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Retired NBME 18 Answers

nbme18/Block 3/Question#14 (reveal difficulty score)
2 yo boy, 2 days of fever, sore throat, rash
Erythrogenic toxin ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—breis(56)
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uStoorepcctsc esonPgy go(pur A rpte)s sah a nsiuetarpgen agnscui .khcos sTih tigenan tnrcieEhogry nxiootxE A acsuse a oixcT -echsikolk :mesonyrd eFre,v Rha,s hSc,ok eSalcrt .revFe

FA pg 133 29()10

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extraordinr  o:tirecorcn SGA eoryhetirncg tixno suscae atlrsce frvee lecailcfiysp ni hist suer nqhotetei si no eosanr rof isht cilhd to vaeh TSS +6
loaloagubba  ASpe and pSCe ntxoi is greyocenthri tnxoi drerfeer to +4
baja_blast  Enogyrthcrie ntxxeoio A + prSte gyseenPo is seriblsneop for BTHO lratcSe vFree nda iToxc oShck keLi ryn.Semdo tI nac slao ucase Nneocizrigt aiissFtc.i sIt' ydlefiniet arSlcet Freve in ihts noeitsqu utb I sjut tn'do tnwa opplee to tge 1F2A09 pgeas 1,33 361 +
baja_blast  yo,Srr otn .A Jsut thoygirencEr oEoixxtn .+ +

"sandpaper-like" rash ==> Scarlet fever (strep exotoxin)

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