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Retired NBME 23 Answers

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submitted by momof21234(6)
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hte ttieapn hsa tssoesab hchwi is vtiieretcsr ceul( saw rplulae lDsC)Leqp auO is desrecead ni hcticrao-atinr tociionnds atrtitn(lisei nglu dz tc)e dan nroaml no aaiteotc-rxhcr tdincoonsi uam(ruslc i)esssu

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usmlecharserssss  owh 1V/FCVFE si narmol i tnncao teg ttha +4
sammyj98  I hknti tihs si aanddrts ofr tistviercer gunl eaise.ssd nI eiucrotvtbs teh ysaaiwr plloscea uinrdg xoiantpier so 'tsi rhda ot rei,exp ubt 'rtehse a long drwan uto ned ot ioteipnra sa letlti by eittll it ecass,ep gaidnel to a dceesrdea .FCFE1VV/ In riteievstcr pts' sjut ae'nrt laeb to moev nad pdnxea rheti unlgs o,hgnue os hwen ythe pxiere s'it fo a lalms lmoue,v tub rthee snti' any lolpeasc .dolvnive ts'I ilek a rnlaom otieipaxrn stuj wthi a esiertdctr vue,oml mganki eth 1/FCVEVF nalom.r +
spow  @sausmsecssrrslhe In eitisrectvr lugn sed,sseai eht taroi is rihtee anrmlo or +4
drzed  ndA hte asnroe ywh FVE1V/CF is retihe anlrmo or eciearnds in erittisrvce lgnu iadsees si yrev pis:mel eth FVE1 dna VFC ohtb cadesere cseaebu yuo rae sngcerrtiit ,lwoafri utb teh FCV lilw csdeeaer REOM hatn het ,1EFV adn htus aecebus teh moroaenintd si e,rlrga eht faoictnr iehrte sasty rmo,lan ro aencersis ln htssigCyottlar tish ot bcttisuovre ungl esdsiae werhe yuo veah na ootbtscrniu ot iar O,WFL the 1EFV lliw eeasrcde ermo tnah teh ,CFV agldeni to a wlo torai yb deiinfto +7
llamastep1  To add to htwa e@drzd s,ida sibforis csasue lardia nircttao no the iywasar oetrefhre rignesniac V.CE1FF/V Tsehre a odUlrw q no ti +1
ankigravity  ndA stju ot add to thaw t@aasl1elpm ia,ds lardia toirtacn is het leavitre erfco drtxeee on eth aysiarw yb eth arsnltiitite It is rainedsec in iiftrobc todnicnsio edu ot nitegsn of eht uisets adn sdreedaec ni dnsiotcnoi hatt rtdesyo or duceer erhgtnts of ianreitlsitt ssi.teu +

FEV1/FVC is normal because even though FVC decreases, FEV1 also decreases proportionately. There for the FEV1/FVC would be normal if both values decrease.

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submitted by โˆ—imgdoc(183)
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30 serya tnoccronsitu wore,rk oialtn,unsi b,sdpiliihung ?lbnmpgiu estsoisnf Aibes soipyrntrai leacrsck = iicvrtstree gnlu sbeille aitadsare arlcyneahmp etiocsa,ip UREATRLCI pnttera = mlaurnoyp brifioss nearttp no L AXERCPURL UAQPLSE = hCrrey on ,opt xerta io,fn s.Asbsieost

lAl fo tsih pnitos to a rectsirveti ngul aesised twhi an AETTITNISILR p.rneatt neEv if you ddni't get t,biesoasss tbu urdntodseo htta thsi lphooatgic oescsrp si ttrcseeiirv in ratun,e oyu nac tge teh right set fo ncahseg on TPF. shiT is a lcogpotaih tieistlarnit isads,ee ont ithansamey sgviar or po,iol os CLOD iwll IF thsi wsa aymsniheat visr,ga dan ti edska for hte eams ets fo snigdnif oruy DCOL DUWLO BE N,AMRLO uyro rAoevlal aartlrei tadgrine lwuod eb !anom!lr

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submitted by docred123(9)
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reA all sniitcrrettst/liirtaeive gnul sseaesid tneiviaidc fo a WOL DC?OL

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nlkrueger  olyn fi ts'i an srliiitttnae lung idsasee i keli polio can cause a csvi"titeerr glun esdi"ase btu ist' deu to eusmlc teoffr dan wludo pceext to ese a eedeascr in dfisunfig atpiaccy (AF 1820 gp 5276). +6
meningitis  nounCttsiorc er,rkow feufDsi urclerita sieoaitpc cedmreas tvericirets nad low LDCO for em. nihAgytn thta eireth sadd osrsifib to ,eolvila or escihnkt eht dertamie neebewt alloiev dna eorvllaa elplciraisa llwi suace olw CDOL. +10
305charlie94  tlluyAac ioopl si eno of the vtstiricere nulg sseeasdi ahtt heva a rmalon duingsfif ayptacci orf aconrb xnimdeoo F(A 1920 616.p) +1

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