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NBME 23 Answers

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—osgoodschlatter10(41)
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heT nqsuoite estm emontsni 3 tbssuse of ien)t :tapas Seom snieatpt rwee cetotinnnsis hiwt tngiak imtnadcieo or t"no "dherneat ot aimdntcioe rene gmbi) oSem ptsienat toduesdincni het ugdr hyte erew ormdznieda ot ecteylml op)c A busste of eehts tpentias ni niopt ','b ohw pdoepts eht emtdaiinco eewr tnhe csierepbr eht omnitadice morf het rpsiomacno r.ugpo

hTe maltetiu otensqui vowehre is errdnaigg hwheert aiesttnp durne tpnoi ''sa(a aoe)bv ldshou eb ediuclnd or ldduc.xee

yleIald hsti eddsenp noup oyur sutdy lc.rtooop nI nseeesc uoy yma veah na tneonInt'i ot treta 'ooloptcr ro na h'eAtnedr tp'orco.lo sA trpa fo na edeahnrt tocolpor ouy ynlo neducil nttseapi or ytuds ejcubtss s(a rederrfe ot in acisb niecsce e)raecrsh uyo lnoy lcdienu oseht ntpeatsi ahtt csyirtlt edfoolwl eth rcptoolo dan ecxelud eeorvney hiTs si oylmst how casib eencsci ooslcrpot are i.dgdenes

itWh nlcicali ehceasrr wheoevr iegnb eoymltcelp per tolcoorp is tdcffliui and a'tsht ewhre the ti-nnt-oeoeniatttr ootpcolr aepsp.l siTh si to mdocatameoc eth cesetbviju ureatn fo anmuh csujstbe ni lclnaici s.rhcerea gioFlnlwo pu with auhnm sectbjus si utb boovsui adhrre anht yuamanll gnhiandl meic ro ispg in eht la.b So ni hsuc scesa sa lngo as het ytusd aemt sha dwoeofll poroolct ni ctagotncin eht ittanpe and pigyanl htrie oelr lla ttpiean dtaa can be lencduid nvee if eetrh era seom morin cpootrol disntoiaev eud ot licliotgsa ess.usi All steeh oitisavdne dnee to eb eedrrpto to het IRB croseufo and fsdceepii ni het tnsacmrpui ni het otsm aroapiepprt

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handsome  wath is RI?B eehh dki lol +
adong  A phleflu ftca I areenld ahtt depelh it maek ssnee ofr me si ttha teh onesra you od ontinitne to teatr si seuceab ti acn r/rnpemeaopp""resaeixtt woh plepoe wlil eacrt to ngfoowlil ghuhrot hwti tattnerem ni lera flei. If a teeamrntt thta si gbein sttede is a shseal nda apntstei dopr t,uo aymeb ttah odwlu culayalt urcoc ni eht lare owdlr dan tuhs ti si a ryev picrltcaa otol orf eeths .nseacisro +
sd22  I aws ipptdre up yb teh ordw cfai.yc""fe ayiccEff rserfe to snegtit edrnu daile ctnood,siin whihc I knleedi ot pc,leotorop-r hiwel ecvensftiesef ersfre ot teisgtn erndu eeali-flr iinotsn,odc chwhi htothgu saw sleocr ot t.tttnnee-oanriiot- ecSni ti aids iyffcaec I ghohtut yeht erwe onglkio rof pprloeooc-t,r utb I segsu you jtus seuams ete'yhr klgooni of T.IT +

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—divya(75)
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oyak ubt heewr in eht neoqtusi is ti anisgk etrwehh 'tis enntiinto ot treta or rpe orocptol ro as etaedrt???

rea ew to sseamu tsi TIT if hyte not'd tmnneio hgintnay or het tpar fo het onqetsiu thta syas yrimpr"a aisyan"ls eht ewiagvy ot IT?T?

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kpjk  I hda eth esam ob.dut I hnkit fi we were ot iseodnrc "rpe tlo"opcro hent anerws olwdu evha ot be a hams fo spoiton A dna .B eeThr si on onopit atht dolwu eb girht ofr rep lotrocop +
peqmd  I kntih TIT si msdeuas bc/ 'sit het one htta sha ceuderd bdaies in nmu.amseseetr +1

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by blueberrymuffinbabey(12)
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I gto sith oen gnwr,o tbu sdbae on het TTI esprvcepeti oresth end,eomtin aybem eth "ni eihrt iprmyra aislny"as tapr fo the qtosienu si a itp hd'Tey sttar wiht gliduninc meth ni the ligairno purgso and tnhe od aldandiito ssliyaan ot rty dna tseea tou teh ma?tpic IDK

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—jgraham3(30)
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ehT tirfs eldsi

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lulumomovicky  sThi oen wsa the otsm ueflus iest ! I fiyllan nesdtdooru teh tpoin fo nhcisogo TTI ! hTakn uouuuy +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—adong(144)
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By eauldft ouy hsloud use ninetitno ot terat nssyiaal cb/ its' hte omts ovstrnaveie.c

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—bcher(3)
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disa syl,mpi ni ildoecabmi ehercars, hte ldtfaeu is ot sue an rtn-aetto-ioteintn yinaasls seandti of an erdtetas-a lyiss.aan

I infd this iiecnuntrtovueit tbu uchs si ei.fl

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—avicenna(12)
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I dn'tid tinhk mhuc no isht quotesin ofr me the yke wsa the rodw dmnra-o NHT tsp erwe rdylmoan ignev A or B dam.tnieoci oDtn' knwo hwhic os fi eppoel ni teh dusyt eveal ro ndto eatk .niceidme I notd .care I ma ligunincd lal androm atad eeslrgd!rsa

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mousie(272)
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Can oemsnoe lespae apliexn tshi to me? I 'odnt snnddrtaeu hyw tgrniast het ehrot drgu ldwou ont count as oecsnilxu ai?rcietr

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seagull  iThs has ot do tihw tnnetton-Iiaro-tet n.salsyia lan,seiytslE wneh itircspatanp are drea-enhotnn but hte taad ntdhslou' eb lts.o hTye usjt ondgure aheotrn atcltaiitss medlo ot acctuno orf ehtir hnc.sega reeH is a cine tsu?t=yc:ez.ovQw/7aot pws/b ce h&o ihu/t.vwwFmpdykV3tKs=b +23
dr.xx  eeWrh sedo eth quetnsio etinnom t"a"tei?n-n-oeroittnt +
notadoctor  ehTy emes ot be teprty eobsessd ihwt -n"ortietatt"enoitn- i'ts ebne adkse in neo wya ro ranetoh ni all eth nwe NBEMs hatt 'Ive .done (nHevat' endo 24 sa )ety +8
wutuwantbruv  ehTy d,'not ita-onteoinetrtn-t is stju het ebst awy to og ubato ti rxd.x@ +1
yex  I gaere ihwt tnoo@otardc !! +
ergogenic22  i hnkti if it were per rcopl,oot boht ousprg wuodl eb d,xlceued the nose that eerw soecnnnits,ti het neso thta rdepopd ,otu nda the ones atht swhd.tice Btu nasrwe cshcoie ynlo owlal ITT ro nuicxoesl fo neo ru.gpo +2

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