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NBME 23 Answers

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—osgoodschlatter10(41)
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hTe nqesiotu tsme nimetnos 3 ustsesb of es): itaapnt Soem tpstniae ewer nitstnecnsoi htiw tkgina iaodetnmci ro "ont ntrea"hde to coditmanie n)rme gibe meSo npsaitet nicundoetids teh rgud eyht rwee mrdienzoda ot )mtelcepolcy A sebuts of eshte ntesapti ni ptnio ','b who tsoedpp teh timdaconie rewe thne icberrpse teh omdniatcei fmro hte nrcimosoap ugpro.

eTh ttaumlie souieqnt vrweohe si gandgrire hthwree atpietns nured opitn as'a'( eovba) holsud be dlnuicde ro ldxceue.d

dllyaeI this edsnepd pnou oyur sutdy potrlooc. In esseenc ouy amy have na tnn'intoeI to ttrae 'orpoolct or na tAhnd'ere rtoco.olp' As patr of na rhtndeae ocltoopr yuo onyl uelidcn asittepn or tudsy stceusjb (as rerfrede to ni siacb cnciees )ecsrerha yuo nyol ielundc othes aptnseit taht iscrytlt flelwdoo hte lrcootop dan cdeexlu evnyroee .lsee Tish si tmlsoy owh ciasb nceices orocptslo aer .ddienges

Wtih lilcnaic arscrehe ewhvore neigb lypceltemo erp rcpootlo si ftdilucif and tath's ehwer eth o-eeotttn-tntiinra oplcotor .alsepp This is ot memacodctoa eht ceetvubisj eunatr fo mhuna scbsutje ni llniciac schraer.e inglwFool up tihw haunm ubcsjtes is btu bouoivs erhadr ntah anmaluyl nghdailn cemi or gpis ni the lab. oS in chus essca sa lgno as het tsuyd etma sha foollwed orcoltpo in cnttciogna teh tteinpa adn alnipgy hrtei oelr all tnitaep tada nca be cdluenid vnee fi ehtre rae omes rmoni clotporo atodvnseii due ot sogtacliil susise. llA heste nivdtsaoei eden ot eb prordeet to teh RBI rfouseco and dipceifes ni het rintpuscma in eht tsom itaeaproprp n.neram

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handsome  tawh si IR?B hhee dki oll +
adong  A lepuflh fact I nearlde atht edlpeh it ekam essne rof me is htat eth aosnre you do tiiotennn ot ettra is ueacseb ti cna rrrtpaiea"smnotxee/"epp who ppeole wlli teacr to lfgwolino hrguoth htiw atetnrtem in laer .life fI a ntetrmeat tath si egbni ttdese is a lseash dan asipettn rpdo ot,u byaem atth olduw tauyclla urocc ni eth elar wlodr and hsut ti is a rvey arcapilct olto for sthee iacernoss. +
sd22  I swa epitpdr up by het rdwo c."y"ecffia aycffcEi rsfree ot teintgs ndure laeid nnsidto,coi hwhci I eeidlkn ot rrel-tcopoo,p ehilw eistffcseeevn sreerf to tisengt rneud aeilref-l ni,dsnitoco ciwhh tgouhth was sreocl ot nreont.en-tia-itott Seinc it idsa aficyfce I ohhtgut etyh erwe oolnkig ofr crl,peprtoo-o but I sgseu uyo usjt aumses ye'hter olikgon of TT.I +

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—divya(75)
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oyak ubt hrewe ni het etqisnou is ti gnikas eterhhw 'tis einnttoin ot ratet ro pre tcporolo ro sa etadetr???

ear ew to easmsu sit TIT if etyh n'dot nionmet ytnhaing ro hte rtap of eht esotuqin taht ayss "yaripmr yns"lasia hte yvgieaw ot T?I?T

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kpjk  I ahd het msea uodbt. I khnit fi ew wree ot nrscodei rep" ptcoloor" tnhe earswn odulw aehv to eb a sham fo oosinpt A and .B Teerh si no otionp ttah ouldw eb irtgh ofr rpe tcplooro +
peqmd  I nhitk TIT is smadsue bc/ ist' het neo atth sah uereddc bdsiae in es.muetaemrsn +1

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by blueberrymuffinbabey(12)
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I got htsi neo gwnro, but besda on the ITT vetepcipser rhsoet nediomt,ne meyba teh i"n hitre ramyirp n"isyaals rpat fo eth qteisonu is a tip off. Td'yeh ttras whit luncidnig meth in the rnioaigl uogspr dan hnet do daatliodni lsinaysa to tyr adn eesta otu teh icmtap? DKI

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—jgraham3(30)
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The srift eisdl

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lulumomovicky  iThs one was the toms selufu eist ! I ylflnia sundteordo het ntpoi of gosohicn ITT ! nTakh uyuuou +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—adong(144)
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By uaefdlt ouy lodush esu eitionntn ot ettar aaisylsn bc/ 'ist het omst catvoeiev.rsn

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—bcher(3)
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iads ysp,lmi in ildmieacob ,eechrras eth fudtale si ot ues an toittoe-nrnnateit- aailssyn atndies fo na dett-rsaae si.aaynls

I dfin sthi ninetvtutrciuioe utb shuc is i.lfe

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—avicenna(12)
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I tdidn' knith hcum no isht entqouis rfo me hte key was teh wdor a-dmnro HTN tps eerw amyndlro vengi A ro B moa.dtincei nD'to kwon chwih os fi eopelp ni eth dstuy ealev or dnot atek I ndot a.rec I ma gininldcu lla onadrm daat dgsare!rsel

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mousie(272)
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naC oomeens peaels ipxnael itsh ot e?m I ntod' nenadudstr ywh nittgsar het roeht ugdr wdoul nto ucotn as xleionsuc irrectia?

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seagull  sThi ahs ot do iwth rIo-ntnetnot-tieat asnyiasl. lylseE,asint ehwn aitpapristnc aer oenan-nrthde tub het data uoslt'ndh be .otsl eyhT jsut guonder rnotaeh tlciasisatt oemdl ot accuton ofr rehit hcsgen.a ereH is a ecni k&bbdw37/Kzt.wswcu hu=yteo=:vs?vepiVw tt cF /s.hayoptmoQ/ +23
dr.xx  eWher sdoe hte sietunqo tnieonm oit"tnt"eten-ra-?tion +
notadoctor  hyeT eesm to eb tetrpy ebsosdse whti teroennn"o-t-ti"atit ti's eebn kased ni neo ywa ro harento in lla the ewn sNBEM that Ive' ode.n '(evtaHn edon 24 sa te)y +8
wutuwantbruv  They ,tn'od -teitnnetnaoit-tor si tsuj hte stbe ywa to go otuba it r@dxx. +1
yex  I geare whit onractdoto@ !! +
ergogenic22  i kniht if ti erwe per t,opolorc btoh gosrup wudlo eb eedc,ulxd the eson tath erwe ntnisionts,ec eht soen ahtt rpepddo ut,o dan eth nose ttha eiwtdshc. uBt srnwea icchoes oynl alowl ITT ro cxuislone fo noe .uorgp +2

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