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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 4/Question#33 (reveal difficulty score)
A female newborn delivered at 26 weeks' ...
Retina ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—hyoscyamine(59)
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FA pg 7.21 oTo cuhm txiyongenao anc sceua feer idracal gdemaa edlagin to yrphoitatne fo iryptaumert

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mmm21  Oayk i ighmt be dadrr,tee tub yhw i tacโ€™n udrstndane tath tyeh r naigsk batuo het hgnti tath is aadgedm ? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ +8
sahusema  !uiylsoSre eTh nituseoq sysa e"th algo of metnrttae si hte rtoceotnpi fo whhci of teh woglionfl trrs"uts?ecu fI too hmcu O2 aadgmse eht ntar,ie owh is tish attrnemet deopspus to eb rttveoiecp to the riaet?n +2
ratadecalle  I ihknt too hcmu gxnyoe odlwu be whti the vattroinle nhvgai a hihg FiO2 ntg,iest hchwi ehyt do'nt onmtnie heer tbu 'mI nsugesgi tthsa hte hngti yhert'e icotlglnorn ot ovdia exongy ixc?toyit +2
burak  heyt ti'ndd igve het etiptan ofi2 %1,00 nueoqtsi kssa eht sarnoe rof i.t utb ni a vyre dpuist ywa +31
naught  alenpmeSutlp 2O mya soal aecsu unonhrloobcparym plssaayid ro itunlrrrectnaaiv ghmheeorra men(rglai mtrx,ai odtealc in svnurualeibctr ozne NOT crooidh e)lpsxu +1
fkstpashls  99%52- ist'n h,ghi tub sti' guehno ot get niehrvegty lese eodneytgax. Bcausee st'i ton 0%01 ighh wfol eht sretnia dnot' lv-cazsirrouveae nad ldae to gd/hmaghraemoerae, and tsih lkie atth. +1
soccerfan23  nI throe esh.twrd.o.. nutieqos si calibslya iaskng hyw hyte vaeg the ttpanei a iof2 fo -%9592 tesdian fo 0%.01 The snorae si aueebsc 100% goeyxn uwdol aled to tieyrnohtap of .aymerpurtit eTh roewl -92%59 nexoyg lsveel ctpetor hte nrteia rmof eaadm.g hTe riowdgn fo eth nousqite sskcu hot +3
randi  FA 1029 02p1 deunr eeFr ilracad irnyuj ampeslxe +
umpalumpa  mrof UETANR %,%r%cga2%2;1s070ohtaO%xtatu22a%i0p0ho0l%e45%t/r=t%Owe2xsaoIe/ecsahtx0a0nn%o.y0s122shse2t%hmtael0&i/Pe0n2cg2tard%tsi2t%ha2vaguotsS.iiue0:re2titevw02eDtx7Regeun=%nn#her2a2n.m~yD.wtr/ta%S0ih0sod:pwnnma%2,:: elraev S rnetce utdsise evah hswno a rialpoesnthi webneet a xgyohhgin-e uosariantt dan O.RP tI sesem that a %O;g2S&at39 nsrsaceie eht srik rfo esreev ROP dna nede orf haeyptr +

Wikipedia pathophysiology section of "retinopathy of prematurity" explains this pretty well. Retinal vessel maturity is incomplete in premature infants--the process of continuing this maturation in these babies is directed towards growth of vessels in O2 deprived areas, but if O2 is being supplemented, this process is hindered. Therefore when O2 supplementation is removed, excessive vessel proliferation going into the vitreous humor (not where it is supposed to be) leads to retinopathy of prematurity (defined as "disorganized growth of retinal blood vessels leading to scarring and retinal detachment")

+7/- beanie368(27)

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submitted by โˆ—mcl(671)
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rhnc"cio hhig xoeygn uissaarttno nca lsreeadvy feftac lung nda yee esoumtoc of mreprte " astnin.fknli

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—divya(75)
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reaeg whit byh.rar ete'ku irtgny to say tath rimyapr gola of teernmtta with aspteplmlneu 2o si to kmae suer hreet si no ianertl dmega.a

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submitted by โˆ—ergogenic22(401)
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ywh si ioocernptt of the cdrhooi ,esulxp rfom rainncurveartlti prurteu ncyseadro ot rgaminle rxtmia ehgomahrre not a ipslbeos seawr?n

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whoissaad  yes ames unse,iqot thob epntathoriy and rriaenitnlvctrau ehormaemg cna coruc ude ot gihh geoynx e.sell.v +
cienfuegos  I saykemtlin sceoh criodoh elpuxs ot,o dsabe no iiwk esesm stih si msto nocmom aceus of IHV in trme s:ntanfi VIH in eht rteemrp inarb aylsluu arisse romf teh lirnmgea xatrmi eesrahw HIV ni het metr fnatins atriniosge orfm teh hodcrio lux.spe r,eeHowv it is uptlrcayrila cmnmoo ni mtreurape ifnsant ro ehsto of vyre low irhbt .e.g.thiw tMso alircvitruarnetn hhogseaemrr rcocu ni teh tfirs 27 uhosr aeftr tbrih. ehT ikrs si erdacinse ihwt esu of oxrceaotarpler nmaember gionxaoeytn ni mtpeerr isnn fta.ea#iawteskdlr:kbhe//tmnigthonnBirvhuriIw.a/eriapipagstoei/.erc_r +
burak  drchooi xsuelp is eifntferd hant ngeailmr rtixam +
meryen13  iarntle remerhaogh is more momcno tath IVH even fi uoy ktinh ttah it cdolu damage riohodc pelsac osdnecary ot neligmar ramixt rh.o ghereamw6mievgcb4w:upnimw8h/dno0.1h1s.blptn//13/..t +

 -4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—lilmonkey(63)
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enynAo niagder itsh ntsuqeoi

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lollll i got this right because of This is Us.

+/- alexv0815(10)

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