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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#36 (reveal difficulty score)
A 45-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Chondrosarcoma ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—notadoctor(175)
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fI uoy were scutk webente Ch(aarao)mnismcdoaonlrngt adn hEam(r)idogonenbncn erbmreme rmscdanoenho mya oeedr eth toerxc tbu nca vneer /dsrudpiinteav het r.xeoct I hitnk tish asw hte tctniidnios het uqtosnei was .nitegst

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an_improved_me  osl:A coohmEnardsn ear osmt nmmooc in yugno esmal li(ke s2)0 erehswa asmocdanoorrch rae tmso mocimn in eimldd dgea men e(sp. )hpis +1

Also FA 2019 456-457 says chondromas : medulla of small bones of hand and feet vs. chondrosarcoma: medulla of pelvis, proximal femur and humerus (-->our pt with thigh pain)

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submitted by โˆ—neonem(629)
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nI diaodnit ot ibpee's ectosmnm, A2F810 says taht acnrdarosoomhc is omre ommcon ni teh aellmd"u fo pievls and rnclate lent"oesk hliew codmnrhsoa are rome in the alsml bnoes fo shnda apm&; f.te.e. os I esgus you oucld og fof of it ingbe in a iergbg nebo em.r)(fu rO hsearpp het oephlpmicro ohiystlgo fo teh lcel,s hcwih lduow eb roem ieacstrrchtica fo a intaaglnm ortu.m

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submitted by โˆ—burak(71)
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stI' hianyel tlgc,aeira so we edne teh csoeho ornmoacndhe or ncodsarcor.ahmo

-1 I ithkn eerth ear smstioe dan seom hoirmpcelpo scahneg in sd,lei os t'i keil nmntia.lag

-2 hmEconosnard ear donfu ni amlls obens fo dhan nad feet igacdnroc het ,FA but aocscoahnrdrsmo aer mlynai rdiase in almdule of psleiv or lrcneta kl.teseon

-3 I werot no ym AF cso"etNlpia drotneocychs ni hnyilea raatilgec mxarit HIWT MSALL TNSACIIF"L.ACICO I t'ond onwk ewerh ti si ofmr tbu bbyaorlp UW.

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jakeperalta  Llo 'Iev diserlcbb wnod eht same ihgnt in A.F 'Ist W.U +3

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submitted by โˆ—beeip(141)
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isTh rvewie esgtsgsu tath nhaendrocom nda mnscacaodroorh rae lueanb ot be itdredenfifeat no lyoihtosg nloa.e dgrcnoicA to Ohbotresltlu:

nie"klu hrod,nnocema tsom mcohdrnrsoaasco evah enlnmcnhac-oai pnia ters( npia nda ncnrutlao ai"n)p

sGsue tish dsoiaisgn si amde on sytorhi.

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submitted by โˆ—usmleuser007(464)
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aCocromsnrhoda = ylmnai cfaesft teh alxia eotsnlek ahnt eht earpdniuplca eekntslo

Edmnrhaoocn = ymalni ctaefsf het dnsah nda ;ftee rea styc ilke

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submitted by โˆ—aesalmon(95)
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I entw kabc and tahcedw hits necoist on tahpamo refat gtignte teh oitnusqe rgown - D.r raatSt says htta mrsanooCdh dan oscoarorhdmsCan reais ni eht EALLDM,U and ont the o.ercxt Hevrweo het tqsnoieu etsm satets taht tereh is nchigtkn"ie of het dpisyhais dna sitropidun of teh COTERX wiht lfoac reaa of eeirncasd ca,ocncaiiltif" ???

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yotsubato  tI riessa in hte adelmlu adn ea**sssp uthhrog teh rteoxc abseecu sit eanvisvi adn n.italgnam +13

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