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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#37 (reveal difficulty score)
A 66-year-old right-handed woman develops the ...
Area labeled 'B' (Internal capsule) ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hungrybox(1277)
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gFooilnlw a tore,sk itsh tenptia adh kweasnes of hre ltfe fcae dan by,od os eht seoktr muts hvae acfetdef hte hrtig seid of ehr .iarbn B swa eth nylo cieoch no the rhgti esdi of her ra.bin

tilSl snucod?ef eaRd

ehT rvtuayoln omort biersf ptiocraolc(nis tcta)r dcendes fmro the rymripa rmtoo x,cerot csors te)ascueds( ta the lylaudmer mdip,rays and ehnt seapysn ta teh otarnier morot ohnr fo hte piasnl e.lvle

aBsucee of aictnsuseod ta het euaymrldl dimar,spy uoy lhsudo meka a tnoe fo rhwee yan sorekt .oscruc sI it oveba hte ledlrymau adspmiy?r neTh ti lilw tafcfe the edsi poostipe het kresot lalratnet(c.aor) Is it welbo het yalrudlme riypm?sad nehT it liwl ftcfae teh msae isde as the rsotke prt(llase)aii.

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hungrybox  Wpsoo, E si olsa no het itrgh sdei aol(s ebemrmer thta naiimgg si kilngoo pu at o,snmoee tefe sit.rf) utB a ecablleerr rksote duowl ehva sedcau axaat.i +
mnemonia  rVye n!iec! +
usmleuser007  aWht segt em si atth yhet itneonm atht Ltef /32 fo efca si ce.afdtef Tihs sudohl ndeticia a non iatorccl niietarnovn as tsmo fo the lcriana niluec ear ilrbytaleal ndetiranev mofr hte felt adn itrhg pesm.eehrih f I left 32/ of teh cafe si afetcedf tenh ti odlhus loas enam thta eht losnei si farte C5N leucn.i +1
yotsubato  u@hnbxygro s tTa h ont eht ebcluemrle ttsah teh otpcicali eob.l uoY wuold ese dleidesft omouoyhnms haiioemsapn in thta lonsie +8
mrsmac  oT my mi,dn it si melrisp to incoders teh souentiq rfist in smert fo ldobo lpyusp r.iiunotbidst teLf seddi iaphemrssie nda eewskasn of lreow /23 of ecfa rae othb deavtcinii fo a AMC or/erkteuutpsr isF(rt dAi 1082 g.p 9)4.8 urrrtohme,Fe csine teh jyurin sah ecedtfaf omrot fictnuon we wldou be iodgernisnc hte ddsningcee crtta i..e eallatr cnltciopoisra iwhch cureoss uthrgoh hte lrplisietaa rertoispo iblm fo het nteralni peasluc tenh asedcsuets in hte dclaua dl.muael +1
mrsmac  uo'Yre crgedinoins teh rongw NC erh.e 5CN toorm fcnitnou lvnoivse scmlues of ntaiicmatos and owerl 23/ fo ge.outn ehT nvree in usniteoq in tihs caes is /INV7IC caaFli n. NIVIC UMN irjnyu cfastfe the rrlaaleontcat ised, shwaeer MLN nyijur fcsfaet srpaaiiltel istFr( idA 1082 pg. .16)5 .ei. ebefor adn atfer the usnlecu in pson r.iyvlpeetecs I ehpo hsit hlpe.s +3
nala_ula  sSpatci neasm NMU esi,lon neics yeht lsoa ot'nd pysifec if there si amr or gle eskan,wes I ni'tdd eamsus ti saw ACM okets.r I entw htwi teh gaineorns htat ofr heter ot eb sactips iepsiem,hasr there usmt eb mgdeada ot hte UMsN adn erfoehert eht raenintl eulcaps si wheer tsehe atrtcs aer. +
champagnesupernova3  gOm hits ewolh suinsosdci is fngs.ocinu nnItlera eusplac onsctani ALL riticloacpnos adn tlaccubrbioor birsef = rcrlttlaaoane riheaiesmps adn UMN facail einlso +24

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—divya(75)
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mlpysi lraninte peasucl has lnopacsotrcii and orclrtaicubob tstrac pass hurt i,t cnehe eth /cl iamershieps of ybod and eca.f

fI ta all hyet atnw ot wkno hwta ipascilfelyc aspsse rhut ic (iwhch si aicrpalltyc R),NVEE thria tenerno blim - ohctrloaaamlitc ng, eucrttsa - ooibrprro,tclicutb aerso lmib - nsrcoi,caopilt lla eyorssn

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—zevvyt(45)
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=A uatedCa ( aslfkn atrealL nei)eV=l tcrB nIlarten spauel,C ebenewt asTmalhu dna roiLenmft Nc(lueus atem,uPn ) PGC= Tualsa(hm ansklF dr3 cetleiVD=r n Toeaplrm eoEb=L piOltccia obLe

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—burak(71)
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Petiatn adh claenrt flcaia avnre emaagd 4 flte sihmr;aesepi dan lla eth smgaei rea mrof teh ir.ban trEieh he sha eadgam ot cltataoanlrre lartcico aeras which pretrnese heste eucturrtss ro l-rtisaoilaoccocosctniipprn nerve ea.amdg

lrInaten cupasel rsootperi mbl:i Ccpioaorlitsn otorm and ressyno en:vnGs eeur rCucbirotblao ibtor snriAefer bi:ml icTomtaloclarah fesrib

rsnoemdSy cusaed yb IC :edmaag uerP tromo rphiaisseem, Pure seroyns sr,oekt A,ilhax-pieemagti laisythyCmaDr-rus nhad

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burak  b-otiu*pcnacroiraoclclsbtiro +

 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sahusema(173)
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nstPetai tiwh an ntlaenir pceausl kerots mooncylm vahe preu tmoor kesnwsae ffteancgi het alrtoetancral ,mar le,g nad lwoer faec. rClaeotaratnl spstcaiity or iendecrsa neto wtih efexryepihalr rea olsa .nsptere

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