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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#28 (reveal difficulty score)
A 1-year-old girl is admitted to the hospital ...
Disruption of the secondary structure of collagen molecules 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: biochem

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submitted by wasabilateral(47)
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I hntik ti sah thnimsego ot do iwth iecylgn du(e ot ist slaml iezs it nac fti ni aynm spacle rhwee erhot mnioa aicds cna tno nda eenhc ti oiepsrdv utrlrcstua“ ncocssepm”at ot eth lno,agcel i.e. ptu a nikk ni hte lahap )liexh. fI iycenlg is mdclsapie by sihtongem e,esl I ’tond inhtk gc-onpearoll acn ofmr sit rocertc ysoerdcan rctut.ures

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jotajota94  u!erT asl,o yniglce is /31 of ngleoalc lafa cai,shn os it kmsea nesse ahtt oisitttbusun thiw aalinen wh(hic is mchu ggri)be olwdu leda ot isopiurdtn in eht aaphl helix fi.aoorntm +2
jotajota94  uTer! ,osal ngceliy si 1/3 of gcnealol aalf nh,aisc os ti smake nssee atht unsttoiusbti itwh nilneaa cih(wh is hmcu iebg)rg luwod edla ot doiriputns ni teh hapal hxlei rnfao.moti +
thepacksurvives  yclGein is laslm nad dey,bn whchi alslow ti to rmfo eth ifbsilr rof the ripelt xhlie +
brasel  sloA ni legeanr AF( 2810 gp 50) OI is frmo bslomepr igformn hte ireplt hxlei chihw is snocadrey uetr.scrut nuo,ytleatrF htye evag su nitmsghoe to rsnoea iwht ni hte snoetiuq g)(yaA-G&tll; +3
amy  naC ensomoe lehp em nrsatdnued hyw A si crnre?icot 0A022F egap 0:5 erTlpi hixel fo 3 gollcane a icahns si ofrmed mrof caprllnogoe aiv yonedrhg adn fdsulidei bodn. sI this revy simiral to atwh A is ibierAd gn?c. eDdraesce y-doehnngbodr oftoimrna wtenbee naclleog lseuomc.el +
umpalumpa  heT tnalxnpeaoi egvin by arbliaeslwaat udolc wrko fi the uitoseqn woldu sya -ll&A-gyGa;t o.taumint ,wreveoH eht sutneioq taetss taht erhte si na l>aG-A-y;l u.nitaomt +

 +13  upvote downvote
submitted by cellgamesgojan(43)
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I gerfu,id --ilnYcegXy is hncltiyaecl decrseodni a p“arrmiy naoim daic rrutectus of a ine”topr necsi teh foiiteinnd of a amrriPy erututsrc fo a peitorn si “a anilre hnaci fo noami .”scida fI uyo msse twih the Pamryir csretu,utr as ni the utoeisnq e,tsm oyu anotcn omrf eth eorcadnSy ettrrcuus fo het rieptn,o hiwch is irdmdeente yb het -rdbohgygidoennn hchwi uorcsc btnewee het teipedp koabecnb, pdeeitndnen of eth R o.urgsp I phoe ihst daem .essen

mroF diakepiiw: cy“ranSeod trtureucs si flloramy eendidf by teh epattnr of erydohng bsond eetwnbe het ioman hregynod nad aloycrbx oexygn mtsao ni the tiedppe conkeabb.” (sahmiesp mie)n

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From Molecular Biology of the Cell:

Biologists distinguish four levels of organization in the structure of a protein. The amino acid sequence is known as the primary structure of the protein. Stretches of polypeptide chain that form α helices and β sheets constitute the protein’s secondary structure. The full three-dimensional organization of a polypeptide chain is sometimes referred to as the protein’s tertiary structure, and if a particular protein molecule is formed as a complex of more than one polypeptide chain, the complete structure is designated as the quaternary structure.

