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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#17 (reveal difficulty score)
A 7-year-old girl is brought to a clinic in a ...
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 +28  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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If uyo tcnould' eerembmr whcih rewe s;tliasnee ehtn ailtvtaenre dlouw ehav eneb ot azrelie ttah rgiwogn ldcrhein ende lcesl to e.idivd hsiT iesuqrre ADN lrcinitpaoe and tsrtinoalan. fO wchih eht ucecnil dcai hyimet is .rpaotmtni tI irerequs a ytlmhe anr.tsref

hisT si erweh teeoinimnh soemc .in etieionMnh mosibecn iwth PAT ot morf MAS (a yemtlh )drono

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whossayin  ’ahtsT a enaydrlge aptil.ennxao kaTsnh dde!u +
makinallkindzofgainz  iTsh is excyalt who I levdos !it I rdemmbeeer htta Mtnhniieeo si nistlaees rof theylm ,nferssart nda uyo wdlou nede ahtt in nidiivgd go)n(girw lcle.s utB won Il'l tujs merebrem TPV ITM aHLL oot :) +2

 +15  upvote downvote
submitted by nosancuck(102)
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oY gawd we lal uabto TPV IMT HLLa

ni,ylhlPeeanna iVlean, rAyKotN,DTp inoTre,hen unseeiolc,I ieninMtoh,e Hst,indiie uLeecin isnLey

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meningitis  I d'nto nrudesdant ahtw the oetnuqsi si anc oenmeos elspea xlanpie ti ot tan em Pe?i t etsdno eta onpiter, shes b.chybu taWh deso ineohtmeni evah to od ihtw it?sh +4
charcot_bouchard  uJts lyabsacli isngak hiwch si atnsleeis maoin .sciad +4
usmleuser007  stEsenial oianm aicsd nosh(emtgi i cmae up w h .1 ) it eh"erT LHA fnas wlil ytr mt . " eha inoeThrne = eTreh b . Hidis;tien irng;Anie seLniy = AH c .L layniaeehlnPn = d .fn sa ;Vnilea ueI;oelinsc cLeeuni = wl .lei rtoTphanpy = y r tf. Menohnitei = h m te +4
nala_ula  eyr'hTe igyans trehe si a clka of gdoo iyutqla ipotnre &-;gt sightl nrioanltuit y.enieifcdc She amy vaeh ircdeaqu thwige but 'ist not ecsueab of itpnroe. So erty'he ilsefycalcip giksan atwh mnaio dcai seh itmgh be ngiissm ude ot erh urpasb td.ei ieSnc lneitseas aoimn daics ear hsoet tath het boyd nctaon aemk lfstei, uot ffo tseho t,sdlie nmotneehii si the laniseest nmioa stI' no agpe 81 fo AF 2910. +11
nala_ula  ceoctrr me if I'm nogwr pselea :) +
hello  Fro eoanny ecdsfnuo gryint to fwlloo 'rme@seu0ss0ul7 tcemmno tgh-l-is ly mndeifdioastsEile nomia idcas omcmnnei A"h, There nfsa wlli ytr tem"h Ah = anie,irng i hiisTdeerneth = norFnnaThiese a=)nps(h eVelninyallha nPi lWi(l -- mnaeGr neactc nnpoucnorig iglhEsn wrod 'lilw)' = ivealn, ,uleisiocen cnil,eue lisyynTer = tpnthat yhoMepr = eMnontehii +2
pg32  Wyh sedo lhlo@e adn 0l0s7ueemrs@u cmonemni oncniat enaiingr? htaT tn'is in hte VPT ITM LLaH icmmnnoe fro enealisst moian d.cisa.. +
paperbackwriter  2p@3g rnngaiei is tI si ltnssaiee in mereprt tnnfisa hwo onantc ieztsynesh it phi:0eweec3nv2s/0tcrsptwc0i/mtow00s1e/.dc4D96c5Siuthnc/ii?ai.37a8l/%ebr/e0ii5c +
ankigravity  s'It oals silesaetn in eistm of sivtieop rneitngo ncaaelb (ei.,. irwgnog sdkd)oi +

