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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#24 (reveal difficulty score)
A 23-year-old man drinks alcohol heavily on a ...
Fatty change 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by vonhippelindau(21)
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t’Is ctaue alcoloh tomipsncoun os fttay cgeanh erom ell.kiy lreluaCl liglenws cnasiited lloccahoi htpiastie wchhi srieqeru rocnhci hlacolo ouptmnnsico (See AF 2901 gp 83)5. At tales tt’ahs eth cgloi I dsue to pikc yfatt aechng.

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seagull  mseSe ekli taytf ancghe olwdu rrqeeui mero athn 1 dew.neek I hcseoo sngllwei sinec si't relsbeervi nda semes ikle oneshgtim tihw a kciuq .osetn +51
nc1992  I thnki 'sit tjus a dba .ntusiqoe tI sdhuol eb on" "enkdeswe +17
uslme123  V/eIs4:lmth5dweLuh/M..EeV..aRtm/tLHIhbdpu/thpaTLE1t +27
uslme123  oS his pcahsyoeett ertan' dying ( nlalob tndergaioene ) sv sjut sdecedeidnrag/ama FA esyshtsin due to irdsaenec aerAitcHNt/D +1
sympathetikey  eulgla@s I !eegra +
et-tu-bromocriptine  'tsI nto ni amtaho,p tub I ahve it eitwtnr ni os( eh ro D.r Rnay may heva niemdnote )ti - lloAcicoh tiheaipts is gaeenllry seen in bgien skrndrei IHWT A NLOG YIRTOHS OF NOMI.POTSUNC +1
linwanrun1357  oD TNO nktih teh rewsna fo stih eiutosqn si e C.ilrhtlg lngewsil emak ermo ssnee! +1
fkstpashls  meso asoehsl in pdrseeunss dan a weiobt ednieiftly oertw sith ,q sa ev'I nese bhot cutae lnsiegwl nda ytfta acngeh eb esud to eicebdrs eno deoipes fo gd.niinkr +15
msw  trhso tmre gonnstiie fo sa cmuh as 80gm fo loachlo (isx seerb) vreo eon ot aelesvr sday glalyenre csrepudo mdli , eslrirebve ptahice ssosettia . rofm ibg obinr h8t neiiodt aegp 88.5 Baalsilyc ot epleovd olaolihcc tiapishte hwti laluclre gwlslein ect ouy aevh ot aveh stidnasue gonl rtme ensgnoiit fo clhaolo hwlie tosstesai acn oleevpd tiwh a siglen isx cap . eohp thta eslph . ps i otg it owgnr too . +3
msw  isx cp8ka +
mariame  erfAt enev ormteaed nktaei fo oalohc,l dipli epdrolst auctceluma in thtaesycpoe escngrinia thwi unmato nda ythiroccin of olochal ..)(. Faytt nacghe is cpmtlleeoy ebisrevler if rehte si antbsneito ofrm tefrhru tneiak fo acllo.oh Teh gnlewlsi si sdecua yb nimuoaactlcu of ,atf awetr dan nsirt.peo ehTeerrof tish wlil ccrou e.atlr mFro ibg bnRosi 9ht pg482. +
l0ud_minority  Jtus giinkhtn autbo hist ochlAlo is a iochodanMltri psnioo chiwh ulowd eald ot sstesr nupiuogcln fo ovidtxiae opolhasptrnihyo and aeucrlll ingle.slw I tog ti norgw wtih tath cgloi ghtuho wcihh si igtr.fnusrta +

 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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sA pre A )1F yftta aonrtnitflii 2) lluacrle nngillaobo 3) ltunevea nscsoeir

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hyperfukus  ashtkn u adsev em meti in gloinko atth up ): +
violethall11  oshTe rae rof noocaohnci-ll tytfa vleri eadss.ei eetiynDlif ginssim soem ionf ni hte eoqsitun s,emt hw,vroee I eibevle thta eth lheow piotn is ttah the iidadnluiv is NOT na uluas ohoicalclh . +
mumenrider4ever  0A0F22 .gp 193 +

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by azibird(279)
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F22A00 2p7

Eohatln abielsmomt snraeisce /NADH D+NA artio in ver,li uagsni:c

tsttpsaeoseaio—H Iesarendc icnonvroes fo HPDA to cgl-ry3P-;oel tc-oyAClae deivsrge onit fatyt acid siynhs,set wihhc osecmnib iwth o-lcly-Pre3g to eeizyssthn sgrreieltdyic

eeanIscrd AAHN/N+DD orati ihbinits ATC elycc ;-tg& ylC-cAtaeo sude in enpgslosiei -(&g;t haitpse)ts.tooeas

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by sweetmed(157)
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tFyta eahCng in vLeri 22/[ gHih DHNA made by HAD adn dAHDl g;&-t iitsnbhi FA tadoionx,i piediarm rlniieotppo mesysalb and ectit-&gn;rose FA m]clesac.uuat

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by youssefa(162)
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tdno'luW ceuta oaohlcl upmionstnoc enev in eotmedar aountm sacue evebiserrl pcaheti uaclrlle jyurin echraceidtarz by larceull nlbog?aniol It uolsdh eb eht gihrt nerwsa lsneus teh eonqistu esmt semna ksWde"een"

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hello  No. The rorde of livre aamgde deu ot olcoahl i:s attyf eagshnc --;tg& acerlull lseinwgl cra(lleul ngaibnool) &-gt;- ce.nssoir hi Ts Q tmse sattse to hte patniet cnueomsd elarg mnatou fo lholaco on a edewenk -- eh sha cylueat rnkad a agler tmnaou fo holcloa on one enekwed g--&;t htis rdcsoeopsnr twih ytfta aegcnsh +3
et-tu-bromocriptine  'sIt otn ni ohmpaa,t ubt I hvea it writtne ni s(o eh or rD. Rnya aym aveh menndtoie t)i - ocAhilcol sietpaith is leernglay nsee in eingb dnskierr HIWT A OLNG YORSTHI OF TOIPCNNOMSU. +
krisgsxr600  sIt ndik of ni hmtpaao ehrpatC ,1 e"rfe aildcar j"n,uyIr oetcSni 2 "xlaesepm of refe adrcali uy"rnji ogse orve woh feer aidrlsca csda(ue by iiknd)nrg lade to fta ltuouiccaanm +
sallz  Yuo cnat' gte hte sethotapsaittei beroef ggnteit teh setiastso ttya(f cnlA).egh la teh FAs eucsad yb teh lhalooc outcimpnons tyalveeuln eadl ot ckiotyne ,eeresla fmamanlotiin dna lnilyaf eth pteihasit nees ni oobllna .nwigllse +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by krisgsxr600(1)
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aWs ujst gigon revo amtoaPh gniaa adn he leaespxn this noetpcc leyral lewl ni CH 1, ee"rF daRlaic rInjy,u" inecotS II lExam"sep of eeFr iaacdlR rnyI"ju

yumlilaett ecll slneiwlg e(th llhmakra fo beretlreisav/uce )jyunir = oemissbor ffo RER = esrddeeac erionpt ytsnh = redeadesc ilooeripppoAnt sntyh = taf naoluucimtca ni lcsel

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drschmoctor  eYs, eh does nxpelai evyr well hwo thob eclalrlu lnswglie ;&pma fat cnuaatmluoic corcu. .. . hwich is ctxeyal yhw hsti ionstuqe si moes inkchec sv egg .SB +3

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