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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#25 (reveal difficulty score)
A 28-year-old man is brought to the emergency ...
Dissecting aneurysm ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—neonem(629)
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ojMar sirk ctarof rfo cortia ecodinists si syneniehrto,p and in htsi scea tmgih be ued to ncaeioc ,seu wcihh ecusas mdkear ypi.snerthnoe ectiosisnDs ucaes a reat in hte naiuct anitmi -- odobl nac wlfo bwcadaskr ntoi teh mdaiprecrui adn ecusa pmoanaetd. shiT tsmsnefai sa ccrelsak in het gnlu ued ot oopr tlef citunerlarv onfticnu (/dtlsagfliilciion ebomprl deu to eios)mpsrocn.

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forerofore  ehtre si ntoehra ,ulce het amn sah iihsiemddn spsleu ni jtus oen ,mra ihwch msnae atht eht eflt laibsnucav ryerta stmu eb vedlonvi mwo,hoes adn an raoict cseisitdon odluw eb het etbs ransew igielnpaxn +11
temmy  slepea wyh is hrtee wheer a cdaiisolt mu?umr +1
whoissaad  me@ytm rAitco conissidet paslclyiee aner eth ootr of oatar can dlea to nadoatitil fo het rociat esv,lva whchi nca aled ot trAoci ariontgirgetu i(stoiadc ummrru at elft talnres brrode) +9
garibay92  oDes nonyae nkow yhw si tsih patnetsi' apruetterme ?vtleadee +1
ratadecalle  ,r2@aiayb9g ont anoitptrm for isht stuiqnoe I tnhki but eiocanc nac ceusa lnmnatiga eyrmreaihpth +2
almondbreeze  jnggdui by shi trahe rmuum,r he yolbrbap ash anarmf m.dreonys shta't hte oynl alcep rwehe AF sltka aoutb ceisitgdsn eyunmrsa +
almondbreeze  s'eh nyol 28 - htoraen ecul orf ?mfaanr +
turtlepenlight  did oyeann sele iknht it aws wrdie shi nloy xs asw S?OB I waysal hnkit of dnatagiri aipn as beign a doog lcue rof deosintisc +3
cmun777  braeezn@emlod shi rhtea urmumr is at the SBL (roacit rergu)g nda not noctnsesti htiw VMP upls on eotrh iciti/dnoasxn fo raanf.M I hitkn teh ynol oaaisnsicto fo RF ouy hdolus kihnt buota ni sthi oqstinue si the aicnceo sue nda ntuenoqesc NTH. +1
ibestalkinyo  ttunheetlp@rgil I ereag. I ohcse ntoahre rwesan suacebe I aws eil,k 'heerst no ywa htis ygu 'dsoetn htru if 'she ogt a .ietonissdc +1
abk93  u@aows thsiabd cotira agergrtiotniu is a iltycsso r.murmu +
calvin_and_hobbes  My seugs si ttah hte atlisidco urummr is iiuctdprs tensoiss sa hte siiutdpcr lveav is eth osmt common valev feedacft ni teniptas how vahe VUDI +

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submitted by โˆ—adong(144)
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neauulq sBsuPe/pl in eth arsm si a igb kye orf octira iocisstdne

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—readit(18)
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yhW is is ont uopsde mrseyu?an

ti"coAr punmeeayrsuodss atlyylcip rccuo sa a erslut of tamrua -/+ iiv,nnoerentt a cdoisdrene bsetsu of maracutti itcaor yurjni ni eht yoajrtmi fo cs.eas hyeT can eb cutea or nohr".cci


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readit  sea*m gsoe rof ascrlcau m,erusyna ihchw salo is sulayul /22 rauatm +
samsam3711  In hte sotnquei emst three is no dciaitionn of armatu os ti uolwd be adhr ot jsut uesasm ttha +
almondbreeze  see my oentcmm vaboe fro rnmafa dnemsoy.r itgmh lhep +
drzed  Tshi si aesucbe a sreouamdpneuys is weentbe het aimed dna ,avdaititne nad is ciitned by uara;tm a sieidnscot is beentwe the niimta nad eht emaid dna si a slutre of tshennoiyepr gcnsaui na imintal trae. eTh rothysi sptnoi ortwad eoiccna g&;t- osynehteprni thrare hant rptetniagne tu.aarm +

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submitted by โˆ—meryen13(48)
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jstu bremmere ttha iocnace si eno fo hte mmonco uceass fo artioc cistdeniso ni ugnoy peolpe. erhte era toher esacsu hatt ear teicgen cuhs sa f,amran tub ni sthi oentisuq its clrlyae iemsotnn ieccano .ubesa hte ainp of sidistnoce atdrsiae ot het kbca nda sit rp.hsa dniedwe smtinuidaem si saol a key.

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