hTe llicnaci setrpenoitan si taht of owrel mdiobaanl n,pai f,vere nad .hlscil hsTi onael mead me khint it asw an nolmyatarmfi p.ocress Also the qeosutin ayss eerht rae 3 asepraet oproyl dmieietdl ergosin of ornwar u.lmne As far sa liereautvc isotcil si cd,ecneonr ether rea no iskp n,oeliss ti si cutnsiunoo rrewheev it s.i Tsih cdleupo ihtw teh syrohti of itsnciotapon mkesa lveurtidtiisci eht ebst awsern .cecoih
I uwdol heva ilesya oscehn rgaomuntalosu t..iis.lco hda i nkonw it si het easm hitgn sa ro.nshC houSt tou ot nrainoceg dna sti .sbsil
'toDn ihts si UC ro s.oFornr Ch tihs qeuntsio oyu veha ot haev cidoten eht gea (66 -.rLlwooar)y dee fetl turqdnaa = dertciisitluiv fo eelylrd maw;rL&peo grhit nuartdaq = iydnagsaailspo fo lylrede (thkin eeths ewer odmntniee in o)Phmaat
I hktni it si ogod ot oetn eth i.ocgapehmrds heT tinetpa is maleef dna ol.d hTa,t naogl thiw hte nit,apniscoot dame em enal eomr raswdto riiutvs.lecidit BDI ysullau lsvpdoee ni uryenog pssenro.
Whta si htiw eht ?icuretp I stuj lwodu rvene cikp rtvliusiiceidt wouihtt gisnee a
Wath oesd 3 rwninoar ?msnae Is taht a ascue fo yiraeildctuvr issseead or hte reut??ls dAn twha is htat ohtop enams /:
I tirsf csoeh iilvretsutciid sebucae fo the ysit,orh ubt nhte I was teh peui,trc dan shonytle I sihw I atdn.'h I in'dtd ese NAY ,tlmcdiruuiev os I mou.ghttm..hmh, t'yreeh tnwa ot k"r"cti em iotn gsnihooc viitredlcus,iit but ti's lucaltya mhtogsi"ne e.e.."sl :(' '(:
ebmmrree dmsoigi conol hsa hte ltssmela reidamte (echen wyh fLte sidde RCC rdcposeu het lpepa ocre) aienngm taht it si eoprn ot hriegh ssruesepr ni ccendraaco ot aclle'ap lwa s(rseuepr yvrsienel onlioparrotp ot edrtmae)i tsuh lmsla demaeitr = ighh serspeur = ernpo to rdceutviail moafnoirt
I ipkedc roCh’sn oto. I nhtki het eesvre isntootipnac roev 5 yrsae siretctadd .em
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I was ktignnhi o’Csnhr eebausc fo teh naiwrorgn of teh uneml and eht eupcitr mdeees ekli reeth asw eprgecin Nwo ahtt I intkh oabut it u,ghtoh teh LQL dan aictotsionpn soudhl evah eld tsoawdr iivsitlrudietc pytret y.lciqku