30 serya tnoccronsitu wore,rk oialtn,unsi b,sdpiliihung ?lbnmpgiu estsoisnf Aibes soipyrntrai leacrsck = iicvrtstree gnlu sbeille aitadsare arlcyneahmp etiocsa,ip UREATRLCI pnttera = mlaurnoyp brifioss nearttp no L AXERCPURL UAQPLSE = hCrrey on ,opt xerta io,fn s.Asbsieost
lAl fo tsih pnitos to a rectsirveti ngul aesised twhi an AETTITNISILR p.rneatt neEv if you ddni't get t,biesoasss tbu urdntodseo htta thsi lphooatgic oescsrp si ttrcseeiirv in ratun,e oyu nac tge teh right set fo ncahseg on TPF. shiT is a lcogpotaih tieistlarnit isads,ee ont ithansamey sgviar or po,iol os CLOD iwll eceer.ads IF thsi wsa aymsniheat visr,ga dan ti edska for hte eams ets fo snigdnif oruy DCOL DUWLO BE N,AMRLO uyro rAoevlal aartlrei tadgrine lwuod eb !anom!lr
reA all sniitcrrettst/liirtaeive gnul sseaesid tneiviaidc fo a WOL DC?OL
submitted by momof21234(6)
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hte ttieapn hsa tssoesab hchwi is vtiieretcsr ceul( saw rplulae lDsC)Leqp auO is desrecead ni hcticrao-atinr tociionnds atrtitn(lisei nglu dz tc)e dan nroaml no aaiteotc-rxhcr tdincoonsi uam(ruslc i)esssu