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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#5 (reveal difficulty score)
A 2-week-old male newborn has a patent ductus ...
Higher than normal left ventricular cardiac output 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by d_holles(218)
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er'sHe an txlelncee agime form MSSAOB if pepeol rea gnvahi fflucdyiti nagvizliius :tish mmpui./h/tgshcRtmWra:/moQV/

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lovebug  yevr e!flpulh nshatk! +

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by jotajota94(14)
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PDA slfwo ofrm aaort to nlyuaoprm yatrre dsarceegin .ahrlefe taerTfderoo criadca pututo secanires

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seagull  otdens ap-roled saol esdcreea hcihw wdolu pdro the O?C.. +
hungrybox  @glusela I hkitn it lwodu aricenes ladpero /bc meor olobd si iggon niot the lpaynrumo itrresea -> lungs >- nurmypoal ivsne -> ltyunveela mroe ldobo in etfl ncirutrlt/mviaee -> inc dlrpaoe +63

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by heavy_neighborhood(6)
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PDA sowlf mrof eth Aaotr =;&=gt mroPnlayu etrrsei,a by inssgpa eth RV os teerh si no chnage ni O2 ni eht .RV

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felxordigitorum  ehT atle"s" frmo eth aarot nugdri lasoitde qieesrur neescraid drcaaci ttpouu to aonempt.ces eyemxtrEl tpeermura sftnian veah edlimit iilbaty ot rnicaese tosrek olumve and hstu ues ciaedesrn herta taer to caeersni cdariac pu.tout nk//..0cw5/iin7bsN.mh3t/hol4sov:pB/o.b8wntKwg +2

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by didelphus(70)
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A DAP llsnaiesyet eeasrtc a whiolghf- tareh uaerfli stouiatni in het bay.b eSicn a tncofiar of het VL puottu si rndeerut hwutoti eihancrg the yod,b ni redor ot initnaam a lroamn OC ot hte oydb the ftle nelcverti utms ppmu a ehgirh omluv.e ishT dluow soal acesu riehgh hnat morlan ryouplanm aaplciryl .wflo

I hnkit some fo het toher niqoteus rea ngtetig ta het idae ttha we 'tdno kwno eth erdctioin fo flwo for reus. If eht fowl aws tta&su;og,n--galr teh smsitcye PO2 dowul eb rlaomn and VR OP2 gihh. tuB if sti' pse,tpioo eht ppootesi ouldw be

Scnei DAsP rea meitiandna yb ,2GPE htat luwod ceubinrott ot a owl iehpleaprr lvascrau tese.nriacs

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didelphus  ahe*ntro usre oetdn htat isth dltnuwo' pctaim VR ngyexo eucbsae eth lobod is edadd to teh ulymaporn ter,ary cwhhi ash eixdet teh V.R +3

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by moneysacs(3)
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yWh si deso a APD etfar htrib telrsu in hehrg"i tanh lomrna lfet erlucvnaitr iaccdra u"outtp rove iaescedrn ghtri" rtlrcinueva 2OP?" eosD eht mulp etyrar ;t&--g taaor unhts ecebom eredresv efart ,htirb os heighr xeygon taaro dolbo olwud owfl cabk oint teh thgir netlvcri?e I tge hatt eomr lobdo lduwo be ppudem ot eth felt rnlietevc, nsulriegt ni VHV/LRH, btu d'nto tsneudarnd eth O2 .itb

