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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#8 (reveal difficulty score)
A 52-year-old woman is admitted to the ...
Speak with the two gynecologists to attempt to coordinate care ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—temmy(153)
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I regae ithw hawt ahs nebe siad btu salo onet hatt teh eitapnt lelacd erh senintrit ot ehpl erh sasdrde eht coifnclt bneetwe eth two iasspihncy chwih ahs ogtnet hre That is rhe d.ersie ndA fmro hwta i have gdreheat, erehw ospbies,l the staieptn iseshw slhduo eb em.t

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mambaforstep  uetr... i atlyolt imdsse eht tpra p"t LALCS HRE APYIRMR EACR INTISNRTE TO PLEH RDSASED THSI NFLOCICT TBW HET 2 ISCHPI"ANSY smh +2

Some quick rules I've found that apply to ethics questions: 1. ALWAYS acknowledge the pt's problem, distress, situation, etc. 2. NEVER ask the pt to lie 3. NEVER be a dick. The answer may sound robotic, but should never be mean. 4. NEVER refer the patient to another resource (in this case, the nurse, but could also be risk management, therapist, etc.) 5. COMMUNICATE. Talk to other clinicians/experts, etc. to resolve issues. Often, this is the best option because "speaking" isn't really taking any action so no room for error

+5/- anjum(36)

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submitted by โˆ—taway(35)
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Dose dayonby tdsraduenn wyh we ear olaewdl to eineerfrt whit eht lnlcciia mcsgonkindeaii of otw oerth csiiaessltp yec?tdlri ldWt'oun tath dmdyu teh setarw vene orem by nddgia rou nipooni? I 'dnto ese het neugrldniy rpneilcpi taht nipxlsea eth oeaatnirl ni tihs rsawen.

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jcrll  I iknth st'i oatbu daidgn uro ipinoon and oemr uatob enigse waht hte aintsotui is csuebea a atitpen aetocdnct yuo in id.tresss Teh rtoesh aer batou anocttigcn gatnmneame off ayeshra; hatt lucdo soal mudyd" het s,w"raet I Is isth ntqisueo osla ndgsideras arrqatyuen i?tnvoenpre +3
meningitis  I eerga ithw .jcllr y M mase hotuhgt peosscr ubt hten I hcagdne it to icrsiphtyca stinaotoulnc ni rdore to fstir edtatn eth tipanste' stseisrd nad eanixty nscie ti swa ihdgrnien ehr inicseod mn.agik , iede Bss het lwoeh erdoal tubao hre emttraents dan ietveinffescsen swa tmoylaelnio nda hllypiscya etuasgxhin er.h +4
vi_capsule  aRfererl is NEVRE a w nsear +12
tsl19  Gniog rghtista ot het hcira fo eht tehisc cemetmoit tutiowh iavhgn okepsn ot eth hoert ihcsysnapi lduow be papprrneaioit ceasbeu it ulwdo eb iumjpgn a nubhc of espst ni oconumtiimanc rstfi - kiel clrjl i,asd you want ot tge teh rcuitep of satw'h niggo no omfr hte trheo isainphycs sfit.r byMea hte yieccnggloo iloooscgtn stn'i yautlalc sa sopedpo ot iilltvaaep susreame sa hte iapettn escrievep mih to eb dna khisnt ehs' gidno ahtw eth aintetp snwta, .etc tI cdulo ustj be ,iioiscmnmoaucmnt hwihc yuo duolc lphe laerc up hottwui ggttein hscite olevvdin ... etrbet to ratts te.rhe +12
an_improved_me  sA,ol ot dad a tlteil :itb tnssnrieti no a calhhareet eatm aer teh eacr id.cratonroso orF any ignev mlbeopr a aitpetn sah, teh rtntniies is eobnsepsirl ofr aimagngn lal het intfefedr setsacp fo a petsatin mettrane.t In siht a,sec eht nnteir has to mnagae eth dgsensinit nspionoi of reh einrtedff lgotg.iycessno nI oerht enisacns,t an rtieinsnt may veah ot amgean eht nredesietgma etweben a ungSreo sv. IR v.s cn.O +2

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