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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#38 (reveal difficulty score)
A 62-year-old woman is brought to the ...
Instruct the patient to keep notes and lists to help her memory 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by chandlerbas(118)
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Teh sheerersrca nudof ttah elpoep owh erpiaiaptdct ni eatyllmn ghlagnilcen viisiettca most o,ntef hbot yerla dna ltea in fei,l hda a ewslro erta fo enicdle ni yeormm rpdmeaoc to tehso woh ddi not nagege in cush ecv.tsiitai Evne nwhe eleppo adh asqleup and taslnge dna etroh sngsi fo aegdam ot ihert birsan, mleant tolaistnimu deemse to help otrptce rymmoe adn tingihnk ,sisllk ciannutcgo rfo oautb 41 peercnt of teh deicneefrf in ieecndl eobdny hwat dlowu eb epecxdet hnPitsaah(r ru,Vmei P,Dh hezEtblia C. nmiorMo, Ph:D “ngCviieot lSgniutmtai vciestiAti to pKee meetnDia at .a”yB eooNguylr, oVl .81 )0213

lsao teh wya i see ,ti AD spt evha lmrsoebp tihw pasoppimhcu i.e.( torsh rtme rmmoey epwro )uohse os neeikgp esnot dan lssit ro tavaewhav mihgt help wosl tireh cinveiogt eecnild as tlehyl eb keegnip hte sppmapchiuo oerm aticve

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by niboonsh(409)
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i ogt iths nuiqotes itrgh tbu yhw tnldcou it eb ikgon ao?blbi

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nor16  nda why on erhpta,y ..ei iveotgnci ia`ginrtn +
jessica_kaushal  frist tpse si ot meak eth snipe'att mntevenirno itcomgndacoa orf the net.apit +3
jessica_kaushal  tirfs setp si ot kaem the tnsi'peat vniemntroen odmtiaocnacg ofr eht n.ietpat +
tryntofigritout  Buesaec tish si a estnewr eidncmei tet.s enEv hugtho ti sha nhsow ragte ictnpoerto iangsta DA dna meoymr itneoprotc, sthi ttes otn'w loalw .tath I ltnilyiai cedlkci no okgni ubt thgtouh ot .sl.m.eyf na isth test deo'nst tcceap an straene os licdkce no eth eno I nwko heyt ndtaew me ot ,say dan I got it ah +7
mumenrider4ever  kaWiedpii yass n"okigG tetcxra sah laso ebne uddesti in 'lrieeshzAm sde,iaes tub there is no odgo ecvdiene ahtt it sah any "fee.t cf odhaiapcgia_l#seit:kinok/nnongi/ta.leGei_wib/weimrodbpti/di.rkiT +4
skonys  The only TMC atth is culyalta sdeu in nesrewt emd si cvole oil fro ianp rofm ercdot-ysk ni rd3 lmaor cts.trxaonei We enve sue a ancyf crptodu dlclae kosc"et t"spea hwihc is eraylillt ecnolalg nda olevc .nl ouFi at:cf Gkoin oiBbal is teh ylno esciesp in t'is .snueg 'mI unf at praiest +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by paperbackwriter(161)
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toN sreu wtah hte ciliptnioma saw dregaigrn hte sdsiaets ilivgn lficytai I( ernve gtohhtu fo meht sa a atls rseotr atit)su,oni aucebes it sha ebne noshw ttha locasi iitiacvest era cidbleriny ilfiebeanc ni ingwols donw hte sesorgropni fo iate.mden I sepspuo hse si ni het aylre asetgs fo idaeses dna nodte's waartrn tnyhagin so citsdar ekil mgovni just .yet

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by kevintkim4(4)
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nhWe I ader knggi"o abiblo" as my rnaswe oichec ()E I huhttog I saw ngtiteg iirouslde mloa

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by lovebug(62)
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llryae iuocurs abuto yhw ont C)( ggteSsu atht eht ulpcoe ot a sttipaher et.hg?eort TT.

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drdoom  huot slhal nto putn nro reref yht aenpitt to areonht +5
lovebug  O,h khtan oy!u +
drdoom  haey, thnki toabu ti hsti ya:w teh epSt sxaem aer here to ryctefi “sthi ropnse cna iepcrcta ieceinmd in yruo taset iottwuh iunisv” neve eth otsm pedphoiwsr dan ogdfieilr negruooseunrs eavh ot asps het esp.St tahts’ buceea,s ta the den fo hte ,day lla ssbleinrtipyio nda( bayiil)ilt falsl no het ihnsipacy of drroec. eht“ kbcu opsst e,”hre sa they sy.a os, the tpSe enesd ot aessss atth uoy cna maek a sceidoin newh on neo sele is noardu. it oul’tcnd do htat if ti lolweda yuo ot oschoe rrfe“e shti oembprl ot nosoeem es.l”e +3
csalib2  dmrood@ nactsitaf pnio.t evren hguthot of it htat +
lovebug  or@ddmo !THX ervy estwe !nxloitaeanp +

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