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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 1/Question#6 (reveal difficulty score)
A normal-appearing 17-year-old girl has never ...
Androgen insensitivity syndrome 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: repro repeat

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 +19  upvote downvote
submitted by ergogenic22(401)
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raotchnim teneivag = on arbr bosdei = snorpe hwit XY teeypgon ro OX uaecebs yitmena uyo ehav oemr ntha eno X mhooroscem yuo veah a brra bdyo oticnramh( i)ipovset

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by basic_pathology(25)
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Cmntarhio tevgaine = on barr o.ybd udlCo coruc in Treurn XO)( ro eaml Y).(X

reunTr OX:)(

  • rtskea syvroa
  • yako eaullimnr uurstretsc omst( fo the em)it
  • oayk faemle teaerxln naialtgei

gneodnrA yvnintiessIit Srnomdye X):(Y

  • doaibmaln tsstee
  • no elulanrmi sesrturuct SY(R eeng tg&--; itTsse -;gt&- tloeirS lslec g-t;&- )IHM = niBdl Phocu
  • femlae trneexal gnilaeiat n(o tsDeHT/T isn)glilgan
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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by hyperfukus(111)
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sloA htrnoae yek is ti syas nolrma inrpeagap grli eno fo hte nisgth boaut eth IAS is ttah ehty do tge osyrcedna exalsu cr.ireirtnhrsteu.catacs. ilrsg ntdo' olko oalnmr hd'ety be rhsot adn btybus no bosbo tfa ckne tec

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covid2019  Im' sdfcouen that teyh isda ehs raedppae a"mlnor." I httguho IAS uowdl nmea eth nieatpt ash yvre csant pbicu irah / arrmuned rahi. u'ntlodW htsi be abmolran ni a 17 arye l?do lSoduh veha annTer setga 5 ...h.ria +2
mumenrider4ever  202AF0 .(gp 39)6 secrsibde SIA as D"ctfee in ngnaoder oprrtcee gunreilst ni mnpagpan-oirelar elfame X,(Y64 "D)DS os I sasmue ht'reey ilaktgn tobua nrgeela aoduwrst neaaaprcep +2
lola915  Yuo do gte bsetsar eubasec pattnie sha ubdil up fo eetsterntsoo tath si riaemdtoza noit rg.nteoes oN illyaxra or ibpuc hair eeaucsb ttah eiquresr r.tetnoteoess +2
lovebug  HX.T SEE AIS 1F(A9 )p6,52g +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by nerdy nik(9)
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urTner >drmeys-;on Teh glir wodul hvea a tuersu dan stekra srve.iao

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by soph(84)
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lla eth tohre pistnoo tp doulw haev ueu,str sroeaiv. rruesnt eyth wnutold kolo omlrna adn tyeh udowl eahv oihtprca eri.aovs

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turtlepenlight  ishT esmka e,essn but I saw hwonrt fof by eth r"-"mraanlpnpoigea cb/ dwuoln't IAS pts nto heva pcbui hi?ra +1
drzed  yheT sutj ysa is't a lrnmoa rpinagape 17 eray old ilrg; otn taht eth trenlxea aigeatiln rea rmoanl +2
teepot123  fa 19 gp 256 +1
macroorchidism  aheY eth ormna"l" loko aws ieergfnrr tsltyrci ot pracpenaea y(bdo + tleagi)nai tno edoyscarn satctehcrsr.icia I saw salo neweebt ISA dan ureTnr besaue(c I dd'nit owkn tma-riatncnheigove tmean ta teh m,)eit os nhoerta nigth ahtt hdelep em was I trleyenc dfnuo htat nTurer yedonmrs entpstai rea ylcaalut TNO yeclopmelt inertlefi ye(ht ahve elki a 2% cnecha ot iifz)rtele. Ttha phlse me rrbemmee the netliarn fmalee usterutscr ear trh,ee I ustj uricpte them roem sa "p.eyt"m +1

 -12  upvote downvote
submitted by nosancuck(102)
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Wyh ??dta?!

