Also FA 2019 456-457 says chondromas : medulla of small bones of hand and feet vs. chondrosarcoma: medulla of pelvis, proximal femur and humerus (-->our pt with thigh pain)
nI naditdio to sipe'be sn,temomc 28F01A yass ttha sarrhcaonmocdo is remo commno in the le"dauml of esvlpi nad natlrec ek"etolns ehwli smncdhrooa aer moer ni eht slmla neobs of asndh &;pam fe.e..t so I sgeus ouy cdolu og ffo fo ti nbige in a egbrig onbe .(rufm)e rO ppsaerh het hlpropicmoe yigslhoto of eth lcl,es ihhwc wdoul be reom caciceshaitrrt fo a gliantman t.uomr
stI' lhyneai cir,gtaela os ew ende eth osohce eohdcaomrnn or rsoohcrc.admoan
1- I htnik terhe ear oetmssi adn semo hpecoloimpr achsegn ni dis,el os it' eilk .antgilanm
-2 oncsdaomErnh ear uondf in sllam bsone fo dhan adn efet dcaicrngo the F,A but caorsmaosdonrch are nyiaml iredsa ni adeluml of plvise ro tlcnera ekeos.lnt
-3 I etorw no my FA lcisaNotep" dtohnsycreoc ni aynhile iaaletgcr mtirax WIHT ALMLS IA"LCN.CFCTIASOI I otdn' okwn rehwe ti is ofrm utb bplabyor UW.
sThi rweeiv sseutgsg htta aocdrnmnoeh and rdcahocaornmos era lubnea to be feetfatddirien no oolhigtsy e.lnoa cdcogiArn to lstutoOlbhre:
ieu"nkl nahocmo,rend tsmo aohrnscdscormao ehav ccnial-nmeanoh ipan rs(te napi dan nacoltrnu "anip)
sseGu siht osigadnsi is adem no sy.ihort
namchoCsdraroo = imynal ecstaff hte iaxal eoklsten tanh het auieprdacpnl nlktseeo
omnoahncErd = naimly fsteafc hte andsh nda e;eft era cyst kile
I etwn kcab nad twhadce hist ocsinet no aotmpah taerf tgetgni teh otsuineq orngw - D.r artatS ayss htat harndoCmos and osrmChradscoaon sraei ni het DLULAM,E adn nto teh c.xtero erHwevo eth qteosinu mtes satset thta eehrt is "cnhigieknt of het iyadsihps nda ustpirindo fo teh OECTXR twih lafoc area of erseacdin ",iniailfcatocc ???
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fI you erwe cskut bnwetee dornar(Cmongiomtahna)lasc and n)nobhcigroEmnande( meemrber cnnmshoedaro aym eoder hte ceoxtr btu cna evnre nsptieuadivrd/ teh t.croxe I hknit tshi saw eht dicntoisint eht onuisqet wsa tgie.stn