nI ertoyakse,u het '5 eesumntloigahyn )(Gm7 cpa si omapitrnt in het niitnaitio fo tistrnalano saeeucb korcayueit ntiioiaint aofsctr IFs(e) yiditenf eht acp dna eplh melssbea the erosmobi ta thta tsie F2A0(20 4.p)5
Teh abeescn of a 5' G7m pac olwud tuhs ieqrure a tfeidnfer snceeeuq ot loawl nitslrtoaan tnitioiain dna rlaibomso renty .i.(e an inrtalne aorsoimbl tyrne )eis.t
ehT 5' dan '3 nstrnedaltua eosrgni ear omer nittpamro in inualrogte of otnrtnliaas adn temnonriiat fo ta,inotalnsr ievcre,yesplt adn trihe ncseeab wduol ton iad lsanitonrta of eht rvlai NAmR. ehT 3' lpAy-o ltia si ttanorpim rfo oocrenttip fo ayiekctrou mARN fomr taedoniagrd dan gaidin in tonreaixtop mfor teh es;ulnuc tis becnase udolw tno adi tn.olasnriat A veyr sohrt npoe naidgre merfa lowdu tno make a ianfitginsc neecifrdef in litiyba to eb eaaldrtnts eh(t onep ragidne amrfe si hte rtpa of hte mRNA elab to be t.dla)aterns
submitted by โcassdawg(1781)
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nI ertoyakse,u het '5 eesumntloigahyn )(Gm7 cpa si omapitrnt in het niitnaitio fo tistrnalano saeeucb korcayueit ntiioiaint aofsctr IFs(e) yiditenf eht acp dna eplh melssbea the erosmobi ta thta tsie F2A0(20 4.p)5
Teh abeescn of a 5' G7m pac olwud tuhs ieqrure a tfeidnfer snceeeuq ot loawl nitslrtoaan tnitioiain dna rlaibomso renty .i.(e an inrtalne aorsoimbl tyrne )eis.t
ehT 5' dan '3 nstrnedaltua eosrgni ear omer nittpamro in inualrogte of otnrtnliaas adn temnonriiat fo ta,inotalnsr ievcre,yesplt adn trihe ncseeab wduol ton iad lsanitonrta of eht rvlai NAmR. ehT 3' lpAy-o ltia si ttanorpim rfo oocrenttip fo ayiekctrou mARN fomr taedoniagrd dan gaidin in tonreaixtop mfor teh es;ulnuc tis becnase udolw tno adi tn.olasnriat A veyr sohrt npoe naidgre merfa lowdu tno make a ianfitginsc neecifrdef in litiyba to eb eaaldrtnts eh(t onep ragidne amrfe si hte rtpa of hte mRNA elab to be t.dla)aterns