+5/- drdoom(1206)

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by usmle11a(102)
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ko sugy dna i qeuot omrf brco/oh.wmsed-tes.t0tleecircswfps4wt/emoupogh2/ipoils/it1/t:stneaear

0"9% eavh an aftilniiebed cgeiten auimntot CLO A11 nad CLO A21
sse uac mroabaln ncogaell oiiclnrs-ksng iav a eligync ontsusittbui ni het rgealclnoop elemcolu "

hwhic emsan hatt OI sha a ngelyic utttnsboiisu and rtoheefr tsi elbanu ot mfor a esanrocdy .ucsruertut

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by hungrybox(1277)
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eDu to nci'gesyl malls i,sez it esaecrt ki"ksn" in eht monai adic qce.enuse hTees nkksi ear deeden to lortcrcye mofr the ndescyaro .srcetrutu

retOh s:nwrsea

  • "nkeedaew rneiioatcnt nebweet golnalec dan ogratepn"lyoc - lngcoeal + agotprenyocl = cil.arlgate hTe inqtosue tesm ntsemoin ynma dsfcete in EObN t(pye I ea)onlglc btu no imotnen of dtscfee in lgaelrcWOTa tp(ey II acegn)lol
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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by basic_pathology(25)
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-yYGlX- si cbaenobk fro oneagllc ahpla 3 ocglnela phlaa inhacs lrapis to fmro teplri h.lixe lneyiGc hsa on R prugo, wlolnaig rfo tiibexllfiy dna roitmanfo of ptrlei lh.iex No ncgilye pervtsne hsit nsuotuncoi nari,isgpl nveginetrp eht ntofiaomr of aoclnelg droaesncy utcreu.rst

Reacll htta ieschhapel-la adn eteste-asbh are meepxasl fo aecodnrsy curs.rutste siTh cna be httugho of a noamfsenttaii fo eth aplha exhi.l

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by an_improved_me(91)
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ANrheot way ot egt ta it si iva ion:iilemant

A. rgodnehy godnibn dntowul lrlyea hcngea ceisn rniteeh alnanei nor igycnel are lB .oarp lyG ;tg& aAl t'lnuhdos ngeahc owh porneil is dioidfme (I mnea ti UCLOD, if ehrte swa a tciesr rnnicdeha ro ,ntosgemhi ubt ton a teagr wDn a)ers. ithongn to cdiaenti ttha llcangeo agernteidod si dlertae in oessernp ot an AA it.stnobtuuis lAos, in hte etxotcn of IO h(wich is eth nitenegsrp aonmitp,c)l ew dearaly nowk hatt eht pemblro 'doents ahve hniygtna to od htiw taregn,dodei emro hitw het chgnae ni trictEuunefs.urotcn/ Htyleson o'tnd .know

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submitted by drdoom(1206)
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Hr’ees neo way to omnceirlei-oatpsfse- sedcdere“a o-dehbdonnyrg i:ofrtm”aon I’m otn a igb naf fo hist leni of ,aoirnegsn ubt cehliclatyn lniaena sa a side rupgo ahs mero eyh*gdrnos ofr eonltapit ohdgynre noindbg tanh gncylie:

aenna:li 3C—H
ylgen:ci H—

S,o ieclc“”yt,alhn nanliea dlwuo teprmi mero nobdreyohg-nd ratfo,inmo hcwhi ihgmt alowl you to mneatelii ttah cheoi.c

Ttha dsai, it esmse lomsta ibiosepslm ot reul uot hoi(wtut ervy tlcncaehi elnoekdgw or eoms vpeodrdi renxametpeil ad)ta ttah eth thlsgliy argerl naneali osed ton mipari ngeyohrd bndingo netwbee anloglec mceluloes via tiecrs )pati(sla rtiene.ceefrn In eprmlsi s,rtem nscie anialne si ,garelr ouy owldu thkin ttha ti tsum hemosow tfeeirenr wthi teh di-nonbyoghrnegd ttah croscu wtih the -wdyltipe glncyie.

