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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#2 (reveal difficulty score)
A 40-year-old man with interstitial pulmonary ...
Increased radial traction on airways ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—benzjonez(48)
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Ulwdor Qdi 3145 sha a godo tloexnnipaa sa to woh mrnlypoua iforssbi esscnraie teh aalidr cornatti on the aiawyr sl.wla

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cienfuegos  I tknih isth si otr- apmilynu bioisfrs ssncaeier aselcti nlciaored eisdnw ryaiwa /22 crsneaied tdowrau cofer iraal(d ia)cortnt yb riofbtic stuies usht aergnescid irfwlao escairnest suth lamonpuserr ipyxeraotr lwfo setar hhi(gre nath ln gflinowol ctrnreoioc fro gnlu lueov)m +4
notyasupreme  ^ hyW do I eelf klei shit si aeilrtyll tno ghlne,is I eahv on luec at'wsh nbgie said ehr.e anC meesnoo lese apxlein ti? +2
skonys  laiadR rcntioaT si bcayslali eth orecf htta eht dugorsinnru daffcsol fo het lngu cpaahneyrm srexet on a coirbahl eubt ot pkee it apnett henw eoryu .bethnrgai nI tiesicrterv nulg esesiad (netlisitatir rapunomyl )fsirsoib uoery nddaig oemr urbsfoi cffalsigdno rndaou teh betu ichwh seekp BIG ep.on ehesT etnpsita hvae a geerart htan 1FEV anht you ulwdo h.itkn hyeT are igknat ni less ari onti hiter esretcirdt gsnul btu ttha lgun isestu has a chum ihhherg estclia oeirlc os thwa iar eyht inrgb ni is cerofd out tghoruh ntteap hesrobicol ttah rea hedl pnoen .I oesm scvtoetubri glun aseesisd lkie ea,meamhsp yuo evah esselaats eagritn pu eth oagsfcfindl hlgindo teh ustbe neop and esteh butes truynalal wnat ot epolclas os they d.o hyTe ehva esls cirat"t"no efroc laalriyd anourd teh etbu ldinogh it peon os ira si pdptear. +2

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—nwinkelmann(366)
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nI easc enayno is a nesde as I ma dna tjsu d'idtn bemerde/rdumtnenrsa htwa txcealy rrypiatexo ofwl is = FV1.E nI viicetretrs isndctioon, EFV1 is lnorma ro daercesni due ot serddcaee .FVC tltsiIneatri ibisrfos = acnseerdi wriaya ahmyncraep lfacsdof duroan teh ya,asiwr iwhch is waht eoprivds lidraa ic.ntator heT eatregr eth iradla oca,tnirt teh leowr eth alsinpclgo rfco,e dan so ipxertyaro wlfo si acreesni.d

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champagnesupernova3  E1VF is sdaeiecrn deu to trreage ilcore of teh gunl suiet.s /FCF1VVE si rscndeiae cb fo htat nda bc of rdaescee ni VFC +1
mangotango  tuB I outhght iwht vttrrcseiei a,dsieses hte V1FE ecd a tlltie dan FVC dscaeeser a o,tl ndleygii na 1VVCEF/F oriat asth't oramln or ?ranidse?ec +2
an_improved_me  eYa eth PO is ogrnw ee.rh V1FE deos TNO ulqea arorxiyept lowf F1 EV is ton a eyallr a a;ter ist a veolum fo ira uphesd tou ni 1 sdenco pielsialcfyc. iTsh will be eeddecras ni a pt itwh D.IL siTh si seceaub the uomvle fo the glnu ardseeecs ude( to careesdni cealtsi )cr.iloe oyExrtr aip owfl arte n(i ihts qneu)oits liwl be evleaet,d bc/ fo hte enwrsa teatsd. rom F o:lwrdu sif]rois"[b essauc enrscaeid lgun eciatsl l,reico as lelw sa ryaiaw iendgiwn edu to cniedsera uortadw uglnpil (ladira air)tntco by sugrodurnin ofbiirtc Teh glneutris esecdera ni yiarwa tanssceeri lsdea to nlrruaoemps iexrpoayrt wlof aestr hrih(eg hnat mornal ewnh recrdocet rfo lung ").lmoevu +3

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—visualninjacontender(18)
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lmPanoyur sorsibfi iwll nevovli torugiaanln itsesu (as it si .isofs)irb utnnaGalrio eissut dnsleiuc amobotrl,bfyiss wcihh ilwl "p"llu no teh r,iyaasw hretybe ecinasirng daliar oncait.rt

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sahusema  ehT isfriosb seusca iocrna,ontct teh asyiarw rae llepud epno giingv lses esstceiran ot rwfiloa +1

radial traction emphysema vs fibrosis

+4/- alexv0815(10)

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