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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 4/Question#34 (reveal difficulty score)
A 16-year-old girl comes to the physician ...
Dopamine ฮฒ-hydroxylase ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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eArnniswg shit eituonsq ureerqis genelra ewlnodgek fo eth eonacemhiaclt nyseisths atwpyah 02A(F02 )3p.8

Teh craoppha I okto ot siht ntieqsuo wsa ylmain neomatiilin of rwgno wsnes:ra

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  • iAmno cadi orlebacysxa,ed or imaonL- iadc beyaoraecxlds alos aelcdl DOPA d,raxslcbeyeao si slao eueirdrq in eaoidmnp ytssnihse dna acn eb tnmalidiee eaesubc of her edearinsc opmnaedi rcc.teonnnoita

iTsh eelsav the ,nesarw pnoamedi obyahyt-raeexds.l

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waitingonprometric  eswAoem ,swnear tbu sujt to add a bit orme botua wyh teh crtoerc enraws ekmsa esns.e eonDpaim hslyxraey-edtabo si eht zyemen hatt ctosnerv maondpie ot oi.prenihpenren r,oeefherT het icrneesa ni aiomnepd .ocnc hnew girnsi fomr ienspu to igntsn,da si tnyirg ot letl su htta hre ydob is igrmapn pu eht SSN ot snaeptceom ofr lla fo the dobol hinrgus to reh etef newh hse tadsns u.p aipRngm pu het SNS erruiesq uponctoidr of nshaemcolct,aei btu htwiuto shti yznm,ee sihessnyt fo NE lony sgte ot the idamneop agset dan oslt of ipdemona kbcas up nhbedi tshi +15

Perhaps worth noting here is that Dopamine Beta-hydroxylase is a membrane-bound enzyme found in the vesicular membrane. This means that the conversion of Dopamine to Norepinephrine actually occurs within the synaptic vesicle. Norepinephrine is the only transmitter known to be synthesized within synaptic vesicles. This is mentioned in less detail in SketchyPharm 2.2 Indirect Sympathomimetics.

Also, per FA, this reaction requires Vitamin C as a cofactor!

+2/- baja_blast(219)

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