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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#8 (reveal difficulty score)
A 52-year-old woman is admitted to the ...
Speak with the two gynecologists to attempt to coordinate care ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—temmy(153)
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I aeerg tiwh hwta sha eebn dias but loas tone that eht ttaepin dlleac her entsitnir ot elph hre dasdrse het ctflncio nteweeb the tow ipaicsshny whcih sha geotnt her i.derrwo Taht si her dAn ormf wtha i vhae egte,dahr wrhee belo,ssip eht tseptnia whisse sudlho eb mte.

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mambaforstep  etu..r. i atoyltl iesdsm het rtpa "pt SALCL HRE YRMRAIP ECAR SNIINTRET TO PLEH SASDDER THSI OTINFCLC WBT TEH 2 "YHSSACNIPI smh +2

Some quick rules I've found that apply to ethics questions: 1. ALWAYS acknowledge the pt's problem, distress, situation, etc. 2. NEVER ask the pt to lie 3. NEVER be a dick. The answer may sound robotic, but should never be mean. 4. NEVER refer the patient to another resource (in this case, the nurse, but could also be risk management, therapist, etc.) 5. COMMUNICATE. Talk to other clinicians/experts, etc. to resolve issues. Often, this is the best option because "speaking" isn't really taking any action so no room for error

+5/- anjum(36)

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submitted by โˆ—taway(35)
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oDse dboyayn uednrtdsan hwy ew rae lodeawl to neieerrft hiwt the alicincl ksocingiimedna of two hrteo siitesacslp cil?ydret luotd'Wn atht dudmy teh awerst even rmoe yb igdnda uro inponio? I otnd' see het iengrudlny inprplice htat sinaplex het litaeonra ni tshi .rnewas

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jcrll  I think t'is oaubt igdadn ruo onniiop dan ermo oatub eensgi wtha teh iutnitsoa is eabusec a tpietna ccantoetd yuo in tirsse.ds ehT htsoer aer otbau ntgancitco matgmneean fof yrs;eaha thta udocl losa ddmu"y the wseta,"r I Is isth qetusnoi slao ssrgeddina rrayutaqne ntnop?eeirv +3
meningitis  I agere tiwh .clrjl y M emsa ohuthtg scrspeo but nteh I chegdan it ot tpsrcihyaci ntotonsicalu ni erord ot stifr tdetan eth eispt'nat srdtesis nda inyaetx nsiec it asw ndrieginh hre ceodnisi s,edeBi s teh oelhw odrela oaubt rhe trmttsneea nda esetnnfvfsceiei saw mlionyaloet nda spayhlylci nisteuaxhg eh.r +4
vi_capsule  ealfrRre si VEERN a ras nw e +12
tsl19  Going hgatrist to eth arhci of teh esciht mettmeico thituwo vgnaih pnsoek to hte hreot aipsnichsy dowlu eb ieoapraprpint cebeasu ti wluod be mipjung a uhcbn fo ptess in mntcmcoiniuao rtsif - kiel rcllj aisd, oyu natw to get teh eirpcut of ahws't iggno no orfm hte hreot snyicsihap yabeM het ilycggooenc lotnocsogi 'snit lltacyua as popsdoe to evlaitpila emarseus sa hte ettnpia ecsepierv mhi to eb dna khints 'ehs iognd awth eth eipattn asn,tw It cdulo tsju eb nuooccs,imatimnmi chwhi uyo ucold leph elrca up hutoiwt ingtegt hescit eodnlvvi ... tbeetr to rastt erthe. +12
an_improved_me  ls,oA to dad a iletlt tbi: tssteiinrn no a haeerclhat aetm rae hte rcea oosoitadcrrn. rFo yna gvien proebml a ienpatt ,has the trinnetis is rseinlpsboe fro gmnnaiga lal het rdftenefi scstape of a paesttni ttmrte.nae nI tsih ,seac eht nitren hsa ot emnaag eht eningssitd nioipsno of rhe eefrditfn ylssggcnoeio.t nI ertho t,nesinasc na sitnenirt mya ahev ot naegam het ietdrmsneage ewtebne a gSernou .vs RI s.v cOn. +2

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