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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 4/Question#34 (reveal difficulty score)
A 44-year-old man who is a farmer and has ...
Area labeled โ€˜Dโ€™ ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—mcl(671)
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oT nepdax no is,ht ahptnshpreosoaog ear clmoynom edus as ecnsciis,ietd nad nfotniuc by dignnbi elsalecahsiotteencyr nda vgd"atateiin"c ,it so ot sa.kpe iThs essutlr ni na csxsee fo hCA twihni teh aeyssn,p icwhh eacssu ulsgde rodynsem iigto(vm,n iega,wtns hiraarde -- biylalcas tosl of ils.udf) Teh nttmreate fro ihst si lytaclyip etnoipra cr(natic,nm)iiuasin and ieralmxpdio (if egniv ealry uehngo, cna ir"atecate"v the eash)s-.AC The mrigada gievn osed ont sowh -shCa,eA only hte -AChR, eoerthref D si het tbse .wnresa

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lowyield  oAls rdgicaonc to drwulo ouy evgi optrnaie eoebrf dpromxiaeil aseeucb xmiepdlraoi cna esuca an niiliat xctneeraibao ee(vn utghoh uoy hitmg kniht yuo holusd igve pmeailxrdoi rtifs eeascbu it is item i)ssveiten +5
handsome  AF 0202 Pg 824 prlpxie&a;"oAntimigdtreo" +1
fhegedus  AF 0202 eapg 214 asys eoaptrin is vegin rof crinsucmia pystosmm LEBSUM(DBL) hewil ilaempoxdir is mpyrliria used fro the iciincotn sytmpoms of oltslecshreenceyitaa gpinoni.os Teh q emts sha mincsiacru stomsymp mg(no,iivt ,idherara t)sivoan,ila so the btes pinoot to vegi pnir,aote hwhci cats at sicmriancu sceeortrp +1

To expand further, atropine is used to reverse MUSCARINIC symptoms (i.e. "DUMBBELSS": Diarrhea, Urination, Miosis, Bradycardia, Bronchospasm, Emesis, Lacrimation, Salivation, Sweating) and it can also cross the BBB to relieve the CNS symptoms (i.e. respiratory depression, lethargy, seizures, coma). However, pralidoxime is used to reverse NICOTINIC symptoms (i.e. the neuromuscular blockade). Pralidoxime CANNOT cross the BBB and therefore cannot relieve CNS symptoms. And always give atropine before pralidoxime because pralidoxime can cause transient acetylcholinesterase inhibition, which will worsen the symptoms.

+1/- fatboyslim(118)

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submitted by โˆ—mousie(272)
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peapOngahotrsoh songpoini = Atdntoie = eApnoirt ywi(rAa M etrocrpe ekolr)bc = ldonatii of oesliobchrn

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