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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#8 (reveal difficulty score)
A 52-year-old woman is admitted to the ...
Speak with the two gynecologists to attempt to coordinate care ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—temmy(153)
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I geaer wiht htaw sah been dias btu aols tneo hatt hte eitnatp dlacle erh nintirset ot hpel reh daersds het contlfci ebwntee teh wto iasinhyscp hchiw sah tnoegt ehr .rdweroi Ttha si her sd.reie dnA fomr awht i heva edrtegha, rheew ipsobe,sl het aeittnps whsise ulodsh be tme.

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Some quick rules I've found that apply to ethics questions: 1. ALWAYS acknowledge the pt's problem, distress, situation, etc. 2. NEVER ask the pt to lie 3. NEVER be a dick. The answer may sound robotic, but should never be mean. 4. NEVER refer the patient to another resource (in this case, the nurse, but could also be risk management, therapist, etc.) 5. COMMUNICATE. Talk to other clinicians/experts, etc. to resolve issues. Often, this is the best option because "speaking" isn't really taking any action so no room for error

+5/- anjum(36)

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submitted by โˆ—taway(35)
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Dose yaobdny eddtnuarns hwy we era eoadlwl ot eierftner itwh hte naicclli nsedkomniagiic of tow etrho isstialecps cyeldr?it utodnW'l hatt mddyu het esrwta neve orem yb dgiadn ruo oop?inin I odtn' see teh drnuygienl iirenppcl ttha iaesplxn the lniroteaa ni hits ae.rswn

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jcrll  I htnik s'it tuboa agnidd our piinono nad emor aubto niegse thaw hte aiistntou is beusace a patitne ectodanct uyo ni d.tsesrsi Teh strheo rea utoba toiccngnta annametmge ffo heaysa;r taht cudlo asol ddmuy" the ea",rwts I sI tish qeutions asol asgredsdni anarqutyer tnove?nripe +3
meningitis  I eaerg thwi j.cllr yM amse ogthuht soscrep ubt hten I aehdcgn it to tcisyiphacr coiustlonnat in ordre to trfis tndate het aen'titsp sdretsis and texinay siecn it wsa nghendiri hre neciodsi g.knima ,eBe d si s eht wlheo drloea uaobt erh stmtneater adn nnstieivfcsfeee swa mleyoaolnti and lpylahscyi xeusnhagit r.he +4
vi_capsule  lefreaRr is ENERV a nwrase +12
tsl19  ioGgn gtthsrai to eth caihr of eth shitce cmtoeemit oiuhwtt avgnhi pnskeo to eth orhet apiinyshsc dwulo be apoaprrpetini eauesbc it duwol be pmgjuin a hucbn of sespt ni omincmiuonatc ftisr - keli ljrcl id,sa oyu watn ot gte hte iuprcet fo 'stawh ogign on fmro eht eothr chsspyaiin sf.tir yabMe teh enggoycloic osonlcoitg isn't acytlula sa poopesd to vilitaepal ersuemas sa teh etpnait eecrespvi ihm to eb dan ktshin 'she dongi wath teh pttaien awt,ns c.te tI oludc ujts eb ccmo,anitoismimun cwihh uoy codul pleh alcre pu ouhtwit tgiteng itecsh vilnevod ... rbteet ot srtta +12
an_improved_me  oAl,s ot add a lelitt b:it riisnnetst on a etahalhcre meta aer eth rcae oFr nay neivg pmorleb a itepant s,ah eht esinnttri si nsoplersbei for agnminag lla het eftenfidr ctpases of a ipensatt ametntter. In tihs cesa, het nientr sah to ameang eht esdnsgntii oinoipsn fo hre tfdineefr soolng.ytsgeic In rothe t,acssienn na nsinteitr may vhea ot aanemg het nmieegrasdet bneweet a Songeur vs. RI .vs Oc.n +2

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