P. 19 of FA ahs a cuqik nlpeoitxana ofr tis!h
Bicyaalls noec 'ueyor in a tagirsvn tates es'ther stlli ceahpit lncgnougiesoese ognig on (as lwel as sugin FF)A utb hte seoioucnsneglge is comign frmo leiperrhpa eistus alceatt and eianln.a
eclMus tioerpn easkbr ownd into hte amnoi ciad aeanlni ihwhc neerst alilhC cCeyl to omfr gcolesu ...
I tnaw ot aehpez-smier thgsomnei that oapyatsl@ss sha edaylar seattd ).:
ehT -Qsmet ttasse umsre lsgueoc = 100, nad hte Q ksas why the tentipa is ebal to nmtnaiai lgyom.aocermin
o,eerfTreh oyu cna miaiytldeme nmaeieilt ceciosh A and C useabec cataoteaecet and -huyeyoytrxaabrdebtt rea ueosscr of geeynr rngidu ntieseokges -- giesoekstne seod not erdiopv closueg yeergn uo.erssc
_11mri@fmy hyW udolw torinpe bakre wdon efrat only 20 h?srou ’uhonldSt atf be eth jarom rniobuotctr ow?n slAo if rtenoip is ngibe ued,s neht hwy i’stn lvniea hte c?oeihc Is’t loas cgceoln.gui
elasPe eplh
yhW is nliaev rnt?icroec
nA poanilnatxe leobw yass atht vnaeil dwoul be deneotvrc ot gceluos girdnu grelaru bl?oiasmtme
gReualr toambeilms = def e,astt so why dluwo avleni veen be ornedtvce to cgoe?lsu
taht tisdu mumcnenii fo MTE SHI LATEIVNEN made me twcshi mfro eliaann to ivn.ela
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staF ear tioeeckng (cpxeet ddo nhcia F,)A os they edorucp nsketeo rof rneyge oitcrupodn oe-lA)ytcA(C ahtrer tahn ls.gcuoe If het niuteoqs esdka twah het ypmiarr eourcs fo nygeer prduoicton sa,w ti dwlou ilslt be ngeyoglc nda( nto e,skotne) bseeuac tish is wiitnh 42 us.rho eeovwHr ftrae 24 rsohu the waenrs olucd eb eoknet dobesi. dee,gasRlrs hte ntqiesou icelfcailpys dasi hte tp had a esmru lucoegs fo ,010 acnniitgid atht ew rea olnigok rof onseimhtg ttah edopisrv a tsersautb for giso.soeegunenlc
gnDuri opiedsr of vtsotna,ria saeubtssrt orf eugeooglncsisen meco from two or:suesc 1() kanerbowd of gitnsexi mu,ecsl ro ()2 iva doacnih-d AF grthohu io.rAypColo-np il*ne(Va soal eesfd into lipoornpy ,CAo ubt is tno nledivov dgirnu onasavrtti ;tg&-- ees e)lbwo
(1) eTh narua-lanieveypt cleyc pdrisveo ihst uelamnti(g ni meclus + etuyavpr ;g&t-- enailan g-;t-& soeg to irlve --g&;t ontasimniartna to rkauhpaleltagett-oo -t;&-g pvryuaet is reatesdpa rofm gnmeaulit --g&;t namgtielu eogs to ruae ,lccye puyearvt esog no to ie.ogel)sungceosn eatacLt nca laso be dues (this cldou vhea bnee a ghrti newars if ti erew sdt)e.li
2() Odd acinh AsF rea aosl ueogcclngi, utb atcisre dica oddvep(ri in teh weanrs ceoi)hc snt’i odd hcani, os ti is loyn eigncekot and nac eb udler u.to
ogthlAhu vnalei d(an ehotr ehbradcn .).aa dfee onit iCnAProo-l,pyo yhte era not eusd ni oaarivntst ucsebae aottisanvr lttrysic reiles on eapitch lceeogengosnusi. Thees .a.a are not zioebltdeam ni eth lveri suebace teh reivl skacl dhcbriacehn-na .aa. tarsrefnaes eyz.men In Fitsr A,di mchoiBe o,eiscnt runde iaFnaoigta/t,vSrtsn ni btho eth f“gaistn sae”tt chi(hw is nitwhi teh miet famer fo sthi e,qusti)on or het avsrinta“ot ,tteas” htbo uiltiez cehipat ges.nulngocioees My sinpomaust si taht vaneli is udse ugindr glrruea limeb,tmosa nad ont uirndg oderspi of tr.atonvais