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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#2 (reveal difficulty score)
A 40-year-old man with interstitial pulmonary ...
Increased radial traction on airways ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—benzjonez(48)
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Udlowr dQi 4135 hsa a odog nneltiapxao sa to woh puromlnya iorisfsb sceernais teh lrdiaa catntori on eht irwyaa .sawll

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cienfuegos  I thkin shti si mptnliryauo- siofsbri cierenssa isectal drclianeo nsdiew yariaw 22/ eicadsren rtadwuo croef lia(dar i)rttacon by bftioirc usiets htus nsrgeiceda ofrwail etesniascr stuh rulameonspr aiyrtepoxr lwfo aerst hher(ig ntha ln wfogllion oncrecroit rof ulng lem)vou +4
notyasupreme  ^ yWh od I leef ikel sith is ytalerill tno gsinleh, I heav on uecl wtash' gineb adis anC smeenoo eesl xpenlia ti? +2
skonys  ialdaR Ttcinoar si sabllciya hte ferco thta hte nuosnrurdgi cffoldsa fo the nglu rpaymehanc sextre no a acbrlioh betu to kpee ti tenapt nhwe erouy beighntar. nI rtescevirit lngu desiase itltriti(sena poyruanml ibfoss)ri eoryu iddang orem boiufrs iofflgscnda orndau het tbeu chhiw eepks BIG onp.e sTehe itsentap hvea a ragerte tanh V1EF htan yuo uodlw nthk.i yeTh ear kingat in slse iar toin rhite sretrtecid snulg but ttha ugnl ssiteu has a mhcu gehhhir silctea oecilr so atwh ria hyte nrgbi ni is ecdfro uot hohrgut pnteat oicrloeshb atht era hdel p .Ienno some oiverbtcsut nlug aiedsess ekil ,pamhesaem uyo aevh lsastseae gaeirtn pu eth fncsliofgad ioldhng eht eusbt epno and thsee ubtes natlulayr antw ot plelcaso so yeth .do yeTh vhae sesl "rioc"antt froce lyldarai uronad teh teub dnohilg it nope os ria si drppea.t +2

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—nwinkelmann(366)
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nI caes nneyoa is a dsene sa I am dna tusj idn'td nutsedemrdbmaneer/r hatw ytcxela riaoypetxr fowl is = FV1E. In resrtiietvc sciiontond, E1FV is ormlna or esediarcn due ot decreaeds FVC. settaIlintir iifssorb = searneicd aiawry nyarpemhac alfsdcfo drauno eth aai,wsyr cwhih is htwa eosrvdpi iralad cn.rittao ehT aeertgr het idaarl oarcint,t eht werol teh gcsoanllpi e,rofc dna so yratreoxpi lofw is dnreceai.s

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champagnesupernova3  FV1E is esardceni deu ot rartgee oiclre of eth lugn VEF1VFC/ is eeasncird bc fo that dna bc of scredaee ni VCF +1
mangotango  But I goutthh hwit srcrtetivei ,asieseds the E1FV dec a llteit dna CVF esasrcdee a ,tol iegdniyl na VE1VF/FC iaort thsat' amolrn ro ei??ncarsed +2
an_improved_me  aYe het PO si nwogr eher. FV1E deos TNO uqlea yxieorrpta wflo tar.e F1 EV is nto a raelyl a ;etra tis a eouvlm fo air dseuph uto ni 1 necdso e.paccliflsyi Tshi ilwl eb eredasecd ni a pt whit DL.I hsTi si ebacesu the uemovl of eht gnlu ereeasscd deu( to denserica lcasiet oreci.l) txyEpi raor lfwo aetr i(n tshi eis)ntquo lliw be eael,tvde /bc of eth snreaw tes.dat morF wuro:ld "s[broif]si ecussa ecsrednia unlg sciltea ocl,ier as well sa aryiaw edginwin due ot ecisdenra owdtaur ipnugll arlaid( rittcn)ao by rignsuorund rbftoiic ue.sits ehT sginultre asreeedc ni yawira ecrntiseas ldaes ot slnaruermop parxritoey lowf tesra rie(hhg nhat narolm wneh ocretdecr rfo guln )l".omveu +3

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—visualninjacontender(18)
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ryuoalmPn srifsibo will leivonv ilronatuang suiset (sa ti is rsoib) Goaultnnrai usiets enuiclsd m,tbsrofaysobli hhiwc wlli "ll"up on het ,ysiwara thebyre ceirignnsa idaral irtn.acot

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sahusema  Teh bofssiri sucsae o,naitoncrtc eth yaiswra era luedpl epon ggiivn elss niaerssect ot awfroil +1

radial traction emphysema vs fibrosis

+4/- alexv0815(10)

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