate provides the most recent evidence and guidelines that state Fibrate therapy for High TG isn't considered until >500.

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by dumbo123(2)
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I hiktn its esacebu ehs ahs a hx of tppiec reulc eseisad d(setat ni )hx atth is rnuetclyr glirnfa up mdi(l spareigcit nrndseseet to eedp .aaiploptn)

ehTre aer dugr tasie-oi-cnn-tr taoaisvArntt hecc(io )A, wchih si a YPC43A easu,btrts lhds'tuno be eusd htwi oecarCriyhtsmnmiol/ rheot ascniotbiti ueds ot xt epticp Pse4cruAl/Y3C io.bsithnir

Urdne rsgnnawi adn utrsnpci,eoa apeg 1, AD-Fgct2aw_l256s90dbdu0//wdfts2aar00aa/abto/sws/ch0g7l0eav:dpe.l.fp/.tfsosdlc.d p2-wstwm/rat?uegl/tdmien3ad3l.igduo=prw.r8ihpt:sdur//rbly

(I alos tog teh sotsqineu gwnor dna ocehs tinatsv-A-trao stih is usjt my s!g)esu

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peqmd  eeArgd tog eth onutsqie nrowg H.eseotro'.. awth I tog mfro Dr. atopedtU D.ID TDLR aneseIcrd ksir of Rboadh si erwos tnah anecesri kris of otnlls.sgea "rurCont nec seu fo moircnilrtcahy or honymyecirtr thoeetgr hiwt a,simttaivns lvtnioa,sta ro aiatastontvr asw scatdosiae with na eairsnecd irsk fo zhittsoaaiipoln ofr raiooybdlyhsms 2,R2)(R=. tcaue eyndki urjyin 1R.)=8(,R ro sllca-eau ltmaytrio R)1,=6.R( as capoderm to ctnneourrc seu of cyiarmtnizoh iwht eth s"isnatt +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—avicenna(12)
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ehnlytso tsju eberemrm ibFesrta ttear epgcieilmayrHeitryrd adn veom on. ooT anmy tnesuoqsi oto ltitel .mite I ma a ooCl Mde tSetund tbu I ma on fLei .9 Rareshce itna igb tub woh het ckuf got tim.e yB tmei we lla lisgon so lli ohep tn!igyr iitEnnse sdia senceic is a trega ghnit if one esntd'o emka a vlinig tuo of ti. I lapn no iagnkm a glnvii tuo of eencimdi and uyb ym omamm a oh.use I ma a lrea estrte nkkai I aemc ot far to go bkac eomh ympet dhand.e yM mmana pingho ehr nos ong eb thsgnmeio neo yda tcna tel hre ,wdon ehs acresfidci a otl for u!s

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submitted by โˆ—avicenna(12)
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itagyHrpelirreydmiec is syalaw eraettd hitw eF,satrbi eevn uohght hes si oginmc rof a floowl up aeinioaxmtn nda etnaoritccno of TsG si 053 kpee vginig ibrmilzGoef a tibfera.

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—avicenna(12)
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emHygreleycitirrapdi is yasawl dreatte thwi Fiars,tbe even guthho seh is onicgm for a lwlofo up emxnaaintio nda eocainctntor fo GsT si 305 eepk gvniig eimrfilbozG a tbifrea.

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 -14  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—thomasalterman(181)
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inicNa nac aescu mcelir,ypyheag g,uflsnih and ugot. 'IsADSN cna aetrt gut.o nispiAr at hihg oinaretctconns osal siithnbi elnar atsn,orepbior utb it biinisth ncitsoere at low eel.slv I twne hiwt anipisr ovre pcmtanehienao cb/ hhaogtul peinamcntaohe si an seincagla it sackl attrninailmo-myfa vytiiact.

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redvelvet  isht is ont ahtt setiuoqn ): +6

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