ltSt*rcyi skian,peg t’is nto het uemnrb fo dynrosehg but salo hte gnrhsett of the opledi hatt ictaflsitae ygrnohde bninogd: a ngyedroh dbuon ot a lsotnyrg lrotiveenecaegt olumelce lkie fuonrlie illw r”e“ppaa omre ieivtspo d,na t,uhs yhgrodbd-noen reom lngrysto itwh a neyarb noegyx aopm(redc htwi a ogrndeyh enotedcnc to abrnc,o rof mx)leepa.

hFrrute e:igndar

  1. nc/o:duhdhsw/l/erp.mdppbiultwicth/.hguqhdesw/t.luem.e
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hungrybox  ertAcieppa teh frfeot tub shti is rfa oto logn ot be ulus.fe +30
drachenx  rogxhnuyb is a rgeaknfi tahre +
drdoom  dxern@hca ,haha an,h mcnoig ckba to htsi i zlearie i wsa brpaoybl evrkoingee-g llo +1
blueberrymuffinbabey  nst'i eth neyogrdh bnoindg tpdenneed on eth rdexyyoaldht erpinol and ?lseiny so hatt t'odulnw eralyl be teh esius rhee ncesi teosh renat' eht asa gbnie rle?tead +
drdoom  ueb@bryrle drgoAicnc to ’setlArb MBoC (see agestnnT ta ithg),r yexhydnisoryl nad dlriyoxrenypho itbcortneu yogrnedh dnsob that frmo benwete the nahisc ,narnh”“iteic( sa opesodp ot ;-inahitracn het ,hcansi fo sceo,ru ear eaaprest ieppyds;epotl thta i,s etasepar lolaencg tenrspo;i and attoicrnsine tenbewe taaesper asnihc rt[seepaa ptilos]epdpye is htaw ew allc ryatequ“nar ”tusr;retuc ese ntengTa eaovb.) dnA in tshi ae,sc as uyo ptnio uo,t the esmt dsebisrec a -lG&Alat;yg ntiisutbo.tus htTa esesm ot aenm wto t:gsinh 1)( teh tereh pteeasra onlelcga istopdyeplep illw nto pck“a [as] yltight” to rfmo eth itlrep hxiel yta=r(qeuran etusrurct) we lla nowk dan elov nda )2( lepinor risng lwil lafi ot elray uietq sa gnlu,ys oipgommcnsir the alhecli aotfrnincmoo hatt nsfeedi an alahp cnhia o=crdya(ens rser;cutut eth hpeass htat ofmr ithinw a gilesn doyipp).etelp +
tadki38097  losa uoy tac'n H donb iwth bornac, 'tis nto olrap heguon +
amy  A2200F P50 a:stet mfoonitar of coaliph(ncwrhlego is eth etplri ixhle csttruu)er avi gyhdoern dan So A si cortiencr cb ehtre era on egloalnc llsuoceme tey dn2( rcututesr pshnpea ta eologaprcln el)lev +
drdoom  ya@m iplert ixleh si a rqeaautynr ctturreus cin(se pretli lxieh si a aepsh thta sfrmo NBTEEEW aperaets ro uda”tl“ leo/nlco-lgaaroclegnp dieepp.)ts Pamyr,ir rsycnodea and rrytatie ttusesrcru aer poetriicssnd of a gielns eoeiy.tlpdpp necO you heva 2 ro remo eltpdeiopsyp nirtgctiane twhi heca ohrte g.e,.( obgHoilenm oelelm)uc you veah yuqenratar utcu.errts +

From Molecular Biology of the Cell:

Hydroxylysines and hydroxyprolines are infrequently found in other animal proteins, although hydroxyproline is abundant in some proteins in the plant cell wall. In collagen, the hydroxyl groups of these amino acids are thought to form interchain hydrogen bonds that help stabilize the triple-stranded helix. Conditions that prevent proline hydroxylation, such as a deficiency of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), have serious consequences. (Emphasis mine)

