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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#10 (reveal difficulty score)
A 42-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Rosacea ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—sahusema(173)
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esRaca.o An rmyftlomaina iafcal nksi didoresr ceachearitdzr yb uehmaytotsre sepulap nad lpuutse btu no oenmeo.scd ayM eb iatcsoeads itwh aacifl lfuhinsg ni eenospsr ot tenraxle tsmiiul (ge, aoho,lcl .he)ta

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icedcoffeeislyfe  002F2A gp 747 +

 -13  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—nosancuck(102)
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ouy nowk hwo it si zeed siob gto adt lafica UHFLS deu ot lrxtanee linsiumatt

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dr.xx  epalse eus asatdnrd gnis.lhE I oncant adsrtnduen a rowd of atwh yuo rea s.nyiag +14
aishu007  AF gp 46,8 aailfc guinhsfl eud ot rexalent iiultsm lkei ipscy oaAtdnI.m rfoyamo fca ali skin odiserrd crereatzihadc yb utermsethoay psuaelp dna ptuus esl 0 , utb &stdotel ;nc&; yMa eb iaosatsdec ihwt afc lia igsuhnR in ropessne to raeelntx ismut li g,e( .ah,)a ethlcloo omuahtPsy aorseac nca ausce aiymhrohnp ub( usobl nifdrtmaooe fo .es)on +3
madisonivy  devaot///myihiptin.:lossnn +1
an_improved_me  tn'Ddi wnok sinMoad saw nteigtg hre D;M same as Dr. nyonJh is!nS +2

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