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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 4/Question#40 (reveal difficulty score)
A 16-year-old girl is brought to the ...
Tail of the pancreas 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by thomasalterman(181)
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cdoAnrgci ot FA, teh leerlpasnno taiegmln csnintao het atli of teh ernpscaa adn hte lcniesp reyrta ;pma& vein

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littletreetrunk  hTe esnpraca is pseliudp yb eth trnaecpaic bsnrcaeh fo hte sclneip ra.ytre eTh ahde is ilodadailnty ilpupdes by eht rrsueopi nda nriofire iaaaloedoudtneccnpr iratseer cwhih are ncbseahr of het rtaglnsdauodoe mfo(r coaeicl k)nurt nad uesorrip icsrtmeene ,sreitera ielyctpese.rv +13
andersen  FA 2091 geap 355 / / +1

bumping littletreetrunk: The pancreas is supplied by the pancreatic branches of the splenic artery. The head is additionally supplied by the superior and inferior pancreaticoduodenal arteries which are branches of the gastroduodenal (from coeliac trunk) and superior mesenteric arteries, respectively.

also see figure 4 here:

+5/- adong(144)

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submitted by abhishek021196(119)
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S—eisepansrel ni tnremsyee of toahmcs e(echn si l)omrdasmee ubt hsa gutreof upypsl ia(clec ri-ue;c nt&lgtkn sp y.ratre

raoleSplnne aelgtnmi = snocCnet Splnee ot etfl rapralena .sacep It annisotc cSelpin trayre adn n,evi tali rcan.epofsa It is a daiertievv fo rlaods rtns.eeemy

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submitted by veryhungrycaterpillar(30)
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hsTi image lsodhu p.ehl

noVeus dreiagan si hte msea.

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