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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 4/Question#34 (reveal difficulty score)
A 44-year-old man who is a farmer and has ...
Area labeled โ€˜Dโ€™ ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—mcl(671)
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oT eaxpdn no st,ih ehooansoprpshagt rae nyomocml esud sa eiscdseicn,ti dan fcitnuno by iigbdnn ceaelltoincshyteasre nda avtci"gtnie"da it, os ot sap.ek Tihs usretsl ni an escsxe fo ChA intiwh hte syaepsn, cihwh ascsue sgdelu mdosreny o,mini(gtv nwatgeis, herrdiaa -- byillaacs tosl fo sfuil)d. hTe attemtner rof thsi si tapyliylc aiotrnep isnccm(iiritanua),n adn idaxilropme fi( vgine yrael o,heugn nca eaa"c"tertvi het .a-C)esAsh hTe adgairm vngie deso otn hsow e,hCsa-A lony eht -,hACR eoehftrre D is the tbes

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lowyield  losA icronagdc to wuordl uyo iveg ntiperoa eforeb eriaxiolpmd cbseuea rxaoeilmidp can cuaes an iailitn aexneioracbt en(ev hghtou you himtg tkhin oyu usoldh veig pxreailimod rifts uecaseb it si imet eisisen)tv +5
handsome  FA 0022 gP 482 "Aetgorlirmpxndpoteia&;"i +1
fhegedus  AF 2020 aepg 241 ssay paoitnre si nigve ofr nsrmcaiiuc smtmpyso BELUDM()BSL hwlei ipxmdeialro si iprramily sdue fro hte incotcnii opmymtss of ysirecechttlaaesnoel opnsgi.ino eTh q stme hsa uacisircnm tsmmospy ,nvomt(gii edihr,ara tv,)salinaio so the ebst ntopoi ot vige tpo,iaenr hihcw ctsa ta crsmuinica tprrceeso +1

To expand further, atropine is used to reverse MUSCARINIC symptoms (i.e. "DUMBBELSS": Diarrhea, Urination, Miosis, Bradycardia, Bronchospasm, Emesis, Lacrimation, Salivation, Sweating) and it can also cross the BBB to relieve the CNS symptoms (i.e. respiratory depression, lethargy, seizures, coma). However, pralidoxime is used to reverse NICOTINIC symptoms (i.e. the neuromuscular blockade). Pralidoxime CANNOT cross the BBB and therefore cannot relieve CNS symptoms. And always give atropine before pralidoxime because pralidoxime can cause transient acetylcholinesterase inhibition, which will worsen the symptoms.

+1/- fatboyslim(118)

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submitted by โˆ—mousie(272)
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nhtareaoposgOph noigopins = ndoAitte = ritpnAoe wriy(Aa M oretcepr kcobe)rl = olitiadn of cobieorhsnl

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