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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#13 (reveal difficulty score)
A 53-year-old woman with gastroesophageal ...
Omeprazole ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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eporzeOmla aeshl agrisct and auolendd uerslc reom efvifcytlee ntha ooiptmlso,sr warhees soiosmprtlo aws mreo fieetfvec ni etanstpi twih soineors no.eal


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samsam3711  optoMlssroi si dnicetaid ofr itvorpnnee of uNASiDc-edIdn ciptpe luscre FA( 2019 pg .39)3 poamzOrlee is etetrb for ntmetaert +2

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submitted by โˆ—chandlerbas(118)
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tp sx tno spnerseovi ot traydei hasecng ro rssste .intoecudr tersss (stroloi)c aedscesre lonsiasrgtpdan 732 (rsloe fo c)rto.soil so wree tdol htat ehss eercudd her rsests so yolaglcil hre iorstolc udlwo be ,sesl tisidibhinign slnotpraaingd ncp.ouotidr utB her Sx lslit itsrpse? tshat ywh i ureld uto alos i embrmeer ormf cyskhte that pisp ear irrbielreevs hbt mi ont yearll usre fi my lciloga wflo is ti,hgr utb klei het gyu in teh tohre otsemnmc i,ads emorzelapo walays. ujts eikl AECi nda otiocerted bayb

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submitted by โˆ—kimcharito(19)
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.lnw..eil A8120F adis omplitoosrs earnceis ricndootpu of GCIASTR smauoc dan eht iqensuto sdai EGHUSOAPS eb is htat raneos

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champagnesupernova3  ncduRgei iadc odconrputi helps mcusoa hlae tola more anht icanigesnr iorpdnn.tlagssa We laenr auobt slrtiooomsp cebsaeu it nac eb uesd fi you tdno hvae nghaynti sele utb 'oyrue rvene nnaog ecohso ti oerv a PPI +3

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submitted by โˆ—usmleuser007(464)
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jtus a nu..h..hc raOmezeopl si lsyawa hte gtrhi rnaesw

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nala_ula  Fadnitoime is na H2 koecbrl hciwh allrey only pstso ciad ensirteoc avi eht ioanimlttus fo /KH++ PAaseT yb ,hismeitna btu ti tills sah asguv dan itangsr a.ttoinmislu fI oyu ues pOr,loaezme you teg eevrieirlrbs hnitiioibn fo the pump listfe ciwhh pstos teh sietceorn of dcia eenv fi rhtee is eiantsmhi, a,sitrng vusga amnt.utoisil +7
temmy  ahwt butoa het lheanig of reh msaoc.u Is hatt ton the cotian of ls.dg?nroiatapn hTta htwer em ffo cso onigcarcd to FA, lotorpssmio sacneiser nsorieetc of hte igstrca usmoac +5
cry2mucheveryday  same iosm +2
sahusema  I gessu ebaescu lsirmoposot si moer isdsaceaot itwh ttenreamt fo NIDAS tederal lesruc nad IPPs era 1ts enil OCD for ?REGD +1
makinallkindzofgainz  m,m@tey I knhti ttah mOepazelor si a tbteer newrsa aeesucb uohlgtah oMspilotsro ulwod ormepot gilanhe fo hre ahoesegpla cmuaos, it 'unoldtw do tniyhgna ot leviere eht smmoypts fo DEGR edu( to icicad tostnnce in eth up)hsaegos +1

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