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usmleuser007  )1 hgrhei atnh nalomr CO bc/ ldoob is utndesh ormf atoar to rynopamlu eerasir.t hsiT bodlo is eddad to eht meuovl taht was pupmde noti the nylumrpao aetriser by eht V.R wNo hnew eht geodeaynxt loodb rrneust to het LA & ,LV eht 2O enotcnt oudwl be egarret dt/ iehghr lodob vloemu. olAs fro atth msea nroesa oemr dloob si rieuntrgn ot hte VL (/dt VL mouvle psul ifnrctao fo RV )vmelo.u siTh endercasi eth .tO> h --R Cg i eLtf nustsh aehv tael oysncsai bc/ teh RV si pshungi natasig het sxsece rrupeess eendraegt by the VL. hTis ledas to eemiersgnEn Syoendmr sa RV enrlesga nad pesush nsataig eth respresu morf het LV ni teh .APD suhT stgfihni fLet to trihg ot gtihr to Ltfe nad utsh the tlea syicsoan +2
temmy  Teh yoanmat si a-yraaunlorotpm ypnlay-mrrteraou -fslneitve t-fmrleaitu reiol etvectcnNi ttah teh ooldb did otn eomc orscas eth grtih ethar ta lal adn cesaube of teh FLET OT IGRHT hstnu fo teh PD,A we add orem vlouem ot the TLEF ieds. cneeH teh sdrenecai flet recuntilvar ptotuu +2

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by masonkingcobra(408)
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necrotizingfasciitis  nogiG ffo of teh tnsmeomc eploep heva sepotd baevo & dakin bggnniri sgihtn e:et oh tD grPA swlfo omrf aatro ot unalorypm tse,errai chihw essererv rtfae t.hbri hsTi amnes adgnt-exeoedy dloob wflo romf eht armlyupno ereraist to the raoat & slse umolve gineb ntse to eht FL esdi of teh t.hrae ish T tuerlss ni a ecesdeard tferodala eeabsuc reeht si sles oodlb flongwi from teh nugsl to -flerli hte LF inteec,vlr & eth rhtae is tlils ipnmupg htiw eht msae cofer sa fbereo, os eht meas mouelv of dbolo si ilgvae,n tbu essl in eirngent teh LF idse of eth hetm.roa r F e,her uyo use CO = VS x SR VH = derpaol - oftraadle (iwchh is ddercease due to hte sATi D h P) rsultes in SV bgnei rralge hnat olmnr,a os enhw ouy plug htta otin CO = VS x RH oyu gte a hghrei enbmru orf adcacri .ptutuo +
didelphus  hTe sdcutu tsesaurrio lwfos mfor AP >-- ataro in urtoe ot ysbpas het gnusl, hcwhi evah xlyeermte hhgi ritcenseas ot .lwof Tihs rsesreev aefrt btrih eud to a rdpo in GE2P hwcih( was ulidppse by the lacapnt)e dna srecanie ni eiesd-ldft ycetsmis itnear.essc So a PAD ticyyllpa lfosw rtoaa >-- PA sung(isam eerth are on heotr c) +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by jandj19(0)
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hiTs si a yevr oloc tncecpo eanlidpex in the pdaRi Riewev opolytgha bk,oo aegp 75.2

edft-edLsi ot detshi-dgir eraht snhuts ssteulr ni muvelo avroeodl in the gtirh eisd of the h,trae chihw scriesena VL ulemov daepl()or ued to eomr ldoob trninuerg ormf eht hrtig erhta ot the felt nA ncaserie in LV plardoe is elaqu eorm radacic tutpuo dan ermo wokr fro the .retah Ltrea in lfie ahtt illw lade ot an rtnciceec ypte fo VHL twih sreeceda darccai uputo,t ynuparlmo neproyenshit nda a crnccotine VHR ude to hihg faetlrdoa htta het itrgh ehart ash ot ppum .nsitaga

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by djinn(6)
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wLo edratoafl ;t&g hghi OC

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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Tsih si hte auclta orctcre ixn:nltoapea

DAP cssuea doblo ot owfl omfr ngeneidscd taroa to tatpne udustc rteusariso onti rpmyaonlu lirciotancu il)-fhg(ote"-rtt"

hTe last"e" mrfo hte roaat ungrid aledtios eeruisrq racnesdie caacidr utupto to pamseetonc ot eledriv tuedaeqa anomtu fo bolod ot trse of yodb

oce:uSr k8vb/sp.t.ng5K7.wicsmb/tnwNi:Bn0ho/l.4w/o/oh3

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fkstpashls  t'Is L ot R +2

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