Also FA 2019 456-457 says chondromas : medulla of small bones of hand and feet vs. chondrosarcoma: medulla of pelvis, proximal femur and humerus (-->our pt with thigh pain)
In inddoati to eispbe' ocmmtesn, 80F12A syas htta hrodrmoaonscca si ermo ocmnmo ni het "lladume fo ilpves nad arntcel esloe"ktn liwhe oronmhscad era oerm in hte amlsl onesb of hndsa &pma; .ef.t.e so I ssgeu oyu doulc go fof fo it ebing in a bgiegr oenb fremu(). rO prspeah teh ppcireomhlo tlyoihosg fo eth c,lsle iwhch luodw eb remo cacrsriaitehtc of a lagntmian
'sIt nlaeiyh aertaclgi, os ew dene eth ochose doehmnnraco or ar.hosocaocndrm
-1 I nhkit ehrte ear iossemt and emso opecprmilho agcsehn in eli,ds so t'i kiel ngaantiml.
2- nomhacrsoEnd ear nfduo in laslm bnoes fo danh and teef adncgorci eth AF, tbu oscoramdrsoahcn rea nmyial irsaed in dlamleu of vsielp ro nctaelr n.stloeek
3- I wtoer no my AF eap"sNtlcoi dchycteosonr in ehiylan aigralect iartxm THIW SLLMA LTSI"AIAICFNCOC. I d'not nokw reweh it is rfom utb yabobrlp .WU
Tsih erievw ussesgtg atht odcramonhne dan oromcranosdhca era nableu ot be tdeiniffatedre no togioylhs on.lae cgAirnocd to rutheOsobllt:
ne"lkui hnodenomra,c ostm oasoncrdcrsmhoa haev ehci-ncmnoalna pian etrs( nipa nda nnrulcoat pa)ni"
eGsus shit isodgnsia is aedm on r.isyhto
omsarhadnocorC = mliyan fsfctae eth lixaa kneotsel hatn the rapndpieclua ltekneso
honadrmcnEo = ylmnia ecfatfs teh hsand dna ;eetf aer tcys klei
I tenw cbak nda ewhcatd isht entoisc no aatophm rtfae tggnite eth iuqsento nrwgo - D.r taSrat sasy tath sadorhCmno dan rorCsocasadmnoh serai ni hte ADU,LEML dan not eth .rxcoet ovHweer eht qteunsio esmt estast ahtt tehre si etgcnihin"k of het ihpysidsa nad iunortpids of het TCREXO thiw fcola raae fo esrincaed itaoncacci"lif, ???
submitted by โnotadoctor(175)
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If yuo eerw usktc ebentwe otag)osinda(raChoalmrcnmn dan nieEdbhnng(caormn)o rebemrme osrmedhocnan yam oedre hte rctxoe but nca verne vitpairdnu/eds teh oe.xrct I tknhi isht was teh initcdiotsn the nqesiuto saw nsitg.te