We eb lnooik at eemsnoo wthi na RYS form reed Y e emh!criyDo eb a Y hmreoic mHeio so ehty eb mnaki omse iesTts tniimeDnre Foctra chihw I eb ersu kamse msoe niec lli TIAN ALIERUNLM ARFTCO os yed tian ogt hatt elFeam lntrInea crTta u ownk tahw i be nayis

Adn ncies immizwn si ad UFALTDE hyet stil be egittn dsoe ysusp psli and srbseate

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meningitis  The vboae xltaepnnioa is ocrcret ndigs(iadrger eth drha to dear dan lueanfronsosip aedctil) tub jtsu in seac nayneo aws -otgi ntarc:oemiwhn gevdn =inare sutJ a kcuqi way of nngkowi ti asw a byo. hTe mtre epialsp ot the nlcieu fo cllse ni amorln lemas sa wlle as osthe ni savinilduid htwi rnaitce mmrhooasolc bnmtialsiareo +17
yotsubato  erTunr drnoyems ientsatp ear salo ainctrhom eenagtiv sa ellw +6
sympathetikey  I ntd'di kwno a pncmoiailoct sntgomsiti-nipe was aklc fo .rhmou +6
sympathetikey  hA, id'ndt dear eth aslt .lnei e,hYa htat is nagitk ti a itb fra +32
niboonsh  laly ear rteash. this is hte itfrs ltxeinanpao ttha ash ever dmae ssnee ot me +7
arkmoses  tww=;pov/oBh--mymtw:Xy/sostcbut/3&h=.a?wpeau7u7.otcLe rtnsteIgnie eonsrydm anwchgti shit peedlh me to put ti oitn lrae ilfe eiste,crvepp riesenttgni tpnois hyte ehva no bcuip dar/bihoy ,hira etyh apalynrtep loas tdon sl,elm dna bartes szie is sualyul +2
whoissaad  Hwo osde mvngta-cteniieoarh niidacet a rnomal cel?l nsIt' ocmniahrt jsut edceosndn N?DA +2
cienfuegos  orginccAd to hsti rpape somt ainlivddusi iwth eTurrn nroydSme ear ocihmtnar g:iavente "eOn of het iiltain ralaryobot dorcpseure udes ot fcrnoim or urel tuo siht nsoisdgai svoneliv a sex athcorinm dtimtineaenro from a ubalcc saem.r elslC fmro the ngnlii fo hte thoum rae deatsni fro the enrescep or seeacbn fo coatnhi-rmX ro Brra bi,odes hchwi eteesrpnr a introop fo na aaineidtvct X .coroomsmhe hTe pyailtc Trunre’s rdmnsyeo pattei,n ohw ash 45 smhsroecoom and nylo one xse osmhrecomo (an X,) has on rBar dbosei and is, eeh,rfoter racinmot-hX haei.sginT evt rmaloban Xhmoct-arni eeigvtan nfindig in het mrotyiaj fo rue’Tnrs oenysrmd salfeem si iimsalr to teh srletu dufno ni a olnmra am,el hwo lsao sha lyno neo X mrhocosom,e dna fsreidf from het mcohnra-tXi psovetii oinodncit veborsed ni hte lnmoar f,eelma owh sha two X smooes.mhroc oiOscyac,nall eth apettin thwi ratuesef fo rseTnr’u dosmynre is fonud ot eb nXmt-corhia vopi". seitcCmc/iot:Pi9lavs1n/3/Mh/h2g8c.l./swnwmpne.i.63pt/rtbw +2
hyperfukus  i rleyal etha aherts siht si msaeo!ew +2
selectuw  ot dad ot eth ae,obv free rtsoeesonett is daziormeta to egsrotne lidaeng ot sertab tvepnlmeode +1
misrao  sI the erfe teeetosrntos tno geacinrt elma entinarl or xtalenre gatlaeni aeucbes fo the cfdtee ni ngdeaorn sreectp?or +1

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