Bleontlara hseaeln is ditesmartnt by tac circ/bstahte nad anc lade to cta scctrah sdiasee whhci etssernp twih a red upmb on the k,nis iug,teaf ciofsrdmt,o dan lewlons myplh odens ngairndi eht njyiru. 0A0F(22 )49p1
fO hte en,rsaws ltooaxspam iindgo acn osal eb dreasp by stac c(ta )fseec, utb ni eowhisrte aheltyh eeoppl it aescus a -eknoilom issnlle dna loudw tno ehva insk snmistfeo.ntaai
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
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Bleontlara hseaeln is ditesmartnt by tac circ/bstahte nad anc lade to cta scctrah sdiasee whhci etssernp twih a red upmb on the k,nis iug,teaf ciofsrdmt,o dan lewlons myplh odens ngairndi eht njyiru. 0A0F(22 )49p1
fO hte en,rsaws ltooaxspam iindgo acn osal eb dreasp by stac c(ta )fseec, utb ni eowhisrte aheltyh eeoppl it aescus a -eknoilom issnlle dna loudw tno ehva insk snmistfeo.ntaai