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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#33 (reveal difficulty score)
A female newborn delivered at 26 weeks' ...
Retina ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—hyoscyamine(59)
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AF gp .127 oTo mhuc otneynoxaig nac ausec reef riadlca dageam aeigdln ot yeiorhantpt of pmraurteiyt

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mmm21  Oaky i tmihg eb rdtaedre, tbu hyw i acnโ€™t eardntndus htta ehyt r asinkg buato hte htign ttah is meagdda ? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ +8
sahusema  yie!uorsSl Teh nuqstioe sysa "eht goal of teatnermt is the ionpctrteo fo ihcwh of eht iwgfnolol ?cst"uruetsr If too hcum O2 aedasgm het eant,ri how si tshi mettrneta pdopuess ot be ieeptovcrt ot eth riant?e +2
ratadecalle  I knith oto hcmu eynogx ludow be htwi eth ioltraevtn nhviga a hghi iF2O te,gitsn cihwh yhte 'tond mnetnoi eher but m'I gsgsnieu ttahs the ithgn yet'her glrntoincol ot adovi noxyeg o?tycixit +2
burak  htye iddt'n igev the ipteatn fio2 1%,00 oqnietus skas het nasroe ofr t.i but in a very dtpsiu wya +31
naught  lulnepSetapm 2O mya salo euacs onhlrunmpryoaobc yladsaspi ro avnieitlnrcurtra regmrheaho girmnl(ae xairm,t teoladc ni ateirvrlcbunus ozen OTN dhiorco )xpseul +1
fkstpashls  2995-% nst'i hg,hi utb t'is oehngu ot tge egntevyhri seel t.ednoeygax sauecBe s'it otn 0%10 hihg oflw teh seratin dn'to evaozirresa-cvlu nda aled ot ahogegahr/emdr,ema dna sthi leki ttah. +1
soccerfan23  nI torhe iqotsneu si alsiaylbc gkians hwy tyeh gaev hte itpenta a o2if of 9%5-29 distnea fo 1%0.0 The saoner si uaeescb 00%1 engoxy uoldw dlea ot hottanirpey of eyt.murarpti The relow 95-2%9 oyenxg eleslv tcrpote eht eriatn fmro eadam.g eTh grwonid of hte nousiteq kscsu oth moi. +3
randi  AF 2190 120p ndreu ereF icaldar irjnuy lsaepmxe +
umpalumpa  mofr TRUENA vhai:mnga0%0ne0a2gaisi0xtodeenc%%x%o1;,hs2t0so//ngaatho7uR0hrD%212wueu2%dlp%.2aiwtr/:tP%0tvio%s0%%%aSmntr:hr,~%it22ent aree vlS rtnece sisdeut evah osnhw a rlieithospan bweteen a hiegogynxh- ointtarusa adn OR.P It messe htta a tO%S3&2;9ag erenassic the riks for esvree ORP nad edne for pyathre +

Wikipedia pathophysiology section of "retinopathy of prematurity" explains this pretty well. Retinal vessel maturity is incomplete in premature infants--the process of continuing this maturation in these babies is directed towards growth of vessels in O2 deprived areas, but if O2 is being supplemented, this process is hindered. Therefore when O2 supplementation is removed, excessive vessel proliferation going into the vitreous humor (not where it is supposed to be) leads to retinopathy of prematurity (defined as "disorganized growth of retinal blood vessels leading to scarring and retinal detachment")

+7/- beanie368(27)

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submitted by โˆ—mcl(671)
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ccohnr"i ihhg xeoygn soatratinsu can yselradve teaffc guln adn eey sueocomt of tmeerrp sa".nftin kinl

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submitted by โˆ—divya(75)
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raege whit rb'tky eearhu. yitgnr to sya atth rrmyaip lgoa of etametrnt hwit lplpautensem 2o is ot eakm urse theer is on ieanrlt d.eagam

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submitted by โˆ—ergogenic22(401)
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hyw si tiptecorno fo eht iroodch ,pxusel mrfo rulvenctinariatr rueuptr crdseynoa ot rlgneaim imarxt geeormahrh ton a beilposs er?snwa

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whoissaad  sye ames iunoqest, hobt ntapytieohr dna riltrairavcntnue eehagmmro can roucc due ot ihgh genoyx eesvl..l +
cienfuegos  I tnkaeimsly ehocs dhoocri xsulpe o,to asedb on iikw eesms tsih is omts nomcmo ucsea of IVH ni emrt sf:naitn IHV in eth mtprere iarnb uysulal rasise mfro het aignlmer rmtaxi aeheswr IHV ni eht rmet sinfnta rniotiaegs mrfo the crdiooh px.lsue wHev,reo ti is craiauptlryl mncomo ni rpramutee stnnafi or oesth of yvre low ribht gti.h.ew. tsoM ictrearivlrnautn hoghsemearr curoc ni eht rifst 27 sruoh eraft bh.irt eTh krsi is neeiadcsr thwi eus of elertapaxrcroo rbmemena igentnyxaoo in rtrepem intf.ansI.itneesaprerltdaru_niieaw#k.t/eBrgeiia/wik/toracg:shmihrbv/hpon +
burak  hiorocd selxpu is difenreft naht armngeli rxatmi +
meryen13  irnalte rhgaeohrme is omre omomnc that IHV veen if yuo khitn ttha ti oudcl admgea odiorhc ecaslp cnadyreos ot rlimngea txirma ohr.gareh me.3sw1h/nbpnn1pvdm6wt:/ +

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 -4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—lilmonkey(63)
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yeoAnn aeginrd hsit niqutsoe

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lollll i got this right because of This is Us.

+/- alexv0815(10)

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