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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#6 (reveal difficulty score)
A 68-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Inferior mesenteric and superior mesenteric ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +13  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—cocoxaurus(59)
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heT ipseenntaort heer seems to fit ttha fo sciemetern ruvasalc coci-suoln ndppalotisra ainp ahtt stals 1 o,urh ofdo o,raviens giwthe osls. hTe ntaitep aols sah ikrs crstfoa aosdetacsi iwth ecenstierm savlcuar ocinul-ocs ldore thna 06 yaser l,do peiirieamHyl,pd nyepitHeos,nr Px.HM

hT"e snctemreei iilnctoacur ssconits of trehe aiyrmpr essvles taht upylsp odblo to teh amlsl nad glera b:wloe hte ecilac ryeatr, rsioreup emecitesnr rteyar SAM(), adn nrriifoe trscieeemn ayrert A.)IM( Bolod flow ghhrout sheet erresati saeceinsr tnwiih an rhuo freta taenig deu ot na rsiecnea ni liotmaebc anmedd of the taintseiln io.umcscnCharo nuclosoic fo a ginsle seevls wllosa laolraeltc lbdoo wolf ot scmnapete,o suht ospytsmm do otn iyycalltp rtseepn litun at etsal tow mripyra seslsev rae lcco.d u"edt4co4bwn:swsNhkB./0b/v.K/g.//p3h78omlnwtnoi.i

raaesoltllC eewtbne ASM dan MAI earn teh inelcps fruxlee nae(enigdrM cMrsenteie )rtyr.ea eTreh is lsoa lcllaraote nbeeewt lCaeci ryrAte nda AMS nealdataudocneorc(iP ce.rda)a

,atLlsy I oknw htta reeth si a 3-mc eccatti atoar ufndo no TC, ubt an oricat ryuanesm wodul otn eoudcpr htese .ymmssotp eEnv fi uoy thothgu ttah het psyosmmt rewe ude ot het AA,A yuo ulocd itsll etg to eth recctro swnera if you eus sehaf4'1md .rgsnaenoi

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honey-crusted lesion  tGear ptaixneao!ln Teher's osal a ildse oatub sthi ni teh 010 Anmoayt opcCnest fdp ubt no'etds og ntoi sa chum etaild as ihst a!shnTk +
djtallahassee  odGo xtploanaein tbu I tkinh na AAA uldow be moer eklliy roiepusr mirceteesn dan aheptc.i het ASM nda MAI aer ermo htna 3 cm aatrp (L1 to h),s4Li lTiper A nctifagef tohb owudl eb ryev g.rlae I lweb hsti nuoisetq eaucseb I saw 3cm nad djupem to ,AAA didtn evne see it swa a ilcssoser tnhgi. tPu the owt etcsols etrersia dan oevmd no +

 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—deathbystep1(21)
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all hte ehrto e,evsssl rehtie ahve otealllacr upelsips or htey ylpups to aogsrn wiht mltlpuie suresco of bldoo pyuspl

AMI and MAS tbho vhae lsoeatcllra twih haec rohet agmlrani( stearire and neagdminre arrseti)e, so anseci ehtre si imetnnvlevo of oen of the eriaetrs het bdool ylspup romf eroht cna etpernv chie.aims

ubt fi tbho ASM dna AIM rae ndlvivoe it wuodl rtselu in iiscmhae dan symtosmp deriesbcd in eht nut.oiseq

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paperbackwriter  pSto no! +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—fahmed14(31)
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The 3mc- tiaectc aoart emnas hes ash an iabadnmlo crtoia mn.aureys ylGle,rena hyet tned to rcuco bweol hte arnel reahcbsn so I went ihwt eht tow toslsec hens-brca ASM lh(islytg ebaov l)nare and MIA ebow(l oA,enar.s )ll sicnlpe flxuere is a mcomon rtasehdew arae supdeipl yb MSA adn AMI os ntnmilevove fo hbot can ucaes reh sompmtys

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—usmle11a(102)
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the noyl hitng deam em scoohe MIA nad SAM is eht fcat ethy ppusly eht etiesnnti whhci is the oncmom teis for ciismceh smnreeceti de.isase

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by targetmle(10)
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if het tnioop had MAS adn eciacl r,tkun ulodw atth be rc?otecr

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—brethren_md(105)
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rohnCic sieerMtnec emichIas aak tneasitnli ianM esucl rea rognipsaalpt iscgaeritp p,nia tihgew .osls ulsylaU ued to ecaCli ),a( ,SMA or IAM eetrrsshicolsoa.

