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Retired NBME 18 Answers

nbme18/Block 1/Question#43 (reveal difficulty score)
18 yo man cracked lips and sunburned skin
Barrier ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—suckitnbme(239)
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otN rvye ecal,r tbu rtpetlomau aka poeeturlm ejlyl is seud as a eabrirr os ffsut stoden' tge tnio hte wodnu henw teh insk si .codemsmopri hsiT pehsl thwi iimto-ncalairb fseeend dan uwdon .iarepr

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Sweet question NBME, asking how Vaseline helps chapped lips. Always sticking to the important topics. That being said, the question is pretty easy, so thanks.

+5/- azibird(279)

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submitted by โˆ—idontlikemedschool(2)
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Hsi slpi rae d.yr eViaseln cseerat a errarbi hatt nevtepsr utisomer rfom ngvart,oaipe ihchw mesvpoir sih ryd lip sy.pmstom

nI pra,tciec it is etfon udse ot lapcehy nteiar rteuoims in myna ryd niks iosncnoit.d A doc I eocn kdeowr ithw cedmdomeenr htta oyu tpu it no roissisap rbefoe d,be prwa it ni lasitpc wpra to pevnetr it omrf igunbbr ffo, dan bma roey'u dgoo to .go

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submitted by โˆ—focus(45)
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tuaormPlte is a dncmopuo fnoud ni e.enrsucns

He esadtrt wrkngio tuoordos AKA ggnetti nssbuurn fi( etlf otdpc,eruetn weorl pisl aer neo of eht mirep lnacitsoo weerh ppeelo cna doeplve uuassoqm lcle ccaenr etrla .)on eH sudlho rllaye sue nurneces,s cwhhi is a ebarirr bsb(oars the UV syra os het knis esdo -nto- trreah hnta ntcegdeifl the sun a).rys

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freemanpeng  You so ecohos UV lihtg ocre?bkl +

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submitted by โˆ—freemanpeng(7)
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sMto lueteormp ylejl ydota si sdeu sa na gtnireiedn in nkis otslino dna iocs,tcesm inorpgdiv aroisvu tsype of sink crae dna ptinoocetr yb nmizgminii fcinroti or dnigreuc utrsoime (s rfolmos k)iwi

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