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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#33 (reveal difficulty score)
A female newborn delivered at 26 weeks' ...
Retina ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hyoscyamine(59)
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AF pg 21.7 Too mchu oiynexatong can ecsau fere acdilra eadgam dgniela to ttrhanypeoi fo ttruyiearmp

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mmm21  kyaO i tmghi eb t,readrde ubt why i โ€™anct nrnastudde atht ehyt r kignsa aoutb the nhtgi atht is mdagdae ? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ +8
sahusema  s!iSlourey Teh iqntusoe says eth" loag of ramtettne is hte tnecotproi fo cihwh fo eht iglwlnofo utr"cts?rues fI oto umhc O2 agdesam hte e,antri who is sthi remtetant puspedos ot eb eierpoctvt ot teh antri?e +2
ratadecalle  I ihktn oot mchu onxgey ulowd be whti eht ttaelinorv ngaivh a high OiF2 gne,ttsi hiwch eyht tnod' etinmno hree utb m'I isegsgnu ashtt hte tnihg yhtre'e tglcnnlroio to ivdao neygxo ytixoict? +2
burak  tyeh dn'dti vgei hte neitapt ifo2 010,% ienosuqt akss teh neoras ofr .it but in a ryev ptusid way +31
naught  aumtepneSllp 2O yma laos usace aoulpohmcyrnnbor spiaysald ro renltinravitcura emrehorgah nrme(lagi mt,ixar dtacelo in tlabucsuerirvn oenz ONT ihorodc slpe)xu +1
fkstpashls  %952-9 sitn' h,hig utb its' eoghun to teg eynehvrigt lees edgnoyaet.x ecaeBus 'tsi not %001 hghi lwfo eth esanirt 'ntdo olev-vraircueasz dna lead to hor,aeea/rammhdegg nda iths klie hat.t +1
soccerfan23  nI horte sroh.e.w.d.t qostneiu si ilasblyac iankgs yhw hyet eagv eht npiaett a fo2i of 9%95-2 eiantds of 00%1. ehT nesora si aescbeu 010% ongxey ouwld elad to patoiytehrn of tratyp.ieumr ehT oewlr 92%-95 xgoney lleves ptoerct hte enirat fomr aa.dgme ehT rogdinw fo the unoietsq cssuk oht .moi +3
randi  AF 1920 0p12 derun erFe acridal ujyrni maxelspe +
umpalumpa  mfor UETANR as0%t:%chn42ithh:xS0or2&tRe%uxnosseeonagy/st70=#ewg%2ahdD,tuss1%ow2nalthhOiS2%%a/t%0aticnnvt%wPiy%0222aannu.ittemD0/20Ix%gtsaa0Oe2,2%eatlsv%eaaa:rtdrirtm212.=p:ieh.2e0%x0~7.0ow20serc;gr0eeepn/tmh5%%u0to22 vSe ealr ncreet sutdsie evha wonsh a pthinloiesra nebwete a neihygox-hg oasntaurit dan OR.P It seems ttha a t;3%S2Og&a9 sisnaecer eth kirs for seevre ORP nda deen rof pyrateh +

Wikipedia pathophysiology section of "retinopathy of prematurity" explains this pretty well. Retinal vessel maturity is incomplete in premature infants--the process of continuing this maturation in these babies is directed towards growth of vessels in O2 deprived areas, but if O2 is being supplemented, this process is hindered. Therefore when O2 supplementation is removed, excessive vessel proliferation going into the vitreous humor (not where it is supposed to be) leads to retinopathy of prematurity (defined as "disorganized growth of retinal blood vessels leading to scarring and retinal detachment")

+7/- beanie368(27)

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submitted by โˆ—mcl(671)
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ro"cinch high eogyxn aiuossrattn nca aeylvdser featfc ugnl nad eey cseotuom fo rrmpete in "na.sftlink

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submitted by โˆ—divya(75)
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aegre with y.'ea brhuterk rigytn to ysa ttha aryiprm ogal of ttrtneeam htiw ulptamnlesep o2 is to keam ures three is no lienrat ga.dema

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submitted by โˆ—ergogenic22(401)
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hwy is toteirconp of eht ociordh sp,luex omfr utcnvaneririltar retupur scerdnyoa to nmreglia rmxita emherarhog ont a pblisose wren?as

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whoissaad  eys smea u,tnsoieq boht thiorpaytne nda nveircaltrnauirt aomeermhg can uoccr deu to ghih ngoxye sl.eev.l +
cienfuegos  I salmyeknit hceso oihcord lepuxs oto, easbd no iikw esems ihst is somt ocnmmo uasec of VIH in metr ins:ntaf IHV ni eth etpemrr ainbr ysalluu isersa mfor eht nrgmiale tixram rhaeswe IVH ni eth temr sfninta trinsioaeg omfr the oriocdh use.lxp oH,rweve ti si rtupcaralyil cmmoon ni eramtpuer niatnfs ro setoh of evry olw rbtih ..theigw. tMos inucrittrnaaverl ehshremrgoa uccro ni teh tifrs 27 roush aefrt Teh rsik is nrdceisea ihtw use fo ooeaetrlrapxcr ebenmamr ionoyeagxtn ni retpmre ifa nns.tdthpnsesii/irntea.brieww#crkvrgoiBaogkt_ua/eranpl:/.mierIhtea/ih +
burak  doocirh slxpeu is fnfitreed ntah lareingm xmirat +
meryen13  rineatl oaremrhgeh is mreo moncom htta VIH even fi uyo nihkt tath it lucdo aamegd odhcior caplse oacsenydr ot mrenlgai txiarm mrora.ghehe 6vhwn84bl.mun1et.pcdio3w./:simb/nh//101ptw.g +

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 -4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—lilmonkey(63)
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enyAno nedaigr ihst seiqnuto

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lollll i got this right because of This is Us.

+/- alexv0815(10)

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