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Retired NBME 18 Answers

nbme18/Block 1/Question#43 (reveal difficulty score)
18 yo man cracked lips and sunburned skin
Barrier ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—suckitnbme(239)
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oNt vyre a,lrec ubt mrtapotule kaa eeulrptom eyllj is sdeu as a iarrbre os sutff ne'dots etg otni teh nodwu hwen eth insk is smoid.mrcpoe hiTs lehps tihw ibaonlii-mtrca dfeesne dan dwoun prrie.a


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Sweet question NBME, asking how Vaseline helps chapped lips. Always sticking to the important topics. That being said, the question is pretty easy, so thanks.

+5/- azibird(279)

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submitted by โˆ—idontlikemedschool(2)
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Hsi ilps are yrd. seneailV eacrset a rairebr ttah pneevsrt uimrtsoe ofrm toviaprge,an whcih vmesiorp shi dyr ipl

In ectcrapi, it is eoftn uesd ot ayelpch tirena trosmeui ni aynm dyr knsi ootsc.iindn A cod I cnoe ekwrdo htiw nrmdoeedemc atht oyu ptu ti no isisroasp feeobr de,b wrap it ni lipsact arwp ot nepvret it fmro brubing fof, nad amb y'roue odog ot .og

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submitted by โˆ—focus(45)
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urPealotmt is a pocumond ofdun ni uennsecr.s

eH dsattre kogwnir ooorsutd AAK gttnige rsbnsuun (fi ftel tcd,nepuoetr lwore lpis rae eno of eht ripme lonscoait ewrhe loepep nca vpldoee uqmsusao lecl acecnr atelr o.)n He shdlou llerya sue nuee,rsnsc iwhhc si a rebrria raobsb(s eht UV asry so hte isnk odse -ot-n rherta anth cgtiendelf hte nus .)rasy

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freemanpeng  uoY so shecoo VU thlgi e?crbkol +

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submitted by โˆ—freemanpeng(7)
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Mots eoruetlpm ejlyl oytad si sdue as na irietdgnne in nisk noilots nad ctemio,scs ngvioirdp uoriavs sytep of nsik crea adn pieonrtcot by niimnizmgi iicftnro or drgncuie ruisomet l(mo ossrf ikw)i

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