i ogt iths nuiqotes itrgh tbu yhw tnldcou it eb ikgon ao?blbi
toN sreu wtah hte ciliptnioma saw dregaigrn hte sdsiaets ilivgn lficytai I( ernve gtohhtu fo meht sa a atls rseotr atit)su,oni aucebes it sha ebne noshw ttha locasi iitiacvest era cidbleriny ilfiebeanc ni ingwols donw hte sesorgropni fo iate.mden I sepspuo hse si ni het aylre asetgs fo idaeses dna nodte's waartrn tnyhagin so citsdar ekil mgovni just .yet
nhWe I ader knggi"o abiblo" as my rnaswe oichec ()E I huhttog I saw ngtiteg iirouslde mloa
llryae iuocurs abuto yhw ont C)( ggteSsu atht eht ulpcoe ot a sttipaher et.hg?eort TT.
submitted by ∗chandlerbas(118)
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Teh sheerersrca nudof ttah elpoep owh erpiaiaptdct ni eatyllmn ghlagnilcen viisiettca most o,ntef hbot yerla dna ltea in fei,l hda a ewslro erta fo enicdle ni yeormm rpdmeaoc to tehso woh ddi not nagege in cush ecv.tsiitai Evne nwhe eleppo adh asqleup and taslnge dna etroh sngsi fo aegdam ot ihert birsan, mleant tolaistnimu deemse to help otrptce rymmoe adn tingihnk ,sisllk ciannutcgo rfo oautb 41 peercnt of teh deicneefrf in ieecndl eobdny hwat dlowu eb epecxdet hnPitsaah(r ru,Vmei P,Dh hezEtblia C. nmiorMo, Ph:D “ngCviieot lSgniutmtai vciestiAti to pKee meetnDia at .a”yB eooNguylr, oVl .81 )0213
lsao teh wya i see ,ti AD spt evha lmrsoebp tihw pasoppimhcu i.e.( torsh rtme rmmoey epwro )uohse os neeikgp esnot dan lssit ro tavaewhav mihgt help wosl tireh cinveiogt eecnild as tlehyl eb keegnip hte sppmapchiuo oerm aticve