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Retired NBME 23 Answers

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submitted by momof21234(6)
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eth apnetit hsa sbssatoe hwihc is eeirtircstv c(leu wsa lupreal Ce)qplDO Lsua si aseeecddr ni nchrato-aircit ndiiocnost iial(ritettns guln dz te)c nda larnmo on ratoa-tchxcrei ncsdniotio (smrclauu s)uisse

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usmlecharserssss  woh FFEV/CV1 is nlroam i tnocan get ahtt +4
sammyj98  I ntikh tihs si dstnrada ofr sceirevitrt guln disssaee. In ibvtsceotru hte ryasawi ealosplc igundr iotripneax so 'tis rhad to eer,ixp tbu sheet'r a ongl anrdw tuo end to toanipire as letlti by ettill ti ee,pacss laeingd to a seaderecd 1.VVCEFF/ In irviteetcrs spt' sjtu t'naer blea ot evom nda expnda rhite gulns nhueg,o os ewnh teyh erpxei i'st fo a sllma ,mveulo utb eterh in'st nya clolpaes vd.nolevi Is't iekl a nromla itreoxapni sujt tiwh a ecrttrsdei uloe,vm akigmn teh /VCFE1VF ao.lnrm +
spow  schmaees@ssrlssru nI evstrirteci nulg sesdae,si hte rtaio is heteir rlnmao or cne.raside +4
drzed  Adn teh oaresn ywh 1FVEFCV/ is eitehr lomanr ro dsriaceen ni ittcerrisev lugn esesdia si yrve e:silmp the VFE1 dna FCV otbh erdeecsa bcaesue oyu rae gicseritrnt owfira,l tub hte VCF liwl eresadec RMOE athn hte F,VE1 and tsuh ecsabeu hte ramonteoidn is ,alerrg hte ncrafoit irehet ssyat m,alnor ro csareines lis ltCnshroytatg hits ot uevciotrtbs gunl saeside eehrw yuo evha an rsbotoctuni to ira WOF,L eth VFE1 lwli eacrdees omre hnta het VFC, angldei ot a wol aitor yb fodeiitn +7
llamastep1  oT add to htaw ezr@dd adsi, rossibfi acusse ldaria orctnati no eth arsawiy teeorrfhe csgrniaeni .FVC/F1EV esThre a dorwUl q on ti +1
ankigravity  And juts ot dda ot awht pelasml@ta1 dasi, aialrd cntirtao si the ietaevlr crefo xtredee no eht syrwaia by the isrialtttine .tieusss tI is eesiadnrc in fbcoriit dnoinoicts deu ot tinngse fo the esusti adn esdardeec in indscnoiot atht erosydt ro dceuer trthnegs of ettinaisrtil et.uiss +

FEV1/FVC is normal because even though FVC decreases, FEV1 also decreases proportionately. There for the FEV1/FVC would be normal if both values decrease.

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submitted by โˆ—imgdoc(183)
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03 ysera cnitnutsoorc ,roewkr asotin,inlu gslniubih,pdi nlumb?gip obfsstinsseAe i oinarpyirst sarcelkc = tvrcrsetiie glun ea leeasirlbitsad mnrlcyehaap ipasoei,tc RCEIURALT ptnarte = nyapoulmr ioirfsbs pnetart no C XLURPLREA SEPLAQU = yrCehr on top, xarte fnio, bstisoAes.s

lAl fo ihst tnopsi ot a erttrciisev ugnl siedesa ihwt na TNRIIETTLASI .nteptra evnE fi you ind'dt gte ,tesiasssob ubt dnooerudst ahtt hist ootpcighla eosrscp is svtiicertre in ner,tau oyu anc tge eth rtigh set fo gehcsan on P.FT shiT si a liootapgch atniieslrtti desi,esa not hnsetiaaym vsigar or pooi,l so LOCD lliw eds.rcaee IF hits swa sayhmaetin rvigs,a nda it kdesa rof hte amse tse fo gnsidifn uyor COLD LUDWO BE RNO,AML oruy rvlAolea irraelta aigerdnt uwodl eb rmlon!a!

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submitted by docred123(9)
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reA all rvatitiitse/relenircistt lugn siedaess deivnitaic of a WLO LDO?C

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nlkrueger  nylo if 'its an trtnlaeiisti gnlu easdsei i e.ibeelv kiel loiop acn ucaes a crte"eisvirt nulg "saeeids btu tsi' eud to lescum eoftrf nda owdul cetxpe to ese a cedeaser in dfingifus tyaapcic A(F 2810 pg 25.)76 +6
meningitis  toustircnCno e,rkorw ffiseDu ureilarct petoisica rdaeecms rriceivttes nad owl OLCD ofr me. gyitnAhn ttah terhie dasd sfoisrbi to lvioel,a or nestikhc eth tedrmeia nbweeet volleia dna lravaeol salrlepciai ilwl seuca lwo DCOL. +10
305charlie94  clatyuAl pooli si eon of the eivrtecsitr ugnl dsasesie htta have a amonlr figfdnsui ipacycat fro robanc moexondi F(A 2910 61).p6 +1

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