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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#2 (reveal difficulty score)
A 40-year-old man with interstitial pulmonary ...
Increased radial traction on airways ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—benzjonez(48)
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lordUw diQ 3514 sha a dgoo xnnolipaeat sa ot who uolyaprnm bisfisor iecsnrsae hte adailr nciaotrt no hte awyair

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cienfuegos  I hnkti sthi si nuay-l iptorm iibrssfo rcinessae cteials alodrcein ndsewi iyarwa 2/2 sadncreie twroadu orcef ar(aild o)nttirac yb tifrcibo uestis hsut engradcsie awfoilr erstanicse uhts ernpsamulor iroetpryax fowl retsa g(hreih anth ln gilfwnool renoirtcoc rof gunl e)uovml +4
notyasupreme  ^ yWh do I efle like htsi is ltelyalri not g,elhnis I veah on lceu w'ahst niegb disa .reeh naC osomene eles eanlxip it? +2
skonys  alRdia rcToaitn si cslayliab het freco htta teh nurusgirodn odflsacf fo eth glun mpyaahenrc serext no a ohacrlbi uteb to eekp ti pantte hnwe yeoru tbearngih. nI tteeiirsvcr glun esieasd tt(isaerinilt umrplonya isisrofb) uyero dadign mreo oursbif gslfidconaf udnoar eth bute hchiw skepe BIG .pone Thsee ptstaeni hvae a tearrge ntah VFE1 tahn ouy lodwu iknht. hTey aer tiknag ni esls ria ntio rtihe trsericetd gnuls tub ahtt unlg seutis ahs a hmuc hehrgih ielacts lroice os atwh air ehty girbn in is rfdoec uto hohgrut paettn rbsolchoie tath aer elhd pno neI. emos uitbtsoevcr ulng assidsee iekl eep,mhaasm ouy haev tssaleaes ngteair up eth fdiagolfscn gohdlin het utbes nepo adn teseh tbuse ayulnlrat wtna ot elcloaps os ethy .od Thye evha essl tn"c"ioart eocfr rlaldiya oaundr eth teub ghlondi ti open so rai si ppdtare. +2

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—nwinkelmann(366)
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nI seac nnoaey is a dnees sa I ma dan usjt d'tdin mreurdennma/rbeesdt awht eyatclx rxapeoytir wofl is = F.EV1 nI cievsietrrt dtcninsioo, V1EF si rlonma ro drensciea edu ot dcesraede VC.F tIaintrtslei rsiiofbs = esidraecn aaywir maanyerphc sofcfadl dnouar teh ariasy,w wihch si ahtw drspovei aildar tcairt.on hTe aerretg het dlarai cotri,nat het elowr teh oigalcnlps ocefr, nda so rprotexayi wfol si erna.escdi

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champagnesupernova3  F1EV si rinecased deu to tagrree ricloe fo eht ulgn .sistue F/VV1FEC is rseiedanc cb fo htat adn bc fo resceade ni CVF +1
mangotango  Btu I thutogh htiw vertsicerti seesasi,d eth EVF1 dce a ttelil dna FVC eercasdes a l,to lneiyidg an VFF1/EVC riota 'astht lnoamr or r?esciean?d +2
an_improved_me  eYa teh PO si nowgr ree.h FE1V oesd NOT ealqu epxitroayr lfow ert.a 1VFE si ont a really a t;era sit a umvloe fo rai sephud otu in 1 edncso .lcilcpeifysa Tish llwi eb eeersdcda ni a pt whit IL.D This is uceesba eht uvmloe fo the nulg eedacrses de(u ot nercaidse licstae erci.ol) xtyairEop r lowf rate in( sith stnqoi)eu wlli eb eae,dletv b/c fo eth wsaenr dtesa.t m oFr rod:wlu i]ssorif["b uaescs sdcaerein glun tlieacs ,lcoeir sa ewll as iawrya nwidengi eud to nridecesa truwaod uplglni iadarl( raitoctn) yb ruinndrsgou ficboirt i.esuts Teh rsgeniltu decaeers ni awiray aseeinrtcs lasde to eprsaornmul rpietroyax lofw trsae rhghe(i htan rmonla nweh tedorercc rof ugnl "ml)o.evu +3

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submitted by โˆ—visualninjacontender(18)
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Prlamunoy soifrsbi will onvivel tgaronnlaiu etiuss as( it is sibs).rfoi nilnaaGruto essitu eluinsdc obi,lbsmrayfots hwich iwll "lu"lp no eht wayrs,ia erbyeht cesgiriann aldira ncrtao.ti

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sahusema  The fsbsroii asusec ctoanint,cro hte iyaawsr ear eulldp pnoe ingvig elss cristnease to floawri +1

radial traction emphysema vs fibrosis

+4/- alexv0815(10)

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