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NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 1/Question#42 (reveal difficulty score)
A 68-year-old woman comes to the office ...
Retroperitoneal fibrosis ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—sajaqua1(607)
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The antpeti ash a rpori ohsyirt of ycohsemeyrtt thiw labrielta n,pgroo-tlsoimehyapcoo dna crevieed neraexlt meab onadiiart to het e.siplv Teh pnttiea now ailspsyd onhreisodryphs adn dourreh,ytre hwti latdsi lareutre iarnrwnog labiylleat.r eTh lieetiksl nptooi is ttha ew aer sneieg eishaodsn fomr seivpuro gureysr notsiccrt teh s,treeur icnsgua s.ith

)E Uehiolatlr coacamrin ol(sa eldcal iaaiosrttnln cell mi)coanrca is soal a liiys.bsipto What esamk itsh ielnlkyu is teh lanc:ioot tiblrlea.a The irpor rmctoysheety dan lebtialar ponaeghlicys-moprtooo uldwo lveae casr esusit no tbho essdi of eht d,yob btu eth odds of lulroatehi crnmaocai irsaing yiltbrlaela rea ryev l.ims

)A eTh nipatte dah a seyrtetyomch, so het sddo of tcnurrere evrclaic mcaocrain ear oals ierlbciynd .wlo C) nda D) rthUarel cayomnodl dan rehlutra talioransnti llec lmpoapila aer ni eth rgnwo ctnoolia to ccouant orf ibatearll urathler noairgrwn htiw trey.erouhdr

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stinkysulfaeggs  rtGae lanapitexon - jtsu eon .iainddto heT erroialtnteerop bfriosis cludo osal eb a detirc qseeneocunc fo teh xertlaen abem aonrdtia.i sIt' ieldkn ot hbto .ecsasu tEhrie a,wy i'st a trbtee itf hant raoullehti rmnaiacoc ni( pe.octrrset) +17
spow  yWh lduow het tesno eb 15 syera aertl htgouh? +3
drzed  I aws gthiknni eth smae hgtni pso.w@ I ahd upt eaiolrluth ar,cancomi gtnnkihi hatt a delif dfeect wdolu letsur ni llabtirae ut.mor +3
yesa  My nnersadtundgi is eht ecnarc srki tiwh tinrdoaia si tastleoe,-n a cdeaed or mero freat het ftac +
fatboyslim  Why sode hes vhae ceidrnsae aedytim and itntgiehm ?atrnuioni I ludto'cn egrifu thta tpar ot.u +
weirdmed51  lmtyfibao@s otn evtnrlea +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—colonelred_(124)
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heT attpnei dah a tatol hyteyceortsm so a unecrecrre fo arcvielc cacner is rlavtuliy ton s.osbeipl iltpenReaootrre osbiirsf molcmyno esslurt fomr arintidoa ayhtrep to hte lpvise, hchwi nac aled to libetlaar r.odneosyhirphs

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—mousie(272)
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hWy not lerlauitoh iccnaroa?m Or hwo idd you rlue it t?uo I swa nntkhgii adotianir udlwo acseenir ksri rof ureutf A.C..

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—temmy(152)
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Wtah fo fi eht nercca si a aheilorltu nacerc ni eht dlebadr edu to aanrtdioi .taphrey uolwd it tno aucse asilirm nssgi

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charcot_bouchard  cCaenh fo alatleibr aeleturr ac si rvey rear. olAs rielnaippc r/f rof aasrltiintno lecl ca is Simkgno ont ndaoiiart +
peridot  Hi m,mety eys it sdonsu keil it oul.dw hereT is a ilriasm esuntoiq mfor EBNM 12 rfo tohes how evah eryalad ntake atth noe (.2/41atehbnb:ms/eetsm7eanp/m4ox/mwrs/nc.) In atht neo, ts'i areccn in teh esruut tnedsia fo raddble, utb t'si teh smea opeccnt - hte crncae can srdpea rmof eth trueus tnio teh ebadlr,d ro psoermsc no het daer,ldb gldinea to rtbaelila yruethordre nad .rseyohsniohpdr oS aclsiably het aewaytka niopt rmfo atht nieqstuo adn htis stineqou is htat we nladere a fwe gnihst hatt can aedl ot ltriabael rdenoyihpsrsoh nda hdot:eryreur .1 abredld cncear 2. uenerit ncacer 3. arulsgci dan dnaoiairt antertmte of rnecac ni tath orin,eg daengil to laiabeltr rosibfis fo teh tes.urre +2
peridot  pooWh stuj rladeezi ttah eurltlohai acranmioc si a iopsbles wresan cchioe h.eer We,ll mI' l.os.t.. x: +
abcdefbhiximab  iUthaeollr moiracacn espenrts as nsliaeps earhmtiau htwi iskr rsftaco e(..i niomsk,g laienni yeds) +2
mutteringly  nI tdnidi,ao teh rdoignw says ldsti"a ulearter narwoinr"g whhic wtdoun'l hpnepa whit ealddbr eracnc +1

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