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neonem  sa'tWh gutoh atobu tshee esarnw sehccoi hohtug is that you evah 2 ernffited vlebai soo.bmc +
codyluvr95  hTe eictcat otraa mhtig aosl maen AAA lwboe het s,alner iafgfenct eht M,IA +2
sherry  losA niesc eetrh is htis etictac ,aaotr eth arretise eidvnvlo dene ot eb tcaneadj ot one eotrn.ah If hetre is a checoi as in ieaclc nda MS,A ti odcul salo eb ccrtoer. +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—ankistruggles(18)
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Why era het IAM dna ASM ostm ilkyle to eb fdteecfa ni hre ?tdconiion

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sattanki  ian,Ag not oto rseu, but I kntih yhte reew ibiedgsncr a atpntie hwti hcinocr tienlsnait ,ngaina cwhhi is sclllcyasai ormf setaolrsoechris fo hte .I/SMAAM +5
mcl  I was sola tgkinnih utoba hciwh asare ehva cparpy dolbo yupspl a(herwestd ae),asr chihw I ssmuae oduwl eb rsowe off ni the caes of hcinorc rmcenetsie If ouy oklo no eagp 537 of AF 09,21 ASM a± AMI ta the epsncli elxeurf is a wtadehres ;aaer hte troeh si tgeimcsodroi onjtnuic i(smgodi rnbhac mrfo MIA nad erospuri ta.c)erl +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—bharatpillai(40)
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enO ayw ot loko ta tihs wulod eb to go cbka ot eiptgohesasn of tayft sas.tkre Tehy ear somt mycmolon dnouf at the aritoc r,bcinfoatui os alacsibyl het ewolr wnod you og nowd hte dnbaliaom o,atar roem lbetrutnu hte wlf,o ugsican higehr ntlieatop ofr shcsoetailsreor nda einssost fo ahbcnr eel.ssl sv,sAo ernla yrtear esssntio si ewll ibcdserde chwih is gvine off frtea the ciclea knutr so esfa ot asy ccleia nurtk si srpaed ni nay dnik of caertitlroosech sstes.oin

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mousie(272)
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nokigol back ta tshi Q I tcneoi htat eht apnetit olas hsa oseynhnitepr htta aehv ebne a uelc ot decinlu het MSA cb its so scleo to eth raeln iesetrra Rae(nl a osn?ssite)

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nwinkelmann  I dnidt' wnko owh ot rpaaphco shit eh,eitr but onw ihst si ym tohtugh ce:psrso etPniat has apni ertfa eintag. If sti' ont due to an ulrec ic(hwh is hte only ithgn I dlcou eomc up ithw sabuece I nt'idd kwno what seel ti saw kgtnail o),tabu wyh wludo agetni ecsau n?ipa .ll.eW. atinge asuces senredcai GIT itvciyta ihwch nmeas asreecind lbdoo .wlof sA you dpeonit ,tuo teh npiteta sha NTH and ,DAC natgiiicnd elyilk svnxeeeit srheiootrscaesl. siTh si tiopntarm uaecebs wyh dwoul itenga laidneg ot eeirsnacd boldo lowf euasc ipa,n wnhe asyulul ti od'tn?es ..el.Wl oloticsaressrhe in het aetrh aedls ot blatse an.gain Tshi niaporntetse dusons ilke a a"ltbse nin"aag fo hte n.eoamdb +1

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