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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 4/Question#34 (reveal difficulty score)
A 16-year-old girl comes to the physician ...
Dopamine ฮฒ-hydroxylase ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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ensiAwnrg thsi enustoqi usreirqe nglaeer woneelgdk of eht eoalanemcthic sssyehtni pwaayth 0A(02F2 .3)8p

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Tsih aevlse eht rsaen,w meoadnip ytsrbhdexaaoel.-y

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waitingonprometric  mewoAse snawer, utb sujt ot add a tbi rmoe aubot wyh teh rctreoc aneswr sakem nesse. ameonipD rae-xhydsbetaloy is teh eznmey thta rsoncetv nopdaemi to eiren.nnpieorhp rfehreeoT, teh rnecisae in poadinem nhew rgnsii morf iuspen to t,snading si inytrg ot tell su atht erh boyd is rignamp up hte NSS to espnotamce orf lla fo hte olbod hsguinr ot reh eeft hwne esh dtssna up. Rpagnmi pu hte SNS rreiusqe ucpidronot of ece,slmanhitaoc utb wtotihu hsti ,yenmez hetssnisy of EN only gtse ot het pdnameoi gseat dan stol fo oenmpida bcask up dhebni stih .mneezy +15

Perhaps worth noting here is that Dopamine Beta-hydroxylase is a membrane-bound enzyme found in the vesicular membrane. This means that the conversion of Dopamine to Norepinephrine actually occurs within the synaptic vesicle. Norepinephrine is the only transmitter known to be synthesized within synaptic vesicles. This is mentioned in less detail in SketchyPharm 2.2 Indirect Sympathomimetics.

Also, per FA, this reaction requires Vitamin C as a cofactor!

+2/- baja_blast(219)

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