fI eehrt si a oicceh obaut aigksn waht hte etapnit is rewoird to.bau Is htsi hItitr?
g edos nto osund ekli a dcik :)
If thsi reew uabto a etmartnet aniksg yhw hes oderirw ludow be gtirh tbu hes dnki of oidgn eth lpashtoi a oafrv os I dton hnitk ue'oyr esoupspd ot yrt to venincco ro srueeprs imh
sloa, ayn apnitte icgarapinptit in yan hecrrsea dsuyt nac twardhwi nveheerw tyhe wa.nt swreAn E is wnrgo aecuebs eh nh'stdolu heva to og hrtguoh spoho ot iutq, eh acn ujts rpod tuo at any tei.m
submitted by โhungrybox(1277)
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