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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#49 (reveal difficulty score)
A 76-year-old man comes to the physician ...
Left thalamus ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—tinydoc(276)
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epicorNahut inPa eratf rostek si entlarc Ptos eokstr pani edynomSr

dauces yb tarectrlaonal itaahlcm neisosl

gP. 450 1A9F

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chandlerbas  ea!edrg rmoe siflieylcpac geaamd ot eth LVP +6
docshrek  g.P 430 FA .91 +
baja_blast  ohtB emtcrseonm aobev gto het eagp o;wnrg s'ti AF 1920 p. 035. +5
teepot123  oloooolo ^ twha wree het dod fo hotb ebngi grnow +
mumenrider4ever  .gP 155 AF 0022 +
bbr  035 ni 2n9rtn0eegit1s I ahtt ist seen ni 01% fo srokets. aSsttr itwh ayldoianl -g&t--; ihntupoecra +
skonys  irgdenUnyl hcMe omrF k:heT iWi lauthmsa is nlrlegeya deibelve to relya rsnoyse ifoinmaotnr neeetbw a yvieatr fo icrtolcbuas rseaa and teh beralrce xercto. It si knwno ahtt seoryns rfimntoniao morf oaevenlnrimnt iuismlt tlsreav to het aushmtla fro rscinspoge nad thne to teh aostnoeryossm rotcex fro ttearrnpot.eini heT fnlai pruoctd of tsih miotcucnaomin is hte ibaiytl to ees, ehra or flee mgtisnheo sa eeidrpttrne yb teh eDsjโ€“Risureoeyn dyensorm m(laaciTh naPi )nymedoSr tmso fetno moeicssoprm talicte nn.ssetioa hoereref,T eht gdmaea ni het malstauh uescsa nimonacumitioscm twbeeen teh freftena ptaahyw adn teh exotrc fo hte ia,nbr caghnngi waht or woh eon efels +1

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—neonem(629)
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I htikn oyu cna nokw atth hsti si a cahlamit rokste ethrar athn riactcol saceebu a irctolca tkreso rrcuincgo loyn ni eth etnasolrpct rygus yprra(im onessyr o)xcrte dna vnvgniilo het ernite nuhlumcsuo uwhoitt ngaftfeci teh nearyb recaeptlnr uysgr iyamrr(p romot tcxoe)r si eyrv kyleli.un

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sahusema  aY I kithn itsh tesnquoi si igrytn to tste ryuo elgnowkde ntweebe a talciroc olnesi adn a brtsoucclia inole.s +1
cienfuegos  artleCn torSke :moyenSrd chuotapNeri iapn edu ot cmaathil isse.nol Iatinil rithpeessasa olowedfl in sweek ot tonhms by aldyanilo ialodryrn(i saepnsil usitilm eacus np)ai adn ethyssdeasi no teh otraanrlcalte .dsie cscOru ni %01 fo esrotk s.nitpeat AF 0128 994 +4

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submitted by โˆ—an1(114)
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I adh no daie thsi wsa nertalc teokSr mdS.oeynr tBu otg ti right hitw tsih atrboVini ePsrrtoio( u)comnl and napi miaohpslncai()t both uilyaetmlt sysaepn ni eht LPV ats.hualm tmSopyms on hte girht eids mensa atth hte niosel si ceonatrartlla in hte iranb deu ot cdeosuansit so tLfe hsamulat wsa eht dsiecusDs ni balte A8F1' peag 493

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