+1/- drdoom(1206)

From Molecular Biology of the Cell:

The primary feature of a typical collagen molecule is its long, stiff, triple-stranded helical structure, in which three collagen polypeptide chains, called α chains, are wound around one another in a ropelike superhelix (Figure 19-43). Collagens are extremely rich in proline and glycine, both of which are important in the formation of the triple-stranded helix. Proline, because of its ring structure, stabilizes the helical conformation in each α chain, while glycine is regularly spaced at every third residue throughout the central region of the α chain. Being the smallest amino acid (having only a hydrogen atom as a side chain), glycine allows the three helical α chains to pack tightly together to form the final collagen superhelix (see Figure 19-43).

+/- drdoom(1206)

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submitted by nmb29(0)
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I mihgt eb rnkoiietnhvg it ub,t H bodn fnoitroam of aas' maeks hte ancosyred rtecstruu of het epotnri cll(noage ni iths s.eca) heT yGl ot Ala stnsbitioutu sedo rlestu in lsse H ondb rio,faomtn utb fo niaiiuvldd aa's not wbneeet olncgela mecsleolu hatt( mhtig eb mero rfo tenrqayrua suuctter)r

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lpp06  I tnhik het eky si in het sawner ,anrsphgi teh rnwesa nngoitmeni -Hdsnbo ysas nsi"rutoiDp of bo-sHdn beeetnw lolngcea oeAlugmsotc"h llehu oelclgan sode uregodn n-Hgbniod to struopp the peitlr hixe,l tshi is dnoe intwih eht eams elngalco inuli.Lenmlgkoec tffeeridn ncogaell eclmsoeul cruocs vai eth sniley - yroneysidhyxl klins dneo ni het ECM +1
kevin  shit is eht eno otcmenm ttah lfinlya dheelp em nndaetsurd hwy ahtt was cit.rroecn anhtk uoy +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by j123(16)
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rymirPa crrsetuut = inmoa acdi nncoaeqedeSrc esyu currsutte = ertcsuurt edomrf htwi a lnsgie inmao dcai qseenecu (abet dplatee ees,th hlapa x,lhei yercttareTi) tetrurusc = lpmluite deayncors rsctusuetr gniaerittcn hteegtro tll(eupim ebta aptleed teshes tcsaedk on tpo of aehc toreh, tecar)uyr etrnaQ tuctrsreu = intoerp tcrurteus edmorf mfro lionfdg fo lla raeytitr uruectstrs ot meak binnigd sei,ts e.ct

Scein teh naaienl asw tpu ni aecpl fo teh lcGne,iy teh prrymia utsuertrc asw uebnla ot mrof na ahlpa xheli inesc paalh iexhl rucstusret ende a iprulcrata eecuesqn y(lg - x- )y ni rreod to omfr ghrdeony dbosn to ekpe teh hixle ls.eatb

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by unknown001(9)
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htwa si eaonllgc ? a yscderona eoritnp ut.usrcetr

whne yuo meorve cl,gieny hte mots nabuadtn manoi iadc , orfm eth srcerpuro loulecem iwll yuo etg a rprpeo saryncdoe tsercuutr ? NO

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unknown001  egnori tshi +
drdoom  anc yuo a?lboaeert satw'h ongwr twhi uoyr n?ommtec +

 -4  upvote downvote
submitted by lilmonkey(63)
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yGl si lraop, eAialnn is norpanlo nad rhoy.cpihdob enieMsss ctoriansnoveevn iantumto. esheT sAA heav tieffrdne hiclcmae oeprsritep cihwh edla to dtrseidpu renopti oinfdgl (crdayones ct)uu.trsre rSmaili ot uGl - aVl sstbitutunoi ni Sliekc lelC

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