 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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1. reehT" LHA nsfa lliw yrt h
em"t    .a Tirnoeehn = hTeer 
    .b ;niHsditei ;ingrAien Lsniey = 
AHL    .c eaPnlniheayln = fns
a    d. Vla;eni Iulic;noees eeniLuc = wll
i    e. pntapoThyr = t
ry    .f Mniinhetoe = the
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pparalpha  hTnksa! ooGd mnnimeoc +1
b1ackcoffee  steb mncnoime +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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slneaiest Aimon daics )AA(

1) usAdlt uereriq 9 )AA( = leba ot ekam irenang aiv eaur yc l2e)c ielnhCdr eeqrriu 01 ()AA = ehyt rae sltil n3eidopevl)g ithW PKU stneyiro eebmosc eleissnta in both luatds and linchrde

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by drzed(332)
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st'Le ysa uoy i'ddnt owkn neenmhtioi was eletsinas.

A() nAnalie -- you nca eetcar anielan rofm teh meynze TLA inena(la saroeranmat,eis)nf shut shit emnzey nntoca eb stealneis

(B) eAtartaps -- you nac etreac traapteas rofm eht yemzen ATS (tatapsera )enimaestrnaf,rosa hstu htis mneyez nacont eb leaietssn

)C( ilcnGey -- shit oen si owl dei,ly but it is eamd rfom esnrei ene(isr + FHT &g-;t O2C + T-FHMe + ce)nyigl. If uoy idtdn' onwk buota hs,ti uoy ahd a /0055 ohst

(E) rsinToey -- yuo acn ecatre rnsioeyt morf hneepinnlyaal e(slsun fo oesruc uoy aevh a)eoenylhtnpukri, nad thus ihts ncnoat be

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by hello(429)
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For oyeann ucfeonds gntiry to foowll 0@'sresmul0eus7 nocmmet

ltghyliS diimfode

sEnesatil iamno cdais iemomcnn ,"Ah Trhee fnsa llwi try ttehh"em

hA = riea,inng hiitdinse

Treeh = ieehTnnro

snaF (ph=)san innlyePnlaaeh

iVll (illw -- ermaGn etcanc ncnguonirop singElh dwro w)i"ll" = nlv,iea ei,noselicu e,niulec seiynl

ryT = opthnpyart

Mthe = oiMetnnehi

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by mrglass(47)
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ehT way I mermbeer the elnsaiets mnaio sacid si by rrgfeenicen eth naoim isdca sgpuor I yadalre .wkon oS hte ltesisnea monai acids :ear

  1. heT daecnhbr hicna noima ca:dsi ioculeInes, u,eiecLn adn nelaVi

  2. heT rideng miona isadc XECTEP Tseyinro chiwh( mcobsee iasletsen ni oshte thiw :KUP) n,oThtrappy isteidn,Hi yenPlilnaahne

  3. hTe rfulus noatiincng minao saci:d neCeyist adn itnsiidHe (uoY lliw ees deteba vroe heewthr Cetysnie ialieusqf as leatiessn ro nt)o

  4. eTh otw uyo ujst veha to mzoiere:m nnieToerh nda eyLsin

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mrglass  I enamt to say eieCtyns nda Mio*niteenh +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by saqeer(6)
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a tteill ailsemngid her rcseiaen in hgtiwe dame it msee as if hes dha wlo rdtyoih nmrhooe nad rtnsyoei is a uper.rorsc

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b1ackcoffee  tbu rdhymhipoysoti loduw deasceer het ithehg. +

 -3  upvote downvote
submitted by codyluvr95(6)
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2B1 emsoc fmro itneopr nad is a saryescen fcacotro for oitenienmh sthyanse. wLo B12 = wlo eit.onhmnie

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 -3  upvote downvote
submitted by mcl(671)
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ihenotneiM si an aetilnses aoinm i.acd All etohsr stedli aer .otn

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scalpelofthenorth  Pg 81 ieTrnsoy is ilsdte sa na eltinessa AA. dSluho eb hnattpyrpo rof htseo who tgo isht ngorw eilk em. +
neonem  But oiyentsr nca ocme mofr n,ylpeaainhnle os its' ton yelrla elitseans g?hrti +1
gh889  in 2,A910F ti si tesdli as poty,pThnra nto sToen.yir htTa was cce.etordr +16
usmleuser007  No:et siorTney is NLOY snesitlae htiw PUK ni rchdnlie +
niboonsh  bor F208A1 tslsi tnersyio as na antseiels A.A yehT yldaep us. +1

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