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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 2/Question#25 (reveal difficulty score)
A 44-year-old man with invasive pancreatic ...
Area labeled โ€˜Hโ€™ ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—sympathetikey(1600)
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niaP &p;am terepaetrmu eisbrf rof teh grthi sedi omce ni no hte rsaold rigth ,ides scors at eht eoratrin wteih u,cmeosmir nda eltavr up ni eth tpchamiolinSa acrt.t


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focus  heT rdmaiag ereh si ryptet ag,ret too, ofr hte ilscimahntoap rtcta an(d ti is entpedres ieds by esid hiwt eht olrads ocumnl ofr amponir) :socichccpraes/erontlsep/2pht/yt.ot4hcmyg:1p-aocdetsy-annxt/ngsioearaptnblao-// +

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submitted by โˆ—lispectedwumbologist(122)
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r'Wee gveiwni tshi ecsli of hte pnails ordc from the ottomb r?hgit ehT telf thgri lsbela yalasw xmi me pu.

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mcl  Yahe, I tsuj dtresa at siht angia for a dislo 5 usmetin ihatrgts pu yd.ign I hknit if 'weer inogg whti hte /LR alselb sa eyth rae hswno on eth mgiea, menaigi hte ettipan nigly no herit tomscah with hreti feet podteni owrsdta you and ti lduhos amke +10
ankigravity  tBu why loduw noeyna evre iwve a tietpna lkei ?taht I nema, in het ear fo iCdvo dan oi,gpnrn .yabme +

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submitted by โˆ—anechakfspb(77)
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Alos you acn aretxtlepao ttha teh risefb ausnigc shi apin aevh rlaeday sedocrs evro uecaesb tshi is a ceivlrac npesi nico,est dna eth pain 'ehs vginha is buimrhocalt/cra

'seeHr a cptruei thta leyarl edp:leh c30wm;=1MaaHSp1iHprs+chKw4cNs=U;bdAQbhe3cm?Fj8avct=/mrc06Ccii7+appuAXe0r1s5oJCv;+.ayle=13g16;8aqmGCR8AcQ:tr&grYo8+l_2/;mrKlsba0fhj5oed_8l2hotsowUsMipcpobm&q_aawwYia&m9prSsAUasSD#cc=3UE;8lfFi&pbpssAIoa+noe&kmmKEdla10sxQLmaeEmcm=hi&Uggi5uvGlz4e7==Xa;3&Ixewl44e&=2o8M:thsu/vH=X+sm3wtrge0rcl80upwBspAnn.i1;mUsqhr+

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submitted by bigbootycorgi(5)
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hTe ihntg s,i hte snoitahliamcp ttarc osrescs 2 vtebaerlr evslel up dna tnhe estsdsucae ta the rotraien weith mmrieosusc ot etg omrf eht ihgtr to eht ,ftel os who od I nowk hchwi bretvalre lvlee d'I be kiowngr no stih y?gu

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chris07  I hkint eht mtouinassp heer si ahtt we era lnegida tihw het rocd ectnois ta hte lelve of eht eobp.rml ehT cptuire is nbylceirdi emi.gsinlda oYu vhae to noerti loeys.urf hTe sorlda oucnsml ,F ,E ,A B rae cnifag teh tatn'isep rep.tiroos Ocne uoy eprolrpy rteino it in D3 ,acpse ouy nokw htat saht'w ldeebla gri"th" si ytlcluaa teh tpsie'tna tfl,e nad t'hwsa ladeble le"ft" is ihs trhig isde. ruepS fnucs.igno +2
sne  Teh ipnut sraise ni a ialprtm/b of boyd ta eth ellev fo elino,s ernest grhuoth teh salrdo troo deupicrt( eenewtb A and B,) dseeustcsa nad scndase at hte tiaonrre csioursmm,e adn fliaynl seyssnpa on hte necosd erdor enrnou ni teh elrlata satilhcpomani ractt. oS het acinalhitomsp rtcta is pnbiessrelo fro olaelrrnaattc pani and tepeurtmare asionsnet. So AT THE LLEEV tcclehlnyai wdlou be ni teh rsdaol mclonu +13
nwinkelmann  sl,ao 7hs,cri@0 I hkitn roye'u rgown about the ebslla eginb ngrow on the ia.mge eaeBsuc eth cinsohlapmait tartc = lncoaaetaltrr apin nad te,eartmepru dna the ittne'asp pani si no het hirgt isd,e oyu dwulo tnwa ot geratt hte fetl ithconpmsalia rattc orf ainp elf,ier e..i teh eraa dbelela .H Teh aaer eadlbel D woldu eb hte grtih tlihsa,nomaipc yluerp euecbas ttha is woh het gamei is .eelaldb If you asemsu hte blela si fedifr,etn uoy lliw etg ti nrwgo. +12
kpjk  se@n I 'tndo ntikh egntrein ofrm the dorlsa troo wudol be bwteene A and B. It wloud be aptr fo teh gayr etrmta ,so lraalet ot B adn F +3
ih8payingfordis  I itkhn teh yke gntih reeh is to geecirozn ttah hte oscrs etsonic ee'wr okilgno at is a RCLIEVCA onecs,ti cwihh snema tsi' tnyfeiedil rhegih htna the ucesro of pani (kabc adn emoa.nbd) athT seltl yuo htta het tctra stmu evah oedsscr drelaay so uyo ttarge teh raractlltenao .desi er eH si a dogo klin ot enidtfyi eerwh het rodc si mfro ea,cv(rlci ,tcoaichr arumlb dan ra:as)cl n1an.0i4s.8Pmt.//n./gaens/rodgesptw/uth0fbScpaLuutFt:mhomy +4

If you assume that because the pt has R-sided back and ab pain somewhere in the lower thoracic, and you know that this slice of cord is above that because it has a posterior intermediate sulcus present (i.e. has both a gracilus and cuneatus track), then you know that the spinal cord slice is likely above where the pain is, therefore the spinothalamic has crossed over already.

+6/- spow(50)

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submitted by โˆ—donttrustmyanswers(74)
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Wtah si the area aebllde G'' and C''? nAd omre rhcrse?tcaa

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alexxxx30  lratale patoincrlsoci i ihknt +5

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submitted by alexv0815(10)
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you are ogniolk ta htsi bttmoo up a(s fi oesrpn is no htsmac)o os L is intteap L adn R is ienpatt .R sihT sah ucenaet dna irilgcas atscrt, ihhcw eanms it si igerhh up in ohcacirt pnalsi orcd and os teh manoslptciaih sah aadryle rneetde adn r.sscdoe So eht ahpyatw si from hte roslad orot nlgaigno on R edsi -gt;& esosscr ACW t;&-g egos pu to bnari ta lfte ."H"

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submitted by โˆ—handsome(3)
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FA 0220 PG 850 eh lsciefyaicpl otspin ot htgri ncandiegs aaertll sohlaipcantmi rattc .ebt lcsaar lvceraic ro---f ipna and atmtreepuer

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