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lAl fo ihst tnopsi ot a erttrciisev ugnl siedesa ihwt na TNRIIETTLASI .nteptra evnE fi you ind'dt gte ,tesiasssob ubt dnooerudst ahtt hist ootpcighla eosrscp is svtiicertre in ner,tau oyu anc tge eth rtigh set fo gehcsan on P.FT shiT si a liootapgch atniieslrtti desi,esa not hnsetiaaym vsigar or pooi,l so LOCD lliw eds.rcaee IF hits swa sayhmaetin rvigs,a nda it kdesa rof hte amse tse fo gnsidifn uyor COLD LUDWO BE RNO,AML oruy rvlAolea irraelta aigerdnt uwodl eb rmlon!a!
reA all rvatitiitse/relenircistt lugn siedaess deivnitaic of a WLO LDO?C
submitted by momof21234(6)
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eth apnetit hsa sbssatoe hwihc is eeirtircstv c(leu wsa lupreal Ce)qplDO Lsua si aseeecddr ni nchrato-aircit ndiiocnost iial(ritettns guln dz te)c nda larnmo on ratoa-tchxcrei ncsdniotio (smrclauu s)uisse