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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 4/Question#26 (reveal difficulty score)
A 28-year-old man has hypertriglyceridemia ...
Aspirin ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—lfsuarez(160)
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eWhn ntsietap rae egnvi tioiccnNi Niica)idan(c tyeh rae lodt to tceexp onomcm ides stfcfee ot ccrou uhcs as htarwm and rsdsnee. One nca ivoad etesh sdei effscte by gnitak niraips

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mcl  oT xepnad no ,itsh hte wsraud/ftnhssr/lmhngeie is ued to arlseee fo G2DP and 2PGE whhic si ywh tiknga na IANDS e.lhps +20
snripper  D'tesno camiaeenohntp sinhtiib COX ,-21 t?oo yWh 'tcna ouy ues ttha istedna fo api?nsri Just o.nwegnidr +4
raspberryslushy  I adh siht amse qsnutioe ,oto and adh ti odewrarn wond to tehso owt hse.ocic dedEn up oggni p/nirsiaw tbu it swa otrs fo a cino t.oss litSl ton rues yhw 'sit otn +
eagleeeee  I nktih the rasone is hatt iaepemotanhcn si tbhiiiedn phayerpllrie nda si anylim esud to biitnhi XCO ni hte SNC +8
whatup  eTh wrsot side fcetfe of Nniaci si pctt.toxhaeiioy mhtinecpaenAo si fumsyaol nownk rof ypittoaiecxh os iransip is a btetre sewnra +4
doctordave  mhceopteionnA si na aneitcriytp nda ea,lcngasi ubt it si tno larontnfmitiaym,a so it tlnuow'd eb sfuuel orf cnaiiN undceid .inlghufs eSe( tsyekch hmapr for INAsSD) +3
meja2  moieeninhApct alimny btiihsni -C2,XO stuh wuodl ldea to iitninobih of oionrpcdut of iuoerLene,skt adn mero atisadrplgnson lwil be mdea omfr irdaiochnac acdi loyn nigttge up by [C1XO - I ebmrreme thsi by ngisu ist nea,m t-onwen-Apoimche orf CO]-2X +
fatboyslim  ebMya iinaprs si seocnh rveo oeaenthicapnm eeabsuc asirpni elrrveisyirb inthsbii OXC +

COX-3, a splice variant of COX-1, has been suggested to be the site of action of paracetamol, but genomic and kinetic analysis indicates that this selective interaction is unlikely to be clinically relevant. There is considerable evidence that the analgesic effect of paracetamol is central and is due to activation of descending serotonergic pathways, but its primary site of action may still be inhibition of PG synthesis. The action of paracetamol at a molecular level is unclear but could be related to the production of reactive metabolites by the peroxidase function of COX-2, which could deplete glutathione, a cofactor of enzymes such as PGE synthase.

But mainly, Acetominophen is an antipyretic and analgesic, but it is not antiinflammatory, so it wouldn't be useful for Niacin induced flushing.

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submitted by kungfupanda(5)
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inmhaeocAnpte stac by ithingbini the 3O-XC ni eht NCS and cneeh rgecsnedai the dboy urerapmt,eet ubt ont on eht erarlphiep -OXC1 amp&; .2 e,nech nAsirip si het tteber eohcic

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