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NBME 18 Answers

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submitted by โˆ—azibird(279)
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low-uploF sv rsptopu pruo?g

hTe noyl ignht that vased me aws het nnceita eStp 1 gd:eaa v"eeNr efe!r"r

eslcaEplyi nehw hte anrews ot ahreont neqiotus in teh same amex wsa ceuornaEg" het penttai ot iaetpictrap ni a ptroups ugorp rof rpsneso whti reh otodniicn"

I name REYAL!L heT nlyo irefdeecnf si ttah hety sedu eht rodw can"e"rogue aentdsi fo f.reer cExat same rwns.ea

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cbreland  oNet to le:sf rNeev err,ef vnee nwhe tath esmse liek hte teerbt wsaner +
chj7  aTek itsh iwth a nriag fo tlas tbu I fetl kiel a tntamerte plan iwth lsgoa uhdols eb oleatird to het tteinap nad ulwod iurqree a iisnhycpa to esssas /ermercaafpemkno scmioan.diotfi A ppsourt urgpo duclo vdpireo latmne trpuosp nweh fcgian a eadseis tub seesm ont nilatedvdglai-iedytru uehgon fro ynrgit to tge a atetinp ot tsikc to a /ytexsarieeedric temntarte lnpa. I ahve to mdtia I ddi yarell toslf-uedb enwh I wsa teh 2 nusesoqti no the +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—jean_young2019(18)
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ldCou eosemon aneplxi why tsih occhie si hte steb ensra?w I glgetsrud ebetwne A nda ,D dan cpikde A l,nalyif ihchw is nrs"itacea ocadalnutie elevl nda opverdi ocb"suinpalti.

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donttrustmyanswers  It s'int ,A bseuaec eerrchsa osshw thta gedsnnurdanti fo ofantimrnio (ei.. ntegai godo nda ngicser)xei sn'ti euhogn ot ecusa cWny egh.ha it is oeridvP /U,F rveo potrsup gropu, KD.I +6
thisshouldbefree  esaeubc it sasy ree""fr dna u erevn efrre +2
an1  eagRndi saipcluotbin is rnbogi dan yam be dbnoey the soecp of hte aeiptnt. sI't esbt ot axenipl thnsgi in mynlae temsr dna uggstse siertcal fi hes wohss enrttsei _n1ao92n0j@guye +
epiglotitties  Rdoman nomctem ubt I'm u,ircsou yhw aer emos cmetsnom saplte aegorn dan toersh ?iinpksh hWtsa' the e?fienrdefc +
drdoom  pink = psfeicic eotqiuns si bnieg epods eltsigeitpot@i +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by geekymle(11)
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k.oay i teg hsti ent,qisuo utb twha i odnt reuddnsnta is hatt yhw ctan we rnimfo het eapintt of hte lhetah scceeonusneq of tno ritenagt erh itn?ocndoi

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—leap1608(4)
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Wihle slnvogi Eithcs ineo,utqss ouy ensawr emht not as mose ,oortcd ubt as fi moes at.isn s'tI :ton

  • A. intenraddnsgU fo a diasese ed'otns narsiyeselc reneus erchd.eane

  • .B eW tplylicya oivda yfa/efdmriiln evivtlemnon ni intaetp are.c

  • C. ERENV gavyentlie rcrenfi!oe

  • D. lwloFo psu smee ot eb teh go to toonip in otmsal ryeev tsihec eoin.quts It lhsep in ratoppr ,dulbnigi nctphtiispeyiaan- ailirpts,hnoe ntudsedrnniag the tsniatep nscceonr breett dan ericdt iromgontni of hi/rhse d.ictionno

  • .E oYu teh !nisa!t! Yuo od het ogdo thnig ,erhe na mhacete,ipt bmle,hu ensht,o volyre cnirag alesPe valee ipciacttrlya out fo at yuro stsperodo wheli lingvos hetci iso.etsnuq

etoN : In oaternh isuneotq mofr hte asem r,omf ew eavh fe"rre" ni teh er,answ so fegnreri ni leistf nt'si gwrno nuelss you aekm reus htta hte oneqiust tsem tstsea atht ouy IDYTRELC aetdl ihwt nad redsdotnuo lal of oyur is""cldh .nocscenr

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by drjmrt26(6)
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In teh lKpsa'na rvaeihabol senccie cteulre ,ento yeth iashtsbl atht sa a ,siyhpacin ew usdolh eotfsr aepnitt dcereaneh b:y- enAtdt to teh numtoa of fir;oonmimta aneixpl sti tyecolmi.px - tNoe teh sntae'itp itfevface ets.a-t nlpxEia wyh a atiapclrur retteanmt si gnbie mrmocedee-dn. Sstsre teh rtateh of neeaorn-hncde to lt-ahhe . esStsr het eicntffveeess fo the iedrcbrpse rein;gem egvi otrssuitinnc bhto ayollr nad in tir.iwng - Aranerg icerpoid f-lwooplu .isistv- Aks het pentita to do l;ses a gnlo lsti fo nicttiurnso is inareltmdte ot rhcde.aeen

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drjmrt26  tI's claatuyl ocisnufgn esecbau one locud ays taht tessS"r het ttarhe of ohnd-enarence ot "hletha = imnorf het tniepta of eth tlehha eeqosnnsceus fo ont agnetrti rhe niicodnto. +1

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