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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#6 (reveal difficulty score)
A 38-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Serum calcium concentration ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—cantaloupe5(87)
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reuecntRr enykdi ostsne oshdul iulcdne eyotiapyrasihmprrhd no uory deitnifalef,r ulopec thta hwti omatnigras dna yโ€™ruoe oglnkoi at ENM .1 imsLopa rea saol odsscetaia iwth NME 1.

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sympathetikey  Y,hae I ayorpbbl usohld ahve twen ihwt att.h tJsu got norhtw ff,o isecn I oknw hatt yasulul eth smeur aimulcc vselle rof nemeoos twih ailuCmc ydekni nstoes si amnlor. +1
snoochi95  i dsreaundnt teh klni ot EMN ,1 utb hwy aer we kcengchi teh icumcla lle?ve +1
cmun777  I eelf klie 'sit motntraip to egt a eaensbli of eewhr the caucilm si at fro owt s:ersnao . 1 fi eht itatnpe dose ndedie heva NEM 1 ti wdulo be odgo ot wonk fi seh ash ihhg cuaclim elsevl adn bopelssi oayhairPdtr 2gi.loo eyt Yeruo' niutptg eth tpaneti no a IPP ihwch era knnwo to ceradees ciaculm svleel nda escreina srki fo oosotssi orpofre obht eetsh psslbioe osenracof/ctcrns ti dlouw be odgo to ees weher lcuciam is renlrtcuy ta +6
zevvyt  no'lutdC a rttPauiya rtumo reetsec TCHA, gisacun hhgi sioc?olrt +2
lola915  Pinttea sha spysmmot fo a agistmnaor lZno-Ei(ogislllern )n-omdyreS tienstap sneertp hitw re,adrhia tiegpicsra pa,in ldondaeu and neauljj .usecrl sostAaiced wthi NE1M .nrsoyemd +

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by monique(10)
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heT yitptarui smotru in NEM 1 rae ocltinpra ro GH, os ucialmC le,lvse rof Pyhdtraoira smaeo,dan luowd be the sbte esw.rna

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by amphotericin(11)
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Why loudw uyo nto chkec oroctl,is if o'euyr wrdoire rof E1M?N I dumeass ihgh muiaccl asw peimdil dbase no hte reanl netoss

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ali_hassan  riauyitPt - HG dan mTtonPapcior Hla - aCc auePrcsmanli - rnom,staaig mnusalinoi cet et.c. +

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submitted by โˆ—sahusema(173)
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ehWn uoy ees a nrcpcaieta enodiencr rtuom ni nomonctbiia hiwt orteh idrwe ngi,disfn awsayl khint EMN 1

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—notadoctor(175)
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shiT qniosetu was ingask botua the esradev cesffte fo pootnr pmpu hboiiristn epllscyeai nevgi ipvurose iekdyn ss.uise PPsI deecreas rseum gM dan msreu aC stiropbano dan can easirnce eth iksr fo fraeutrc ecsillayep( in eth drelye)l.

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yotsubato  PPI prehyta gi*bne*s hte ayd hes estn.prse heS sah not atenk PPI foreeb +17
notadoctor  eY'rou trhgi, I essdim t!hta +
naught  MNE 1 si priautiyt rt(inmoo t),oloicrs caaenrsp, raatrdioyph tmr(onoi iulacm)c ubt si nto hte aks fo hsti suntioq.e +

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