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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#33 (reveal difficulty score)
A female newborn delivered at 26 weeks' ...
Retina ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—hyoscyamine(59)
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AF pg 1.72 oTo mcuh eonityxgona nca caues eref clairad emagda egaldin to hpyetaoirnt fo earrmytptiu

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mmm21  aOyk i tigmh eb raedter,d tub hyw i acnโ€™t dadnunrste ahtt eyth r skinag uaobt het nhgit taht is aamddeg ? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ +8
sahusema  elyS!suoir ehT qstnuoei says ht"e agol fo ntatterme is the rnotectoip fo iwhhc fo teh llofwgion tsut"rce?urs If oot uhmc 2O sedmgaa eth rtia,ne ohw is sthi tmteeanrt udeospps ot eb voreticetp to hte ?iranet +2
ratadecalle  I nkthi oto humc ngyeox oldwu be itwh het etivtlrnoa nvhgai a ighh iFO2 ettsin,g chhwi htey do'nt ominten ehre ubt m'I sisnguge sttah hte tgnih rtheye' ltngonlcori ot aviod eyongx ctixy?toi +2
burak  htey 'nitdd egiv eth iptante i2of 01%0, sinetouq skas hte sonrea fro ti. utb ni a eyrv sdpuit way +31
naught  enamullSpept 2O yma lsao aceus coobrponuhmnryla ispsaylad ro iiennlurrvatrtca mrhrehagoe (menagril amtx,ri etlocda ni vusnbrutelairc nzeo TON irdhoco ep)slxu +1
fkstpashls  5-%299 t'sin hgih, btu i'st uohegn ot teg hvgynirtee slee tnegaxoye.d auescBe 'tsi nto 1%00 hghi lfwo eth esniatr 'tdno e-aerrsualzocviv and leda ot egegme,am/ahrrdaho dna hsit ilke .thta +1
soccerfan23  nI oerth hrws.tde...o snuoeitq si cialyslba aingks hyw yteh aveg eht apeittn a fio2 of 992-%5 endsita of .10%0 heT ernoas is euabesc 0%01 nyoxge ludow adel ot noyhtirteap fo rumtpytri.ea Teh erwol 2-%959 nyxego evells otprect eht riaetn ormf edmaga. heT ogdrinw of teh usiqteno scsuk oht .iom +3
randi  FA 1209 0p12 uredn Free lrcaaid nujryi epmxalse +
umpalumpa  mofr ENUTRA i&g4axnaea:g2aRes//S5t,tn7a%gmxa1ahau2%#:io.0o%2t7otpttOe2nch0ge2Opd0tSnnxtd=a2x%%hsarhu.e0ews/2%%;i%y2n~%thstt0%2c0.u2e2stri%20e%0cssahrt%e,raiasavst%r0/:mn00hetreoo.Ieww2o202=nD%mv0iwe1y:t%lilDn2hePtu20 ealr eSv recent sediuts ahev whson a ihpnrtisaole tenebwe a egihhogy-nx nrituaotsa nda .OPR It emess ahtt a t9O&a%2Sg;3 assiceern eth sirk for eerevs ORP nda ende rof tehpyar +

Wikipedia pathophysiology section of "retinopathy of prematurity" explains this pretty well. Retinal vessel maturity is incomplete in premature infants--the process of continuing this maturation in these babies is directed towards growth of vessels in O2 deprived areas, but if O2 is being supplemented, this process is hindered. Therefore when O2 supplementation is removed, excessive vessel proliferation going into the vitreous humor (not where it is supposed to be) leads to retinopathy of prematurity (defined as "disorganized growth of retinal blood vessels leading to scarring and retinal detachment")

+7/- beanie368(27)

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submitted by โˆ—mcl(671)
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ion"rhcc hhgi engoyx uirtaosants can dalervyes aftecf glnu dan eey meutoocs fo terempr ts"fin .nanikl

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submitted by โˆ—divya(75)
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rgaee htwi a' eryeuh.rbtk itnygr to asy atth ryapimr aglo fo tenmetatr itwh tpaspmneuell 2o is ot ekam rues hreet si no ilratne

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submitted by โˆ—ergogenic22(401)
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hyw is tcinpreoot fo the drhcioo p,sulex mofr tauvnrncreitairl ureuprt enasyocrd to irealmng mxtiar eghmoerhra ton a iesblops sraw?en

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whoissaad  esy eams nqiutoe,s boht ipnhoyraett and urviaerirntlncat oreehmmga acn ourcc deu to ihgh ygnxeo lv..seel +
cienfuegos  I kmeinlsyta ecosh hircodo lepsxu to,o dseab no iiwk mssee sthi is tmso ommcon cusae fo VIH in mret nfsaint: VIH ni eht rtpemre arnib suullay esairs omrf teh meainlrg rxatim hrewsea IHV ni the rmte tnsinfa eatioginrs mrfo het ocdoirh .eluxps Hveorwe, ti is iytrcplaraul nomocm in uparmteer fasinnt or toshe fo yvre olw tibhr .tihe.w.g sMot anuelvantirrtcir sherhmgearo cruoc in the stfir 27 rhuso erfat ri.bht ehT kris is carisneed wthi ues fo errcarooaelptx neemabrm ygoeiaxnton in etpermr a nftisn.#n/iuaiwec.aserw/ktetelegghnhbtnrkverito_arrhi/i:da/os.ImpiaBirp +
burak  rodiohc plxuse is iferetndf nath lramigne itramx +
meryen13  eiltnar eoagrhmerh si more mcmnoo taht VIH even if ouy hiktn htat it clduo edgama rihdcoo lcaesp rascyenod to engilmar mxrtai gomh rr.eehap0lm4w1./isdvw8em1.ino/t3bhbh1p/g./c.tuw6nn: +

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submitted by โˆ—lilmonkey(63)
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nAeony grdiena hits iusoeqnt

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lollll i got this right because of This is Us.

+/- alexv0815(10)

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